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DarkRP Rules Updated (4/28/2024) ×

A few small suggestions


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1. Allow donor law enforcement jobs access to PD doors

pretty self explanatory, currently jobs like swat and spartan cannot unlock doors in pd so it makes it very hard for them to spend any time there

2. Random weapon event

In the pop up for the random weapon event, it says you will get a random weapon and unlimited ammo, but this is false. Weapons spawn with their default amount of ammo, which leaves people that get the crossbow and other weapons that dont have purchasable ammo fucked.

3. When changing jobs, the "you have already purchased this in your current life" message in the vending machine stays, but the upgrades dont

This is very problematic if you have upgrades, run for Mayor, and want to get upgrades again once you become mayor due to the fact that the only way to fix it is suicide and suicide will demote and ban you from mayor for a short amount of time.

4. Rape swep glitch

If a rapist rapes you and disconnects during the actual raping process, the person who was raped will be frozen in place until they also disconnect or until a staff member respawns them. Additionally, if respawned by a staff member, the noise played while being raped will continue to play where everyone can hear it until another rapist rapes the person.


this is all i can think of right now, i will probably be back to this section soon

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