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    • For you appeal to be considered, edit your current post to fit the following format.  
    • Garnet Staff, I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to formally appeal my recent ban from the Garnet Gaming forum and server. My in-game name is sleepypost, and I was banned for prop spamming. I fully understand that prop spamming is against the rules, and I accept responsibility for my actions. However, I would like to provide some context and explanation for my behavior in hopes of receiving a second chance.   For the past few hours, I have experienced repeated raids on my base by a player named Sid Wilson. Despite my base being in an unready state and my attempts to fortify and defend it, Sid Wilson continued to raid me with no repercussions. I made several attempts to reach out to staff for assistance, but unfortunately, my pleas for help went unanswered. This lack of support left me feeling helpless and frustrated.   Sid Wilson, being a VIP player, seemed to have an advantage that I, as a regular player, could not contend with. His repeated raids severely disrupted my gameplay experience and enjoyment. Feeling cornered and desperate, I resorted to prop spamming in an attempt to protect my base and retaliate against the relentless attacks. I recognize now that this was the wrong course of action and not in line with the community guidelines. I deeply regret my decision to prop spam, as it negatively impacted the server and other players' experiences. My frustration and sense of helplessness led me to take drastic measures, which I now realize was a mistake. I am genuinely sorry for my actions and any inconvenience they may have caused.   Moving forward, I am committed to adhering to the server rules and contributing positively to the community. I respectfully request that you consider lifting my ban and allowing me the opportunity to make amends. I understand the importance of fair play and community guidelines, and I assure you that I will not repeat the same mistake. Thank you for taking the time to read my appeal. I appreciate your consideration and hope to be given a second chance to participate in the Garnet Gaming community.   Sincerely, sleepypost
    • I have hardly seen you in game much if at all so I think that maybe we get on at different times? But seeing as johnweak gave you his referral I would assume he at least has seen you. Now with that said you have made two previous apps which both were put into interview stage and then both denied after the fact to which you have gave your explanation but in the denied reason it does give due to behavior issues or things we have seen in game. However I cannot attest to these again due to I don't see you any. Your app is well-written and you have a decent amount of hours in game. You say you can give 2-3 hours but didn't give whether that was per day or per week. But overall I am just going to remain NEUTRAL due to I don't see you any.
    • I thought that said, "you seem like a child" and i was about to say damn i didn't think i acted like a child LOL. Thank you for the reply, i got approved already but thanks for the +1
    • So a few things I am going to say here will be similar to some others overall your app is well written you have a decent amount of hours and seem chill in game. I haven't seen you getting into trouble as well as if you make a report they are always valid and lead to something. I haven't interacted with you a lot in game but every time I do I see you as a chill and easy going person. You have prior experience as a staff member on this server so that should help but you will probably need to adapt to the new ways we do things here. I honestly don't see any reason why you should be denied. Good luck and see you on the server!   +1
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