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    • +1 I like the ideas and am excited to see what you can do as a GM
    • Ive Seen you around and had some fun times with you as well. You know you rules from what ive seen and my encounters with you have always been pleasant. I don't see why you should not have a shot at becoming one of the staff members. Playtime is perfect  + Age is perfect + Staffing Experience + Paragraphs +/- due to only one. Knowledge of DARKRP +  All in all i think you'd be perfect. +1 Mysterio Gaming
    • In-game name: Saxon Age: 22 SteamID (https://steamid.io/): 76561198253552748 Warns:0 Timezone: CST Playtime?: 1954.4 Total hours in gmod, been playing since around 2015 Do you have access to TeamSpeak and a microphone?: Yes Do you have the ability to record Garry's Mod videos?: No Referral(s): N/A Past experiences as a Game Master: Have Game Master Experience dating back to 2020. Doing GM work for Fusion Networks For their clone wars and imperial rp servers. Why should we choose you over other applicants?: While I am a college student who can't be available 24/7 I have a lot of experience with doing GM work, I enjoy diversity, variety and putting full focus on entertainment while ensuring that a majority of events have something to do for all players, whether they be infantry, regs, jedi or specialist type classes, with a focus on player retention and fun activities. And enjoy having a healthy balance between roleplay and immersion and the more whacky nature of Garry's mod as a whole. I also enjoy doing smaller scale activities and events between bigger events to retain population and provide fun for the player base. Letting players play around with server mechanics and parts of the sandbox and weapons that aren't restricted, along with incorporating RP. Have you ever been banned or punished on any server? If so, Include details: Never How much time do you have to contribute to the role?: Due to being a college student, aside from studying, family time and going out, I have a fair amount of time off, as I have the weekends off, most weekday afternoons and evenings if Im not busy with studying or family time. In your own words, what are the responsibilities of a Gamemaster?: A Gamemaster should always focus on making fun and interesting events that the player base enjoys, the job of a GM is crucial since it is one of the main draws Star wars RP. The GM should be ready to prioritize the fun of the players, even if it means that the event didn't go the way you wanted. Not rail roading, and knowing when to balance out difficulty and challenging gameplay. Along with learning how to use the source engine to their advantage and keeping in mind it's limitations and when to take criticism or learn from other gms. And most importantly keeping players invested and returning to the server   Describe how you would contribute to RP as a part of the Gamemaster team: I love making everyone feel included and important when possible, when I have the numbers I love to spread people apart when possible so everyone can get a fair share of attention, special forces maybe going to smaller scale operator ops where they get to bond and feel more like theyre doing their roll, same with other forms of units like regular units, but I love letting them get to do big and awesome stuff too, I enjoy doing narrative focused rps that focus on the impact of the war and let players feel like they are making an impact, instead  of it always being (X CIS fort needs to have data taken or destroyed) I love getting people to RP characters and having interactions with those who enjoy doing so, I also like to introduce fun antagonists when possible to give the server more of an identity that helps it stand out compared to other servers. I love to get the chance to balance out actually doing serious or interesting arcs and moments that make people intrigued and invested and knowing when to have fun, sometimes its good to read the room and engage with the player base to see what they are in the mood for, sometimes people want a more chill event where they get to shoot something, sometimes people want a good rp narrative that involves making the choice to determine the fate of a colony on the edge of annhilation.   Explain your single most creative idea for contributing to the RP environment of the server: It was in Imperial RP, Honestly it can be challenging as the setting doesn't allow for as much narrative wise. I came up with the idea to shake things up. The Empire wanted to drive up recruitment and vilify the Rebels, So the High Command (Me) Devise a plan to have a detachment of soldiers disguise themselves as rebels and raid a imperial colony. Thus Garnering sympathy for the Empire and creating propaganda to rally and boost moral to the cause. The players now disguised as rebels, armed with rebel weapons, vehicles and equipment lead a assault on the town, destroying imperial and local defense forces, and civilians. Leaving zero survivors or witnesses. Taking business buildings, and the local imperial fortress as well, destroying all of the local garrison and destroying any ship trying to leave. A fellow staff member came to me with the idea of having him and his friend rp as a force wielding child. (silly but I thought it would be fun) that were hiding out in a local cave, when the main mission was done they head to the cave, upon arrival a bit of fun (non serious) drama happens when the military wants to destroy the child while the inquistors want to take the child to be trained, causing fun player conflict that they were able to resolve. Once that was taken care of, the forces would extract. A bit dark and honestly not my usual style but it can be challenging keeping things fresh with the limited options of imperial rp and was very fresh compared to the usual stuff going on like hunting x jedi or rebel fort. Please list and explain 5 unique event ideas of any scale: [Be sure to include any additional context that may be necessary to your explanation] 1. After months of brutal campaigns THE CHANCELLOR himself calls on the service Of the jedi and their men to accompany him to a life day festival on Naboo, what seems like a break and a boring assignment turns sour quickly as during the festival a group of mercs and troublemakers plan to sabotage the event, via guerilla and stealth attacks, via vehicle bombs, bio weapons and assassination attempts on Palpatine (though not really) and the senators and diplomats, Palpatine secretly growing tired of the bunch and wanting them either gone or at the very least hoping if anyone saves the day it will be Skywalker to further his goals. Players will be in a different situation than usual. Having to rely on paying attention for traps, bombs, strange characters, and other signs of a potential assault, this would mostly be a event used as a bit of a change of pace or to refresh people. 2. The Peaceful planet of Bing-5 has been blockaded by the Separatists after joining the Republic, Cut off from all supply the population risk brutal occupation and starvation. The Planet ripe with resources is completely shut off from outside contact with a massive shield generator, with few options the Navy calls on the jedi and their clones to pull off a daring Mission, while Republic ships cannot enter atmosphere CIS vessels can, While the 9th fleet leads a bold diversion, a detachment of clones led by their jedi leaders will board one of the CIS flag ships, Jamming communications and either taking complete control of the ship or crash landing it planet side. Upon which the Players will head on to attack the planetary shield generator and destroy it, allowing for the 9th fleet to punch a hole in the blockade and bring supplies to the suffering innocents of the populace! 3. As the war rages on Palpatine and his apprentice Plan for the future, their eyes looking to the past for answers. Old scriptures speak of an ancient Sith super weapon capable of untold destruction. This revelation leads the Jedi Council to act swift and steadfast after finding evidence of such a weapon being used, an Ancient factory forge world powered by the dark side, capable of making and engineering all sorts of horrors and building an army of monsters and droids alike, this could potentially span into a multi event campaign where players see the devastation of such weapons until locating the coordinates to the FORGE WORLD, Players will use all sorts of vehicles and weapons to lead an all out assault, While Count Dooku is on the planet, the jedi send a strike team to try and cut him off and take him alive, (though will probably fail) while this is happening Clone Commandos and special forces will be sent to sneak inside the facility. While the jedi and main clone forces think they are there to wipe and destroy all data, in secret they will have direct orders from the Chancellor himself to save this data and bring it to him. And must do their best to keep this secret. 4. The war has left it's toll on the galaxy, and while many join the CIS, some who work with them find out that those they align with are far from noble, a Engineer working for One of the CIS corporations wishes to defect. Contacting republic spies wishing to defect and trade military secrets for his freedom, Upon the original recovery mission the commandos sent to get him were brutally killed by Assajj Ventress, Dooku's dark assassin. And the Engineer is brought to a POW Prison in the remote Outer Rim to work under the fear of death, Causing the GAR to lead a bold prison break mission to free the Engineer and other political prisoners and clone POW's, Clone specialists sent to recover the Engineer Via a stealth insert, while the remaining forces insert through stealth means as well, making their way throughout the prison, whether they wish to recover all prisoners and the way they do it will be up to their discretion, but their top priority is securing the Engineer and bringing him back to the LZ, upon death of the engineer means a mission failure, but rescuing the other prisoners is still achievable.  5. While the Republic has it's hands occupied with the CIS, Many upstart and existing underworld elements see nothing but opportunity to grasp at power, The spice trade taking it's toll on many outer rim worlds and worse growing too popular with some Clone units such as the 75th infantry, leading several to die due to the poisonous substances. This causing the Council to send quick reactions to quell this threat, After Much debate the council launches an unsanctioned mission to the planet of Reenus after finding out the Black Sun is behind this scourge, While the planet is Neutral it is very welcome to republic troops coming during leave and spending their credits at their casinos. The forces must make their way into the city under the cover of night, and find a way into the black sun casino and locate the Local Leader and make their way to the underground spice facility, Two objectives splitting the forces in two while facing heavy opposition, One to capture or Kill the Black Sun Leader while the remaining forces destroy the factory and all data on how to made the spice. Eradicating it and saving countless clone and civilian lives.
    • -1 weak paragraphs dont know you that much, and then theres the ban.
    • +Age +Playtime -/+ Paragraphs +Read the rules   Although the guidelines state 2 paragraphs, your 1 was quality. I don't think there is a need to know someone in game to give them a +1
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