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      • StarWarsRP
      • 15 / 128
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      • DarkRP Discord
      • discord.gg/Thj9BCvFRs
      • 237 / 237
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      • discord.gg/vzCEUKPk2d
      • 251 / 251
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      • discord.gg/FGD96grWbu
      • 243 / 243
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    • In-game name: GCF bando Discord username: challengemyegoAge: 15SteamID (https://steamid.io/): STEAM_0:1:660332189Active Warns: Prop blockTimezone: GMT-5/ ESTCurrent Playtime: 81:59:22Do you have access to Discord and a microphone?: [YES/NO] Yes Are you a member of the Garnet Gaming DarkRP Discord?: [YES/NO] YesDo you have the ability to record Garry's Mod videos?:[YES/NO] YesReferral(s): [What administrator recommended you to apply?] NonePast experiences as staff: [Optional] YesWhy should we choose you over other applicants?: [minimum 2 paragraphs] I should be chosen over other applicants because I have read all the staff rules and server rules, I do not play any other servers in Gmod besides DarkRP garnet, I am respectful to others and can help people learn the game easier, I give 2nd chances to the people who do not understand the rules or have not read the rules unless it is major.Have you ever been banned or punished on any server? If so, Include details: No.Have you made any previous applications, If so when?: No.How much time do you have to contribute to the role?: A lot, Dark RP is the only game I really play.If you have any, what hobbies or activities are you involved in outside of Garry's Mod?: Basketball.Did you read the staff rules?: Yes.
    • [DarkRP - 03/14/2025]     MOTD Honestly how the fuck did I not give us an MOTD for 4 years, when all other servers have one. UI looks like shit, I made it in 20 minutes, but it works ;D        The Merkurator Due to a never ending number of messages I get while i'm in school studying about ban evaders and such, I made Merk the most robust tool that I think I've ever made in Garry's Mod to detect ban evasion, it checks so many things that you might as well waste your time getting on another computer with a VPN, as opposed to trying to evade again Rest of the UI was hidden for obvious reasons :DD        Leveling System Prestiged players no longer have to level back up after prestiging to switch to a lower prestige job, IE: a prestige 1 level 1 player can now access all prestige 0 jobs. F4 menu was updated to reflect this change by showing you jobs of lower prestige as available       Drug System All drug purchasers have been merged into 1 single NPC       Administration Re-wrote the gag command to be extremely optimized, as well as adding duration support Super Admins (Merk) now has access to PermaProps       Bacta Grenade A starwars-inspired Bacta grenade was added, it works like a reversed nervegas, where instead of losing health, you gain health       Bugs & Misc Fixed issue with printers being unclaimable after a restart (restart recovery system bug) Disabled the /demote command due to being a nuisance Players who died as a result of a hit will be notified of this when they try to /report the hitman Disabled NLR when dying in adminland/events Throttled pet behavior if players' FPS gets too low (no reason to worry about clean pet animations if your frames are shit) Fixed issue where Lotto wouldn't send to all players on the server Disabled NLR for Banana slips Optimized tons of random shit for server performance (there's no improving the server anymore from here 😞) Lockdowns will automatically end after 5 minutes
    • reading orions n jonny posts i gotta agree with them so -1
    • Description:   I just want to preface by saying I won't be suggesting any super specific rules in this post, and hope that the staff team can come up with better ones together than I could by myself if this is approved. Gambling on garnet is very popular. Many users set up booths and spend the majority of their time solely running gambling operations. As such, I think modifying the rules to help mitigate scams is a pretty obvious move. Reasoning:   Much (if not all) of the gambling on garnet is done through different uses of the /roll command. While scams like the /me <roll message> commands are well known by regular players of DarkRP, not all gambling setups use this command, nor are there any rules in place defining what's appropriate for /roll gambling. The only rule I could find that can vaguely be used to defend yourself from these sorts of scams was "You may not scam players (Promising something to someone and not following through)." While this rule does broadly include most gambling methods, I think it should be more specifically stated, and should also include gambling that doesn't leverage /roll (especially considering how specific most other rules appear to be, it's a weird inconsistency). Rules specific to /roll gambling can be safely set up without much extra effort from staff, and it's more the alternate gambling methods I have a problem with. I've seen a big uptick in gambling like blackjack popping up, utilizing external services where they either use a script or copy and paste returns from their blackjack software. Both forms of this require immense trust towards whoever the "dealer" is. While oftentimes these booths are run by staff, the amount of banned/demoted staff members we've had on Garnet should show that backing by the staff member running it doesn't inherently make it a trustworthy system.   Suggested solution:   Implement rules around /roll gambling, and require any gambling operations not using /roll to receive approval by staff members of a certain level (Admin+?) It's brain dead easy to pull up Chat GPT, and to ask it to create translations of gambling games using a 1-100 number generator substantially favoring the house. While this usually isn't a "scam" considering that 1-100 number generator odds are easily advertised and intuited, the same is not true for gambling services not using /roll. It'd be just as easy for me to set up a blackjack script that ensures I win when I'd like to, with clauses to make sure it appears realistic when I need it to. To remedy this, I feel that all non-/roll gambling setups should not only have to be approved by a staff member of a high rank, but should also have the "back end" of their operation posted publicly on the forums, so that all players know what they're getting themselves into. I understand that there are many loopholes, and that an individual could just alter the code after having it approved, but if gambling outside of /roll can't be properly moderated then it should be outright banned. Thanks for reading all this     TL;DR: Add rules for gambling. If the non-/roll gambling can't be properly moderated, then ban it outright.    
    • -1 While your event Ideas are not bad I do have to agree that with a long hiatus away things have changed. I recommend you get some more time back on the server first
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