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    • UNDER REVIEW Thank you for your appeal. Please allow up to 24-48 hours for a response from a member of the Operator Division. As well as allowing a reasonable timeframe to gather the facts pertaining to your ban. Please note, bans will only be appealed if they are of a false nature, incorrect reasoning, and in some cases mishandling of sit/report/ban. 
    • Who are you reporting? [Staff/Player]: sunnymuffinsYour in-game name: NurfyYour SteamID (https://steamid.io/): STEAM_0:1:62020744In-game name of reportee: sunnymuffinsSteamID of reportee (https://steamid.io/): STEAM_0:1:116434005Date & Time of incident: 07/07/2024 15:30PM Timezone: PDTWhat happened? (include any proof): https://imgur.com/TGVPvBQ      NuT BBC Coopa was arrested and looking to pay money to be unarrested. I told NuT BBC Coopa to give me 3 million RPCash for me to bail him out of prison. Being the sly meth manufacturing criminal that he is, he gave me 250k RPCash. Because this wasn't the correct amount of money, I killed him to send him back to his jail cell. I was then reported for scamming him. While personally I don't know how this constitutes as scamming in any way (writing 250000 and 3000000 are very different), I do know that a ban for in-game scamming is not listed in the D3A or any of the Server Rules.       The argument on whether or not I am required to pay back money to someone who has paid me on accident I'm not too worried about. However, I was threatened with a 4-day ban. On the D3A the only 4-day ban listed is for NITRP. Whether or not scamming is NITRP, I did have an RP reason for not wanting to give the money back. I had just arrested him for illegal money printers, and meth manufacturing. I saw any money confiscated from this player as drug money off the street, which is why I was willing to unarrest him for the price of 3 million RPCash in the first place. I am ultimately making this report to clarify the rules for myself and other players who might be confused because, as far as I'm informed only scamming for IRL Money would constitute a ban. 
    • Thanks for the positive feedback!
    • Please use the following format for a staff report: https://forums.garnetgaming.net/index.php?/topic/23718-format-playerstaff-report/     Or this one for a ban appeal: https://forums.garnetgaming.net/index.php?/topic/23716-format-ban-appeal/     If you could use those formats it will give us a better idea of going on. Your story sounds very strange and does not make alot of sense.    Thank you
    • Steam id: #      2 "dill pickles?"     STEAM_0:1:78022146  00:15      110    2 active   My name in Garnet Gaming is The able bull   Was banned on 7/7/24 i believe   And here's what happened: As soon as i entered the server I was rdm'd by a guy and lost  a lot of gear that was in my hands out my inventory And i made a report on him and got him jailed for 4 minutes. Then he got all his friends to come around and harass and rdm every time i spawned so i kept making reports on his friends for rdm to and got a few of them banned for 3 weeks and also jailed on multipule occasions for also 4 minutes. Long story short every time i was done making a report they would come up and body block and trap my character in a corner and also spawn props where i couldnt move and talk mad junk cursing and saying rude stuff, litterally harassing and rdming non stop   And so the manager came and said they jsut had a discussion with the admins saying if they keep it up they will be banned not to go by them. So i was walking around the city and they were right there and i said yeah i got the admins looking out so yall better stop. and the manager pulled a sit with just me and said dude i told you not to go by them and he banned my steam id for 10 years! and i love garnet gaming, may i please be unbanned?
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