In-game name: C block crazybutcutegirl (I think I change it a lot)SteamID (
Staff members in-game name: GamingCarrotStaff members SteamID ( (/id (name): STEAM_0:1:93460670
Date & Time of incident: This morning while I was at school.Timezone: ESTBan Reason: "grow up" How long were you banned for?: I think forever, it says 4 million mins. Proof of Ban: I can't upload screenshots I'm on a MacBook Air. What happened? (include any proof): I genuinely have no idea why I was banned, I spent over 100 bucks on the server last night and was on for hours with little to no issues. I made a few reports last night, only one of them being super serious, which was a report made on me for slander, because I was making it known I was uncomfortable with someones approach towards me. seeing as gaming carrot has had it out for me since I joined the server I can understand why he wanted me banned. Saying "grow up" is insane considering I am in middle school. Im not sure what reoccurring issues I would've brought to the server was reason for a ban. I enjoy the friends I've made so far, and the only time I act out is when I get sexually harassed or harassed in general and it doesn't get handled correctly. Ive done nothing but try to get rid of weirdos from this server, and have a good time and make money. I have not done anything worth a ban, I have 3 warns, one for rdm, and 2 for diss in sit. I can agree sometimes I let my anger slide out and I say some words that aren't too nice and friendly, but I've never used a slur, I've never harassed anyone, and I definitely didn't deserve this ban. because I have not done anything wrong. Every time I was told to keep my mouth shut or my opinion to myself I have, there's so many players on this server that have done nothing but be toxic and weird around me and I see them get no deserved punishment, and I'm getting this undeserved one? I'm not trying to make a pity party out of this but I genuinely have no idea why I was banned for needing to grow up half of the player base thinks its funny to say the word rape.. but I need to grow up?? this is just insane, I'm sorry for the attitude but I cannot believe I spent so much money on here last night, I cleared my beef with Sts and GCF so I can play without feeling targeted, than this happens. I'm sorry for whatever trouble I have caused the server and its members, this is my first time playing dark rp and I'm just trying to get the hang of it, the servers I come from not even cussing is allowed, so this is insanely new for me and the weird sexual comments made by players and things are also new to me, I promise to get a better handle on my emotions and how I react towards players when they say things, I also have a clipping software now, and learned when someone says something to me I shouldn't react I should just clip and report, which I have been doing since. I've only played this server for 6 days and I would really like another chance to prove I'm not some drama starter or some immature kid. I'm sorry to you gaming carrot for whatever I did to you, what you said about my friends made me react insanely immature and I should've just kept my mouth shut in the sit, but you warned me for it and I thought that drama was over. I've been using vc less top avoid harassment and I've been basing with players who are genuinely nice and good people so I can enjoy my time here and rank up , I have so much fun with my friends on here, please give me another chance. thank you for reading and I hope I get unbanned lol.
I know it doesn't matter at this point, but I have multiple staff that could vouch that my actions from my first day to now have positively changed and I've continued to grow and learn the server, sometimes things get handled badly on my behalf, but once again this is my first dark rp server, I had no idea half the stuff that is allowed is allowed. I've read the rules throughly last night and now I am ready to continue playing the server and build bonds with players and staff and as I grow and things maybe I could even staff one day! I have nothing but love and care for the server and the people I've met on it. I agree that I started on a bad foot because I let my anger and insecurity and sensitivity get the best of me. I've realised this isn't all sunshine and rainbows. I'm going to meet toxic people, just ignore, clip, and report. I promise to never let my anger or personal issues get the best of me and say outlandish things in chat. when I got upset I thought saying something about it in ooc would get it off my chest and make me feel better, I've learned that's the worst thing to do and I need to let the staff do their job. most if not all of the staff team have been nothing but friendly and amazing to me, including gaming carrot, he saw I was a new player and I could get myself into the wrong crews, and as much as I hate to admit it, he was correct. but I was being immature and I ignored his help and behaved like an idiotic brat and I deeply apologise, it'll never happen again. please give me another chance to prove my quality as a person and a player. I promise to not bring drama or toxicity to the server. this was a learning expiernce and I've learned so much with this. I am so sorry once again. I really hope I get to play again, I really loved this server. thanks for reading
Description: Currently weed cultivator's light is way too finnicky and inconsistent. I often see players struggling with getting at least one of their plant pots to receive light from the source provided in the F4 menu. This is something that has been an issue for a while but currently is harming the server as there are people who really want to level up but are hindered by this issue. I think you should be able to have one light that has a fair radius to allow for both plants to receive Light at the same time, or perhaps increase the plant pot's light detection radius.
Reasoning: The staff team gets plenty of sits and discord tickets regarding this issue. I think fixing this in some way could help new players exponentially, as there is a pretty fair exp threshold between Weed Cultivator and Meth Manufacturer that Deliveryman will just take too long for. I also believe that a more consistent Weed Cultivator could increase the amount of bases that are seen on server, as well as how many new players attempt to learn the basing rules. Ultimately, new players need more ways to earn exp and this should be more accessible and not so finnicky.Additional Info: Both pots have the exact same setup but one is not receiving light.