[DarkRP - 4/01/2024]
Happy new years! (3 days late)
The server has been tediously optimized (again) to give you all what appears to be 11% more frames - this may be a bigger number with more population online
Linked Doors
The linked door tool has been re-made for GMs, as a replacement for Witcher Gates!
Left click will spawn in a door, and then left clicking against will set its destination
Our UI has been upscaled (i'm so sorry you guys had to deal with this for almost 10 years)
I want to state first that you have admitted to the ban. While I understand you may be a person of color, our rules state that any use of the word can lead to a punishable offense. Overviewing the situation, I had not given you a prior warning on the usage of the word. Therefore I had not communicated with you that usage of the word despite your race could lead to a ban. Due to these circumstances, I'm willing to give you a second chance with the knowledge that you refrain from using the word and following the server rules on it. In regards to the casino scam, that has already been dealt with in-game with the main individual responsible for it given a ban from having a casino placed down in the meantime until trust is earned.