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    • Garry's Mod Garry's Mod
      • DarkRP
      • 50 / 128
          • Map rp_downtown_tits_v2
          • Protocol source
          • Percentage filling 39%
          • Most players 0
      • StarWarsRP
      • 6 / 128
          • Map rp_anaxes_garnet_v2
          • Protocol source
          • Percentage filling 5%
          • Most players 0
      • MilitaryRP
      • 0 / 0
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          • Percentage filling 0%
          • Most players 0
    • Discord Discord
      • DarkRP Discord
      • discord.gg/Thj9BCvFRs
      • 269 / 269
          • Most players 330
      • MilitaryRP Discord
      • discord.gg/vzCEUKPk2d
      • 511 / 511
          • Most players 632
      • StarWarsRP Discord
      • discord.gg/FGD96grWbu
      • 321 / 321
          • Most players 392
    • 6 Total servers
    • 1157 / 1357 Total players
    • 85% Filled servers
  • Posts

    • +1 Genuine time spent in making this application alone is worth my +1   Never had any issues with you in game and know you to be a great member of the community.   Willing to admit to fault and take responsibility for previous actions.   I think you would be great for the staff team.
    • You meet most of the reqs but Imma give a -1 for two reasons.   Firstly, the "paragraphs" you gave could have been condensed into the above quoted question as a single sentence to show your availability. (I work 7-days a week but have up to 12 hours of playtime daily to offer.)   Secondly, I'd like to see a bit more effort in the structure of your 2 paragraphs. Each paragraph should be 4-5 sentences, find two topics to focus on within your paragraphs and give supporting clauses for why you think those are the reasons the Garnet staff should consider you.   Thank you for applying. I hope this helps out. Best of luck!  
    • i recommend dont dox threat anyone, free advice
    • In-game name: Clutch  Discord username: Clutch_Tre4 Age: 31 Steam ID: 76561199267930386 Active Warns: not sure  Timezone: EST Current Playtime: 83 hours  Do you have access to Discord and a microphone: Yes Are you a member of the Garnet Gaming DarkRP Discord: Yes Do you have the ability to record Garry’s Mod videos: Yes Referrals(s): StS Heart, StS PC Haze DLN CK Past experience as staff: none on GMOD but was staff/mod on servers I ran for GTA RP Why should we choose you over other applicants: My application should be considered because of my age. I'm more mature I believe then the majority of players on dark rp. The second consideration is that I work 12 hour shifts from 7pm to 7am my job allows me to be online gaming for that entire 12 hour shift. I would be able to help staff during those hours and be able to be productive during those times. I do work 7 days a week and can be on for long periods of time.  Have you ever been banned or punished on any server?: No Have you made any previous applications?: How much time do you have to contribute to the role?: No If you have any, what hobbies or activities are you involved with outside of Garry’s Mod?: Gun range, video games, movies, TV shows, new restaurants, working, gym. Did you read the staff rules?: Clutch
    • In-game name: ItsJesus Discord username: itsjesus. SteamID (https://steamid.io/): 76561199046957674   Age: 22   Active Warns: 0 Active, 0 Total Timezone: CST Current Playtime: 374:03:18 Do you have access to Discord and a microphone?: Yes Are you a member of the Garnet Gaming DarkRP Discord?: Yes Do you have the ability to record Garry's Mod videos?: Yes (Medal.tv) Referral(s): N/A Past experiences as staff:  Administrator: RSClan.gg Battlebit Community Advisor: ShadowfallRP Administrator: Prometheus Networks Upper Administration: Typhon Networks Lead Mod: Exhibition DarkRP Chat Mod: GarnetGaming Rust Community Manager: Project Steele SantosRP Head Admin: TritonRP DarkRP Moderator: GFL PurgeRP Moderator: GFL TTT Admin: YeetRP DarkRP Why should we choose you over other applicants?: [minimum 2 paragraphs] I have a long and storied history on gmod, from doing basic in game moderation of darkrp servers to managing 3000 player communities, I have done most, if not all that one can do in terms of community moderation. I have worked with numerous plugins, including, but not limited to, ULX, Blogs, AWarns, and other custom programs. I am known to be level headed, to offer an unbiased viewpoint, and follow guidelines to better the health of a community. I have been around garnet for the last few months, and have seen how the community operates, how staff members are expected to behave, and I believe that I can uphold and promote those values.   Carrot had spoke to me a few weeks ago about becoming staff, and I had written an application, but my computer crashed, and I took that as a sign to not apply. The primary reason I felt today was the day, was the past few days I have noticed an increase in ticket times, and a decrease of available staff members during the hours I normally play. I feel that as a fairly regular player, my past experience as a staff member on other servers would be put to good use here. I believe that in the 374 hours I have been a part of the darkrp community, I have proved my integrity, and have hopefully regained the community's respect.   My qualifications: In my time on Prometheus Networks I regularly took upwards of 100 tickets a week, was active on applicable ban appeals, and active in the discord/amongst the community. The majority of those tickets were rdm/model changes, but some involved ddos threats, doxxing, and other larger issues. In my time with RSClan, I was responsible for dispute mediation and ban appeals, as well as assisting in creating proactive moderation programs, and setting filters through battlemetrics.    Have you ever been banned or punished on any server? If so, Include details: I was permanently banned in 2020 from Garnet Gaming Rust servers after I was game banned for using a script software on my main account. Since 2020, I have grown as a person, and part of the reason I have waited to put in an application was to prove to the community that I can follow the rules and not cause issues. I am happy to talk with anyone about this incident, as there is no reason to run from mistakes.    Have you made any previous applications, If so when?: Yes, Rust Chat Moderator, July 28, 2020 (https://forums.garnetgaming.net/index.php?/topic/11105-koss-jesus-moderator-application/) How much time do you have to contribute to the role?: 4-6 hours daily, but that may vary depending on my work schedule. If you have any, what hobbies or activities are you involved in outside of Garry's Mod?: Professionally, I am a state licensed EMT, and currently working on getting my Paramedic license. I have worked in hospital, and on a truck for about 3 years now, primarily performing ALS care. In addition to that, I operate a small warehouse where we stock internal pump components for fire trucks, and are currently working with some of the largest producers of fire trucks in the US. In addition to stocking the parts, I create scale prototypes using 3d printers, which allows me to deliver a scale part to our customer in about 3 days, cutting down the prototype process from being a 100 day process to a 7-10 day process. I assembled and coded a large format Hybrid Core XY IDEX 3d printer, and run a small print farm.   Did you read the staff rules?: ItsJesus
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