HUGE +1 +1 In-game interactions
+1 Read staff rules
+1 Playtimes
+1 Age
+1 Paragraphs
Honestly, I have nothing bad to say about Risky honestly, he's always been super awesome, and I believe he will be an awesome staff member.
+ Age (Meets requirements) + No active warns (has prior bans but they aren't recent: + Playtime
(Please fix your SteamID, it is STEAM_0:1:483705189)
- Referrals (How do you get a referral but forget their name?)
- Paragraphs
- Did not Read the Staff Rules
I gave you -1 for a few reasons, you forgot to include your SteamID which is arguably the most important part. It allows players to verify that the information in your application is correct by referencing it with the Server and the Bans Database. @Baiter, @MunchieZ@Haze4269@KoSS_Jesus all informed you about it, and you still haven't fixed it. You said that you had a referral but you couldn't even try to find out who it was. In your paragraphs you say
What have you changed? What did you do in the past? We don't know you. How do you want to make Garnet a better place? All of these things could have been used to fill in the lack of paragraphs. You also write about solving people's problems, What problems are you trying to solve? How would you solve them? As for the bans, the last ban was almost a year ago and most of them are for MassRDM (screenshot included above), so it's not as bad as others but still relevant. Overall it seems that you did not put much effort behind your application. It seems that others think the same. I would attempt to fix your paragraphs and read the staff rules as well. Thanks for applying and good luck!
+ age
+ playtime
+ paragraphs +/- interactions (haven't seen you much) + referrals (having Jonny as a referral is definitely a good thing)
+ read staff rules +1
overall, this is a good app you have good paragraphs and good referrals best of luck!
DarkRP Mod
+ Age (meets requirements) +/- Active Warn (No prior bans) + Playtime + Paragraphs + Referral (I referred you too but you forgot to mention me)
+ Read the Staff Rules
+ Community Engagement +1
I have seen you around quite a lot, you're always helping other players figure out how to build or play on the server. Reports are always super easy with you as well, they're always clear and you know the rules. I don't have much more to say, glad to see you apply. Thanks for applying and good luck!
I you did everything good! paragraphs are good situatiion is good! id love to have you on the team!
+ Referal
+ Age
+ Time on the server
+ Read the rules
+/- Warns
Still a good +1