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    • Like the application, and you seem like a nice fit. +1
    • In-game name: Delta-38 'Boss' Age: 21 SteamID (https://steamid.io/): 76561198972087444 Warns: 0 Timezone: EST.  Playtime?: 25D 6H  Do you have access to a microphone?: Yes. Do you have the ability to record Garry's Mod videos?: Yes. Referral(s): Husk Splicer Juno Jotaro Past experiences as a Game Master: Multiple servers, plus some experience as community manager. Why should we choose you over other applicants?: I think you should choose me over other applicants because I understand what makes events fun for players, and what players do not want to see. I also want to make the events fun for the players even if that means more work for me and fellow GMs. The player experience is valued above all else and I believe that trying to have everything FEEL like they are doing something or a moving part of a much larger machine during the event will help players feel more engaged no matter what. I think I have what it takes todo all this and more to help events feel alot more special and unique to the server and their respective battalions  Have you ever been banned or punished on any server? Other then a very brief and small talking to nothing huge.  How much time do you have to contribute to the role?: As much time as possible to the role helping others when needed. In your own words, what are the responsibilities of a Gamemaster?: Creating fun and engaging events for the players, not every event HAS to be unique as long as they keep players engaged and entertained throughout the entire the event. Also to talk to the community and see what kind of events THEY want to see. Most importantly be willing to help others out when asked because that will keep player pop up.   Describe how you would contribute to RP as a part of the Gamemaster team: I would make fun and engaging RP for all if not most troopers. I would try and keep everyone involved and have SOMETHING for anyone todo no matter what kind of trooper they are. I.E Have medical troopers work on keeping soldiers or civvies alive and well kept, having ENGs work on consoles or repair a LAAT to get evac ready, EOD working on defusing bombs to make sure where they are leaving is safe OR to protect the base ship ect.  Explain your single most creative idea for contributing to the RP environment of the server: City under siege with civvies and hostages hurt, getting medical troopers to treat the wounded and ensure the safety of everyone in the battlegroup. Have 104th and Jedi deal with the hostage negotiation with ENG hacking into the cities security system to get on cams to look for bombs around the city for EOD to help defuse and remove any leverage the hostage taker has little by little.  Please list and explain 5 unique event ideas of any scale:  1) CIS Political plot to take over a republic controlled planet, was how ever foiled by a CIS Senator on the run. Our objective is to find and rescue the senator and find out any more information about the attack we can, he is hiding among civvies on the planet and is being hunted by a squad of BX Commandos, if they fail to save and capture the senator they will go onto the planet with little to no aid, information, or support. If they succeed to secure the senator the fight on the planet will be a lot easier and more in the favor to the Republic.  2) Unknown faction has made its presences known in the galaxy ((Will be just combine soldiers or any other NPC faction we rarely use)). They have caused issues and friction for peace talks between non aligned and hostile planets thinking the faction was under orders from the Republic or CIS, our job is to find the little bread crumbs they have left us on the planet to lead us to holo projector with the leader waiting to talk to make demands that we cannot meet, causing another front of the war fighting this unknown yet powerful new faction. 3) Our Republic Venator is stranded in space, hyperdrive and engines have failed but everything else is still operational. Have ENG to work on the drives and engines while the rest patrol the ship. While this is all happening strange things has been happening to your troopers.... hearing voices, strange figures appearing and reappearing at will and lighting with door issues everywhere. Keep the troops sane and secure while you either wait for EVAC or repairs are done.  4)This event is for high pops. 2 front offensive, spilt the battlegroup into 2 sections ideally it would be 327th, 104th and CG and 41st 212th and 501st. The first group with 327th would be making a encampment outside the enemies stronghold defending the doors making sure no one slips out. Failure todo so will result in them being overran and the second battlegroup having issues. The second battlegroup would be going around the city destroying signal jammers so they can comms back into the fleet for a bombing run/orbital bombardment to soften up the stronghold and destroy the gate allowing everyone to move together through the stronghold clearing it and claiming it for the Republic, pushing the CIS out of the section of the planet. 5) Traitor in the Republic. During a naval meeting it is discovered that one of them have been a mole and stealing and sending information to the CIS. ENGs will be tasked with back tracing the intel to find out where it was being sent to. CG and SOB will be tasked with finding the mole and dealing with them as they see fit. The rest of the battlegroup will be on high alert protecting the base from any attacks or commandos trying to sneak in to secure their mole and getting out. If ANY CIS reach the naval they have to defend them for 3 minutes, after that they have escaped and we have failed. ENG will be tasked with either finding WHERE the intel was sent or deleting any intel sent and destroying the CIS's servers they were being sent to.
    • +1 Good application, would love to see more
    • Love the ideas and can confirm that Cyan is a great member of the community. In my opinion Cyan would make a wonderful addition to the team! +1
    • +Age  +Paragraphs are great + Ive seen you around before +/- Because of your ban history is the mass rdm but i think you can change   Its neutral for now  
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