After reviewing the evidence and this ban appeal, the operators division and I have decided to deny this ban appeal.
The main and biggest reason is
You admit to using cheats in your appeal, which is what will result in a permanent ban.
There is evidence of you using your hack menu while playing to back it up even if you changed your story.
The forums is not a place to apologize, that's what the rules are in place for.
Also, appeals on bans older than 30 days typically gets denied.
I understand that while you may have stopped using the hacks, you used them in the first place on the server which resulted in a permanent ban.
In the future, when doing something that you know you shouldn't be doing, always think about the consequences because apologies don't work all the time.
There are plenty of other servers that you can go to and have a hack free experience with yourself, unfortunately it won't be on Garnet.
Thank you for taking time and putting effort in this appeal
After deliberation with the StarWarsRP Gamemaster Leadership Team, we have decided to deny your GM Application. This is largely in-part to some, but not limited to, the below reasons: Problematic history
Lack of community support
NOTE: It has been a week since your removal from a battalion due to "mistreatment", I will suggest waiting a little bit to prove this was a one-off situation and then reapply to the GM team.
Thank you for the time and effort you took in writing your application. If you wish to reapply, please do so in 2 weeks.
I appreciate the both of you, jonny is correct on everything the one thing i did the most is overburn myself. But slowly ive been getting a bit more relaxed instead of focusing on quantity. Quality makes a person dream higher and achieve better things!
I am going to be neutral on this one, only because I have yet to see you in game one time and the low hours just aren't both meshing with me.
Overall, application could be a bit better with the grammar but I see the effort and like it. You read the rules, stayed out of trouble, based off your referral I would be interested to see you be given the chance. Unfortunately It just will not be with my endorsement due to the 0 interactions. That being said I could definitely go with a +1 in the future should I see you in game with a good interaction.