Beaver tails makes some fire poutine, a lot of trucks based around Ontario. Definitely worth checking out if you’re ever near one. Plus it’s a iconic brand here
I like your event ideas.
Throughout my experience with you in the server, there has been ups and downs. These things obviously translate, as a member of the GM team you're held to a higher standard. With that being said, I think you'd be a great GM. You have had various experiences in the server, being in 501st, 21st, 41st. So unlike what the other's have said I don't think you're lacking in comprehension of the current server environment. You stated that you prefer to host on-worlds and trainings which I think would be very beneficial for not only your battalion but the entire server, as it seems nowadays on-worlds are few and far between.
I'm not sure what it is that has the others hesitant to accept you after just coming back when GMs Walter, and White have been accepted and are doing well on the team. I think it would be really funny if you got denied due to this.
So I'll give my +1, I think you deserve a chance.