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DarkRP Rules Updated (4/28/2024) ×

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  1. Past hour
  2. -1 You already know my stance Hi I’m Player B, to give better context I was damaged by player ‘A’ for 3/4 of my health, I tried rotating with climb swep to hit a nice flank to find out Player ‘A’ had changed position. To which I proceeded to relentlessly try and figure out Player ‘A’ location only to find him a couple minutes later, the rest is history…
  3. Today
  4. -1, i love surprising players who damaged me for no reason 5 minutes later with a dlore to the back of their head.
  5. Yesterday
  6. player A should have given him less teeth -1
  7. player a should have finished the job,
  8. I can't remember interacting with you in-game but you meet all requirements and have good referrals. I'll give you my +1 Good Luck
  9. sounds like player A shoulda finished the job lmao
  10. Ok so to give a bit of context behind what happened. Player A was transporting a printer - Player B shot at said printer and blew it up then Player A shot at Player B but then Player B ran away and came back 5 mins later and killed Player A.
  11. -1 Many times I've been hit its a fun time tracking them down after they run off and killing them.
  12. -1 dont shoot someone accidentally and it won’t be a issue.
  13. Description: Basically all I am suggesting here is adding a statute of limitations to how long you have after an instance of someone shooting you have to either kill them or shoot back. There was an instance that happened today where I had a report on the server where someone was shot they left then went back to the person 5 mins later and killed them. I think that there should be a limited time that you have to kill them after they shoot you. I honestly thing that once a firefight breaks out then it should be handled then and there. Whatever happens in the fight happens. You should be able to run away and come back at anytime later and then get your revenge for someone shooting at you it should be done then and there. Reasoning: I think this would help to benefit the server in that you wouldn't have to watch over your shoulders anticipating whether or not you would be killed later on after you shot at someone. Not only that but it could help to keep the person from quickly going to grab perks and coming back after regaining full health and armor then killing them. Additional Information: None to give
  14. The job resume script only works for infinite-slot jobs, @1998Corolla @Monkey_withagun (As we don't want someone to be like, spiderman and infinitely hold onto the 1 slot) The reason you guys are set to hobo is because it's likely the only infinite slot job you use or have used. (Examples are citizen, hobo, bloodz/crips member, deliveryman, chef.) Even if the most recent job you used wasn't infinite, the server will remember the most recently used infinite class and set you to that. But anyway, awesome work Garnet. :^) The crab is finally over. (one day my phone autocorrected "crash" into "crab" and Garnet, Conway, and Harus called crashes "crab"(s) for the next 3 weeks.
  15. shloomy is cool guy. I could think of no reasons to not +1 his app. also his referrals should be justification enough
  16. I am going to give this guy a +1 here and just say overall good app and you have great playtime. You read the rules. The only thing I can say is you don't have any prior experience but that is usually gained on the job. Just make sure you read up on the rules and get a good grasp on it. Other than that I see no reason why you shouldn't be accepted.
  17. same here, whenever i join im assigned to hobo even though i dont use hobo commonly
  18. Very nicely done! I'm so happy to have worked with @Bobert3 and @Harus on finally giving Jedi some TLC; it was overdue - looking forward to tying up a nice bow on it, and moving back to clone/server wide.
  19. Excellent Work for Merk and Garnet - so many trello cards!
  20. I'm mostly for having the class not be allowed to conduct any illegal activity like hobos to make it more focused on the RP of the church idea.
  21. >Created a script to remember your last used job, so in the event of a crash, when you reconnect, you'll be reserved your old job. Is this also for when I re-join? I noticed that when I join, I somehow am changed to Hobo unless that's the new default.
  22. Last week
  23. good work! cant wait to jail everyone for being high 24/7!
  24. Thanks all mighty nutter, we have been wanting your attention for ages and we get it!
  25. Congratulations to everyone on their new roles or extensions!
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