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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/20/2024 in all areas

  1. In-game name: StS MunchieZ DsC SteamID: STEAM_0:1:159762197 In-game rank: L. Mod Timezone: EST Length of LOA: 2 weeks - a month Reason: Have a lot going on with family+school+overall personal stuff going on. I can't be on enough to consider not being on LOA (as we've prolly seen). Feel free to DM me if more info is needed for this to be accepted. Reason I have a varied time is I'm not sure if things will get easier over the next 2 weeks (hopefully) So I don't wanna say 2 weeks then not be available. Hoping for the best!
    1 point
  2. Understandable man, whenever you’re less occupied and are ready to come back then we’ll be here.
    1 point
  3. The title is Issa Dance because.. it's a dance!
    1 point
  4. +1 Great application, events are RP Focused, and able to maintained a positive image as a player so far.
    1 point
  5. +1, Phenomenal App, Great Detail
    1 point
  6. + Playtime + Experience + Time to give + Read The Rules - Active Warns - Not 2 Paragraphs Neutral for now So while I think you would make a great staff member before I give you my vote I want you to put a bit more effort into your paragraphs. You only have 1 paragraph where the minimum is 2. So far your app is great but I want to see some more effort please
    -1 points
  7. In-game name: Grand Daddy DrewSteamID (https://steamid.io/): STEAM_0:1:505700550Staff members in-game name: Bob the BuilderStaff members SteamID (https://garnetgaming.net/darkrp/bans) (/id (name):Date & Time of incident: Long Time ago maybe 9 Months?Timezone: ESTBan Reason: ToxicityHow long were you banned for?: PermaProof of Ban: n/aWhat happened? (include any proof): Pissed Bob off with placing down lights and I was annoyed be kept pulling me to a roof and I said just warn me already so he took that as being toxic so he perm banned me. I attempted to appeal the ban but Conway denied it, as I was in a server with a few other community member and telling them that they wont appeal my ban from what other members did that were in the server. I understand that many of you know me as just a toxic player and I give it to you I have been real stupid in the past. I started on garnet around late 2018 and I have loved the server and all the people and relationships I have made along the way. I really just wanna get back in and get those relationships back and make new ones. I know Conway you are gonna see this and I personal wanna apologize to you as I have not been on good terms with you from SWRP and this was just the icing on the cake so I truly apologize for everything I have done to either piss you off or annoy you in anyway. I also know I have a pretty bad ban log if you haven't already reset it but most of those bans were YEARS ago and I have really changed from who I once was. Original Ban Appeal
    -1 points
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