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  1. It was a hard decision, but I just had to due to my problems in my outside life, I won't have enough time to focus on my top priorities AND to be staff. I will still play when I'll have time but I can't stay on constantly. @busterbignutThank you for being a great manager @ErrolThank you for helping me along the way @heartYou were a really chill dude, thank you. @Schyzo You also helped me along the way @ridaarThank you for being a great friend @vdot.coYou were a really great dude. And thank you to others I did not mention, you were all great people.
    8 points
  2. DarkRP Staff Roster Month of September, 2024 ______________________________________________________ MVPs MrPPenguin -> Lead Moderator (390 Points!) DBL PROMO MrsPPenguin -> Senior Moderator (328 Points!) DBL PROMO ghostly -> Senior Moderator (301 Points!) DBL PROMO _____________________________________ Promotions Ashen -> Admin (229 Points) sus ropolka -> Admin (131 Points) Wraith -> Lead Moderator (99 Points) MrPPenguin -> Lead Moderator (390 Points!) (MVP!) heart -> Senior Moderator (238 Points) zbt -> Senior Moderator (151 Points) DOOM -> Senior Moderator (93 Points) nebula -> Senior Moderator (156 Points) MrsPPenguin -> Senior Moderator (328 Points!) (MVP!) ghostly -> Senior Moderator (301 Points) (MVP!) vdot -> Moderator (132 Points) Extended Terms: Nutter - Owner Conway - Community Director Merk - DarkRP Super Admin BusterBigNut - Manager GamingCarrot - Manager Danny The Dog - Lead Admin Errol - Lead Admin Chawhead - Senior Admin | Operators Director Dmoney - Senior Admin | Ops Assistant Director Orion - Senior Admin | HR Director Baiter - Admin | HR Assistant Director Paerebrus - Senior Admin | GM Director Schyzo - Admin | GM Assistant Director JonnyFlame - Admin | GM Gildarts - Admin | GM johnwick - Admin | GM Lt. Dan - Trial Admin | Operators PiesAreCool - Trial Admin | HR Mysterio - Lead Moderator | HR MunchieZ - Lead Moderator | HR AFoxWithATopHat -> Senior Moderator Jay - Moderator fistedwaffles - Moderator Angelica - VIP Moderator IAreGunner - VIP Moderator Mattistehbro - VIP Moderator Coopa - VIP Moderator Demotions, Resignations, & Removals Omi -> Trial Admin (Inactivity) brande -> Lead Moderator (Inactivity) StarPhantom -> Lead Moderator (Inactivity) egbert -> Moderator (Inactivity) sunnymuffins -> Moderator (Inactivity) Sam Nella -> Moderator (Inactivity) computer -> VIP Moderator (Inactivity) FireHazard -> VIP Moderator (Inactivity) ppara -> VIP Moderator (Inactivity) 1956 Land Rover -> VIP Moderator (Inactivity) Quantum - VIP (Inactivity) CreativeStageName -> VIP (Resigned) Ridaar -> VIP (Resigned) Bob the Builder -> VIP (Resigned) microwave -> VIP (Resigned) Recon -> VIP (Inactivity) tadtad -> VIP (Inactivity) blorp -> VIP (Inactivity) KARSIN -> VIP (Inactivity) lemegetuhmufuckinuhh -> VIP (Inactivity)
    5 points
  3. Gabbox saying OG is crazy hate that kid btw
    5 points
  4. -1 The thought process of you being a former manager placing a nazi swastika symbol for the "shits and giggles" is so absurd considering you should know better. Not only that, you recently impersonated me by taking my in-game name and playing it off as a "harmless joke". Stay out of trouble then maybe you have the chance of getting a better response. Good Luck!!!
    4 points
  5. DENIED After watching over the clip and reviewing the evidence this will be denied. It is evident here in the logs shown that you did commit Mass NLR. You kept going back into the situation of the raid. You even admitted you got let off the hook earlier prior to this situation, so getting into another instance of mass NLR doesn't look good. In every sit the admin taking care of it has the final say in what happens. I don't see any form of it being biased. If you break rules on the server no matter what you run the risk of being banned no matter the situation. You were reported for breaking them and was banned. A lot of what you put in this report was unnecessary to the situation you were in and was provided with barely any context or proof. Also your ban wasn't long so it is already over.
    4 points
  6. I'm returning specifically because I saw this topic in my feed
    4 points
  7. Congratulations to everyone for their promotions, you guys are doing great! Hope you guys will keep up the passion to next month, though with school and work getting busy for people I won't put too much pressure on you guys. And also I shall extend a hand of appreciation especially to Bob the Builder. You've been around ever since I can remember and you were always fun to play with and be around. Gonna miss having you on the team but good luck to wherever life is taking you next, my friend!
    4 points
  8. Who are you reporting? [Staff/Player]: Staff x2 Your in-game name: Romac622 Your SteamID (https://steamid.io/): STEAM_0:1:79388957 In-game name of reportee: PC MrsPPenguin & Angelicaca SteamID of reportee (https://steamid.io/): STEAM_0:1:118416961 (MrsPPenguin) & STEAM_0:0:573674593 (Angelicaca) Date & Time of incident: 26 September 2024 @1257am Timezone: PST What happened? (include any proof): I know it is downtime on the server but I would like to address to why are there staff on and playing and allowing sits to be stacked? I reported CK QF for FDA and FailRP during a raid. My party and I were raiding CK QF's base when he decided to console kill himself then come behind to shoot my party member, then during the raid he wen't inside the base using their quick key during the raid. https://streamable.com/seo187 PC MrsPPenguin: At least PC MrsPPenguin took the sit my party members and I constantly placed for over 20 minutes. My issues: - Why you guys are hiring staff with limited knowledge on the rules like FDA (Fading Door Abuse) - That you guys automatically believe one person's side even though you stated that you see it in the logs? - Not understanding or being aware of the complete sit and what's going on - Wrong warnings on people for incorrect reasoning - Not claiming sits when you're online and nobody else is claiming them - I don't know how you concluded your decision on my report, but it honestly made no sense. Maybe biased? Angelicaca: Says that she was going to take the sits, but after waiting another 10 minutes, she said she was too scared to take the sit? My issues: - How come they are staff and scared of claiming a sit. huhhhhhhh????? https://streamable.com/xpm9gu
    4 points
  9. Hello there fellow, GarnetGamer I will be going into detail of each of your issues to see if I can help and or clarify things. I am not the one handling your report however. Your issues: 1 - Why you guys are hiring staff with limited knowledge on the rules like FDA (Fading Door Abuse) If you had taken the time to notice, these are V.Mods; both are new and are not expected to know every rule. These people are not "Hired" Each member of Garnets staff team volunteer their own time to the server. These two are learning, However you did the correct thing, you made a post stating your dissatisfaction instead of making it a in-game issue so thank you. 2 - That you guys automatically believe one person's side even though you stated that you see it in the logs? The staff only have the ability to see what is in front of them, if you believe it was done wrong the only thing you can do is to make a post on the forums (as you did). From your post, you seem to be stating that all staff are biased. This would be incorrect as it is usually dealt with swiftly. But also these were two new mods. 3 - Not understanding or being aware of the complete sit and what's going on You have the right at anytime to ask for another staff member, cancel the sit, or take the current member. Not everyone is a robot who can complete the task in the way you want. 4 - Wrong warnings on people for incorrect reasoning The warning was corrected, Accidents happen. 5 - Not claiming sits when you're online and nobody else is claiming them New mods don't have the ability to clear a lot of sits fast or have all the knowledge to, Remember these are normal people donating their own time. I also personally do not expect a staff member to claim sits every single time they play. They are here to play too. (however they should) 6 - I don't know how you concluded your decision on my report, but it honestly made no sense. Maybe biased? Staff members decisions are final, It doesn't matter if they are wrong or if you choose to argue with them. The only alternative route is to come to the forums which you did. 7 - How come they are staff and scared of claiming a sit. huhhhhhhh????? If someone feels uncomfortable at anytime they shouldn't be forced into anything they choose not to. People are new and are nervous to make mistakes. Now to make this clear, I understand your frustrations and I also understand you can also have strong opinions. You can always join the staff team yourself if you feel sits aren't being handled fast enough or correctly, but hey maybe you play to just have fun and don't have the time. I have talked to both of them, they will be trying to do better. I will also personally see to it that they receive any help they need in staffing. You have a tendency to be toxic or throw a temper tantrum.
    4 points
  10. ACCEPTED I have read through the chat logs and watched the clip and went over the evidence with the OPS division and we have determined this will be a NITRP ban. Heart assisted the raid on PD and it is visible in the chat log and as well as seeing him die in the raid in the clip, then immediately re raiding the PD breaking NLR and RDMing the 2 in the clip. This is considered chain raiding also which is not allowed and is in the rules under raiding rules. Also, additionally to the ban Heart will receive a staff strike for inappropriate behavior as a staff member and we are going to have a discussion with him as well. Here is some context for that: In the chat logs Heart made it clearly evident that he didn't care about the rules when approached about breaking NLR as a staff member in OOC. Also letting the player know how to report him and mocking the player in chat. These actions are unacceptable by a member of the staff team. Thank you for taking time to make this report.
    4 points
  11. DarkRP Community Event Treasure Hunt Date / Duration10/7/24-10/31/24 3 Parts 1 Each week starting each MondayWeek one Description This weeks objective is to find 8 hidden pumpkins around the map. Riddles will be handed out here each day to assist you in finding them; or until someone finds all. Day 1: Behind the house, but a house away the pumpkin patch will lead the way. Don't forget to think outside the box (please note the pumpkin patch does not count as pumpkins) (also please note the pumpkin that is always in the field behind spawn does not count aswell) Theres an OOPS There are also two more pumpkins blacklisted (Still Perma Proped from me in 2018) Pumpkins in tunnles One near grassy train area on rubble pile, another being next to the Warehouse and school. Reward First person to message me, or Merk after finding all 8 gets one of the following 5m in-game currency, RPG, or 1 Month VIP Best of luck to all competitors. No cheating, No helping each other, This is a solo event. Please note, We will require a screenshot or detailed description of each location for payout of prize. Sureak has won the first round, Do not ask him for help have fun and figure out the pumpkins yourself for fun! Week two Description Spawn decoration build battle Submissions to be created either in GG or in sandbox and have a photo submitted in the comments box on the post Winner gets their decoration perma'd until halloween ends; with 2.5M or 2 weeks of VIP Prop limit 35 Please ADV DUPE your props so we can perma prop it. Please Post you work here or PM me on discord <Toleration> Ends on the 20th NO DUPES FROM OTHERS OR FROM WS Best of luck to all!
    3 points
  12. I see what he's saying - He just wants people to be able to save their creations but not paste them. If that's possible at all, it's a great idea. Infact, I'd say it entices them to pay for VIP more often because now they have something they build a library on and want to use. IF POSSIBLE - +1
    3 points
  13. In-game name: Derpza Discord username: (ex: merk.gg) DerpzaAge: 22SteamID (https://steamid.io/): STEAM_0:0:84936323Active Warns: 0Timezone: CESTCurrent Playtime: 3120Do you have access to Discord and a microphone?: [YES/NO] Yes Are you a member of the Garnet Gaming DarkRP Discord?: [YES/NO] YesDo you have the ability to record Garry's Mod videos?:[YES/NO] YesReferral(s): [What administrator recommended you to apply?] No one, I didn't askPast experiences as staff: [Optional] Manager on DarkRPWhy should we choose you over other applicants?: [minimum 2 paragraphs] To start, you should choose me because of my past experience on this server alone. I was manager for 3 months and staff around a year. On top of that I have been varying levels of staff on several different DarkRP Servers. I know the ins and outs of DarkRP and Garnet. I know most of the rules off the top of my head, and punishments for breaking them as well. I know there is a probably a new way things are done, but I believe I can adapt to that very easily. During my time as staff I never got a staff strike and I believe I only got warned ingame once. Secondly you should choose me because I can invest a lot of time and bring good ideas to the server. I have most weekends off, and have a lot of 3 and 4 day weekends. Also I am in a European timezone so I can help cover times that would be difficult for staff who are based in America. Another reason I should be accepted as staff is that I genuinely enjoy helping players on the server, and from past experience I know how to help the players. As well as being able to remain unbaised in my sits, any older staff who had a sit with me know this. I would like to add that I know most of the time when I am on the server recently I am just goofing off. I know exactly when to be serious and when I can joke around as staff. As well that I haven't been on recently, this is because I was in a field event for most of september.Have you ever been banned or punished on any server? If so, Include details: twice, once for Anti-Semitism (joke gone too far, I do regret it) and unintentional mass rdm (rocket raid gone wrong)Have you made any previous applications, If so when?: Like 2 years agoHow much time do you have to contribute to the role?: 4-5 hours on weekdays and all day throughout the weekendsIf you have any, what hobbies or activities are you involved in outside of Garry's Mod?: I like to go out with friends, ski and snowboardDid you read the staff rules?: Derpza
    3 points
  14. +1 I'm sort of on the fence on this one but I understand the want here. Basically, when you start off playing and don't have VIP, you are going to have to rely on a friend to copy your build if you'd like it to remain. Naturally, you'd need that same friend to help you paste it, or they'd need to share to you the file/paste and you'd then need to buy VIP. Since the above requires a friend to assist you with VIP, and since VIP can essentially dupe your base and place it for you anyways, I don't see any downside to allowing players to save their dupes, even if they're "reserved" for when they're actually able to paste it. If I were in a situation where I was able to save my base, and hadn't yet committed to VIP, this would be something that would cause me to further want to make the spend: Knowing that the second I donate to the server I can immediately use my backlog of bases that I've been eying from my Non-VIP windowglass will make it even easier to impulsively click Donate. Additionally, I would be more inclined to stick around on a server that allows me to keep old builds of mine, even if I can't paste them until I make the choice to donate.
    3 points
  15. -1 look, I love ya man, but placing a swastika for shits and giggles is still weird. plus as corolla said, you had your accounts compromised twice as a manager, kinda makes me wonder what you do to have that happen 0-0 and your not supposed to switch your name to that of a staff member, whether using it for jokes or to trick people, you still arent supposed to do that EDIT: fuckin hell even monastic put a -1
    3 points
  16. Description: [description of what you are suggesting, one paragraph minimum] Recently, I saw that people were discussing ideas of how printer farming could be made more engaging, and I had an idea - a 'Dirty Money' update to include money laundering. In the real world, criminals who print counterfeit money never actually spend the cash themselves; being caught with a handful of dodgy notes isn't worth risking their whole operation. So instead, the printed money is considered 'dirty money' which is then sold in bulk to a third party for clean and taxable income, albeit at a little less than its face-value (or in other words, they launder it - see Saul Goodman's explanation below). My suggestion would be to change the way printer farming works to reflect this, meaning that players collect 'dirty money' from printers. The dirty money can then be exchanged and transformed into 'clean money' by either: The use of a new Money Laundering NPC Players in 'legitimate' businesses (chefs, bartenders, etc) The Money Laundering NPC would be a default / backup, just in case other players aren't around to exchange dirty money with, but the fee / cut a NPC would take should be substantial enough that it shouldn't be seen as the first / best choice. Instead, players who want to offload their dirty money will prefer to find other players who are in a legitimate business, such as chefs and bartenders where they can negotiate a fee which is naturally competitive. So what would this look like in practice? You collect $10000 of 'dirty money' from a money printer, which is stored in the same way crack is stored for a meth manufacturer. A chat notification lets you know how much you have. You check with the local Money Laundering NPC but you don't really want to pay a hefty 10% fee that it offers, but it reminds you that other players' businesses might offer a lower fee. Luckily, you notice a cafe nearby called Los Pollos, so you decide to head over. You speak with the chef and verbally negotiate a fee of 5% for their services. While looking at them, you press 'E' to bring up a basic UI which asks you to enter the agreed fee for them to either accept or deny. The chef accepts, and $50 is deposited into their balance as a fee, with the remaining $9950 deposited into your balance. Now you have clean money, you can now pay income tax on it (YAY!) and spend it on. A bartender tells you you were overcharged by the chef, and next time he'll do it for a 4% fee. In theory, this could also work for other RP roles too where money could be considered 'dirty' and would therefore need to be laundered. Reasoning: [how would this benefit our server?] Makes money printer farming more engaging by adding an additional layer of RP Increases player interaction (through different roles working together) Creates a more realistic RP scenario Adds to a player-driven game economy Encourages players to leave their base in order to launder their money Encourages the use of lesser-used jobs such as a chef or bartender (which could now be quite lucrative) Additional Information: [Photos/Videos][/CODE]
    3 points
  17. Who are you reporting? [Staff/Player]: Player Your in-game name: ASR Gabbox Your SteamID (https://steamid.io/): STEAM_0:0:229732543 In-game name of reportee: PC Wooby SteamID of reportee (https://steamid.io/): STEAM_0:1:197645527 Date & Time of incident:04/10/2024 (DD/MM/YYYY) 7PM / Timezone: CEST What happened? (include any proof): So basically, I had 2 friends that were raiding PC Wooby's base (waterfall base) and basically I wasn't even messing with keypad or anything and I wasn't even past KOS sign and what happend is that Wooby killed me and I didin't even pass his KOS sign and also words said from him are these: "If he's just gonna crouch and look at my keypad, I'm obviolusly going to kill him". When I reported him I got told by both @ghostly788 and @PaereBrus it wasn't even RDM because he had a KOS sign but after a bit of arguing aswell with @zbt_ We found this rule (if the kos is in an obscure place i.e behind a wall that u can only see behind at a certain angle) And this is his base situation: As You can see Quite litterally can't see a KOS sign outside of his base like the rule says And this is the inside Only after you enter the actual base you can see the KOS sign After trying to make Paere reasonate he told me that as long as it's visible it counts, but he also said: And it really isn't on the outside of the base, so technically speaking this space shoudn't be a KOS area: Additionally, after getting RDM'd I went back to gather proof for the RDM and I got warned for NLR because I was 2 seconds too early for the 3 minute timer. Imagine getting RDM'd and getting jailed for NLR because someone decided to kill you. Personally, I think he deserves to get warned for toxicity and RDM. I believe the KOS sign should be visible from outside the base since the rule states that the KOS sign should be visible and not blocked. If a person just walked through waterfall thinking he can build there and someone kills him the second he steps foot through the waterfall it is RDM plain and simple. If the reason he doesn't want to put the KOS outside the waterfall is to make the base discrete then he shouldn't kill people that don't pass his KOS sign. Another varation to this is, if someone is basing at truckstop and he has the base inside the garage and the KOS sign is on the building, you cannot kill someone for passing the fence when the KOS sign isn't on the fence. There should be a visible line showing where the KOS includes or even on the textscreen itself say that it is KOS past the fence.
    3 points
  18. Description: Re-work the banned props list Reasoning: As someone that builds a lot on the server, I've run into many cases where props are banned without any obvious reason for them to be banned. One of the clearest examples of this is with the plastic plates- There are several instances where different sizes of plates are banned, while other larger props (that would be easier to minge with, if that's the concern) are unbanned. It makes sense for props with absurd dimensions (like the 24x24 plates), but there's no reason that a 0.5 x 8 plate should be banned. This is only the tip of the iceberg, as the whole prop spawning menu is full of examples just like this (triangles, spheres, tubes, various CSS and HL2 props, rails, gears, any of the props with teeth). I'm sure there are some specific cases where these props need to be banned, but the majority of these banned props don't make sense. I know finding specific prop names to be removed from a prop ban list is insanely tedious work, so I'm happy to put one together myself if it helps this suggestion gain traction. Thanks for your consideration. (Also access to larger props keeps overall prop count down since we don't gotta splice together smaller props, wouldn't be bad to roll out with the prop count suggestion if it's approved)
    3 points
  19. 3 points
  20. In-game name: ReshalaSteamID (https://steamid.io/): STEAM_0:1:538380396 Staff members in-game name: JotaroStaff members SteamID (/id (name): no clue Date & Time of incident: 09/20/24Timezone: pst Ban Reason: community removal/cannot function How long were you banned for?: 50 yearsProof of Ban: I can’t post it form my phone What happened? (include any proof): After coming home from school I come back to be notified that I have been perma banned and after waiting until 3:50am I finally got a respond saying “ I went around asking navy staff and 104th and they all said the same thing” allegedly I had said “ the name is stupid and your baby is gonna be stupid” I do not ever recall saying that or anything toward the unborn baby himself but more to the father of the kid for making that choice. A example is “ he’s gonna name his kid over a online gmod charecter that’s pretty sad”.If he wants to say that’s toward the child then go ahead but all things said were meant for the father himself. Why should your ban be removed?; Even though I more thrown likely won’t be unbanned do to reasons I cannot say. I yet to have seen any evidence besides verbal saying from the admin himself. If there is evidence I would like to see it.
    3 points
  21. I mostly just want that 1x1 metal tube back which was perfect for gun store builds.
    3 points
  22. DENIED Unfortunately, after deliberation with the DarkRP Executive+ Team, we have decided to deny your Staff Application. This decision was made in part due to: We currently have concerns over your account standing on our server. If you would like further details on this then please contact @Merk Thank you for the time and effort you put into your application.
    3 points
  23. Heck yeah dude. That’s why put the “and those I didn’t mention” I just had a lot on my mind at the moment
    2 points
  24. Hello, I am making this post in hoping to be unbanned as a result of unjust racism ban for 2 weeks as I haven't said or made any racist remarks towards anyone.
    2 points
  25. DENIED Ok so after giving you some time to follow the format I kept checking on it to see if you corrected your appeal. Upon doing so I realised that you were the same person I caught arguing with other staff members about saying words that go agaisnt our community guidelines. I tried to explan to you and help you out and you wanted nothing to do with it, you were acting completely unreasonable and did not want help from any one being very disrespectful in the process. Also just found out that you were ban evading and got caught resaulting in a perma ban, you will not be getting ubanned and i hope you learned from your mistakes. Thank you for the time and effort you put into your application.
    2 points
  26. DENIED Unfortunately, after deliberation with the DarkRP Administration Team, we have decided to deny your Staff Application. This decision was made in part due to the following reasons: First of all, I'd like to thank you for your interest in rejoining the DarkRP staff team. After discussions with the HR and Executive+ teams, we have decided to deny your application at this time. This decision is primarily due to your recent bans and behaviour on the server. Antisemitism and staff impersonation are serious offences, whether intended as a joke or not. If you demonstrate consistent good behaviour over the coming weeks, I’m sure that a future application from you would be viewed more favourably. Thank you for the time and effort you put into your application. You may reapply in 3 Weeks
    2 points
  27. In-game name: ropolkaSteamID (https://steamid.io/): STEAM_0:1:626219726In-game rank:AdminTimezone:CSTLength of LOA: 1 weekReason: Going to Florida
    2 points
  28. Ill Just leave this here
    2 points
  29. +1 Even tho you were recently banned I feel like you were always good staff and always active and fun to be around come on back ma boi
    2 points
  30. GENERAL RULES Discriminatory and/or derogatory behavior based on race, sexuality, gender, and religion are strictly prohibited, even during roleplay. Do not impersonate other users (This includes having identical or similar names). Both of these normally come with a perm ban, the second if said player is a staff member. I am not giving a +1 or a -1 because everyone deserves a second chance even if I don't think that always applies. In my opinion stay around for at least a month active then reapply since that is usually a requirement for anyone even me.
    2 points
  31. -1 I have nothing against you as an individual, however I think you should come and develop yourself in the community again before applying to return. You got banned just last month for your rocket raid which doesn’t really add to your case.
    2 points
  32. +1 You were a superb staff member, previous manager, and all-round great guy. Good luck mate!
    2 points
  33. maybe one day ill load into anarchy 1000x and base with gunner
    2 points
  34. Who are you reporting? [Staff/Player]: Staff Your in-game name: Romac622 Your SteamID (https://steamid.io/): STEAM_0:1:79388957 In-game name of reportee: PC MrsPPenguin SteamID of reportee (https://steamid.io/): STEAM_0:1:118416961 Date & Time of incident: 0300 / 04 Oct 2024 Timezone: PST What happened? (include any proof): Issued me a warning without explaining why I am being warned. I asked for a higher up to clarify the rule in regarding Stun Stick Abuse (SSA). To my knowledge, SSA is wrongfully utilizing the Stun Stick by inflicting damage onto players without a reasoning. In the sit, she also clarified about Baiting and that she makes the rules in relation to that. If baiting players is the somewhat "new rule" that you guys just come up with, then why isn't it in the MOTD? In addition, all of this information was just based of beliefs. To my understanding is that when a player leaves the cell in the PD, they are at fault and can be damaged or killed. It is not my fault they left the cell on their own free will, it's not like they lose anything anyways. @Mrs. Ppenguin I don't know how you guys are punishing players without engaging and ensuring the players what they are receiving a punishment for. You can't even elaborate the punishment yourself, but you're following through with your actions? How are ya'll promoting these people that are just rushing incomplete sits? Lucky most of these players don't take their time to fill out a forums report in the first place to expose you guys.
    2 points
  35. DENIED After giving over a view of the evidence provided, the warn placed on you will stay. While a huge bunch of the debate going on was related to "baiting" prisoners to exit the cells to have your way with them, ultimately the warn will stay due to the Stun Stick Abuse element being correct in this regard. While players are free game outside of their jail cells for arrest or killing in order to prevent their escape (which after deliberation includes stun sticks), you do not have the right to attack or kill prisoners who are not outside the cells making an attempt to escape, which you and zombiekilla did towards the user at the beginning of the clip submitted by Chewy. I will make an effort to clear up any confusion regarding this issue with the respective staff member as there has been a bit of misinformation flying around lately. However your warn will remain at this time. And please do not take this as invitation to continue to mess with prisoners in this way, we don't much appreciate it. Thank you for your report, as well as the effort you have put into your report.
    2 points
  36. In-game name: JonnyFlameSteamID (https://steamid.io/): STEAM_0:1:56448885In-game rank: AdminTimezone: ESTLength of LOA: 1 WeekReason: I've been busy recently with school, having exams, and studying over the last few days. I'm also going racing with my Dad, so I won't be back until next week since I won't have internet at the track. (I'll send a few photos on Discord!)
    2 points
  37. Congrats on all the promos guys! Well deserved!!! Let's make next month even better
    2 points
  38. NOOOO MY SON COME BACK WITH THE MILK, congrats to everyone @MrPPenguin@Mrs. Ppenguin @ghostly788 and mad respect for these three, even tho no one asked them to take the sits they did, but they complete blown my mind and gave me passion towards not even being staff but what it like to have fun playing in a community and making it less toxic with helping new players feel welcome and become apart of the GG community same with all of us who did good this month and the past years from 2016. i believe GG will never die, yes there may be a time where gmod and the rest of the community dies out but @Nutterwill find a way for sure. cant wait to see the next months roster
    2 points
  39. Congrats to all of you. Keep up the good work!
    2 points
  40. In-game name: JPO R. Celica Age:20 SteamID:STEAM_0:1:62020744 Warns:0 Timezone: PDT, moving to GMT+9 Playtime: 192 Do you have access to a microphone?: YES Do you have the ability to record Garry's Mod videos?:YES Referral(s): Jaros Past experience as a Game Master: N/A Why should we choose you over other applicants?: While this could be seen as a shortcoming, I believe my incoming timezone change is why I should be chosen over other applicants. I will be available for the EU and other Asia timezones to host events. Similar to the way Luna hosts events late into the night, mine would be generally early in the morning (in EDT terms). Setting the timezone aside I believe I have a fair storytelling ability, combined with a meticulous need for planning that would be focused on involving every aspect of the 34th in my events. Furthermore, being a member of the Republic Navy I feel that serving as a GM in conjunction with Navy will provide a mutual benefit to my performance in both areas as I learn more about both sides of RP. Have you ever been banned or punished on any server? If so, Include details: Only on DarkRP, I have detailed all of my bans in my previous DarkRP Staff application found here. How much time do you have to contribute to the role?: Approx. 1 hr per day (1 event) In your own words, what are the responsibilities of a Gamemaster?: The responsibility of a GM is to curate roleplay throughout the server, and especially to engage as many if not all members of the server in immersive events. Describe how you would contribute to RP as a part of the Gamemaster team: My primary goal to contribute to RP would be with my move to GMT+9, being able to host trainings/small events during general offtimes in the server. While this may impact less players, I have constantly seen new players from Europe not consistently on during NA hours and would like to assist in catering to them. A secondary, and more general contribution to RP as a whole on the server would be to add more comedic value to the events that I run. In watching the Clone Wars TV show, and witnessing GM Jaros' small events. The Battledroids, more specifically B1s have a huge comedic potential. I mean in the show that is their primary purpose (as far as I've seen so far). So I believe that I could tactfully include humor in my events without ruining immersion at all. Explain your single most creative idea for contributing to the RP environment of the server: My biggest idea for contributing to RP would be to enhance the story-telling element of Off-world deployments by having the conversations between EC and whoever is interacting with them in the F1 Comms. That way, the entire server can observe the story going on if they so choose to. Please list and explain 5 unique event ideas of any scale: 21st Breaching Simulation: Utilizing Athena, emplace a mixture of NLT 10 Battle Droids, with any # of Civilians in each room. 21st is to clear Athena doctrinally according to their training. They will be given a time limit of 1 minute 30 seconds. They will enter through the NW door, and clear Athena linearly, they are permitted assistance from other battalions if heavy troopers are required. However they are responsible for instructing those troopers, and by extension responsible for any of their mistakes. Absolutely 0 civilian damage will be tolerated, they must ensure total destruction of every Battle Droid. A Call for Help: Upon receiving a distress beacon from the planet Zeffo. The 34th battlegroup is summoned to find the source figure out how to aid them. At the origin of the beacon there is a single human male, and various droids. The man asks for the 34ths help in finding a team of runaway droids that have gone rogue and escaped. He is adamant that they must be returned alive, as they have intel on CIS operations. The battlegroup will then scour the planet searching for the missing droids. Mission Success: The 34th finds the droids and returns them to the man who is able to decrypt the intel and hand it over to the Republic. Mission Fail: The droids escape on a shuttle. Surrounded!: The 34th battlegroup is sent to Christophsis to once again rid the CIS attempt to take over the planet. Upon landing at the LZ however, the OD and GC are KIA! With heavy fire from all directions the 34th battlegroup must fortify and defend the LZ. It is up to the highest ranks of each battalion to coordinate successfully to fend off the CIS. A time limit of 15 minutes will be placed, and NO use of F1 comms will be permitted, however battalion specific comms will be allowed as well as all equipment. Destroy the Factory!: With the increase of base attacks on Anaxes, Navy has suspected the CIS Anaxes droid factory has been in major production. A reconnaissance element will be sent to observe operations IVO CIS Anaxes factory. Upon successful confirmation of the factory in service, the 34th battlegroup will be summoned to seize, or destroy the factory. The 34th will face light drop pod resistance on the way to the control tower, where they will disable the rayshield. Once the rayshield is down 34th will attack through any and all avenues of approach IOT clear the facility as efficiently as possible. Upon destruction of the facility 34th will observe 50 drop pods released in a last-ditch effort by the CIS, which they will have to eliminate as they escape the factory and return to base. Traitors?: Fleet reports CIS development of some sort of chemical weapon said to be able to eliminate the clone army once and for all. Upon arrival to the planet it is announced that the chemical agent may already be present in the atmosphere. All troopers will be ordered to seal their suits. However, some troopers will be exposed to the agent. The chemical agents puts all affected troopers as part of a hive-mind that the CIS is able to influence. The 34th will be tasked with clearing and stopping operations at the research facility. Once completed they will be transported to the Venator, where the infected troopers will attempt to take control of the bridge to sabotage the ship and kill all troopers inside. The troopers will take a member of Navy hostage and it will be up to the 34th battlegroup to defuse the situation and eliminate the threat.
    2 points
  41. thinking about afsoc
    2 points
  42. Danny when someone protests him
    2 points
  43. I was thinking about what discussion topic to choose from when I read this threads info description; ‘’Anything with reasonable taste. Talk about anything from the current state of the server, to asking for life advice.’’ It then got me thinking, what do you guys think about the current state of the server? I feel like we haven’t had a discussion like that in a while. I’d like people to keep their comments positive and constructive as much as possible. Looking forward to hearing feedback from the community.
    2 points
  44. Who are you reporting? [Staff/Player]: StaffYour in-game name: 1998 Toyota CorollaYour SteamID (https://steamid.io/): STEAM_0:0:53093120In-game name of reportee: StS heart DsCSteamID of reportee (https://steamid.io/): STEAM_0:1:759952468Date & Time of incident: 9/22/24 - 02:13amTimezone: MSTWhat happened? (include any proof): For context, I checked with Carrot before making this thread which he gave me the green light to. Last night, I was dicking around on my alt as a police officer as a group of about 5 players under level 10 kept getting in my face and just generally being annoying, so I AFK'd my main in spawn and went PD. Heart assisted a raid on PD, died inside, immediately came back to PD, adverted RAID, then killed everyone inside. Then by calling them out for it in chat, proceeded to "womp womp" and generally not care, and by their words "I'll take the warn or jail, idrc". Normally if this is a random player, I won't get bent out of shape about this kind of toxicity (hell Bluey was worse), but I'm primarily annoyed because it's a higher level player who is staff just being angry and breaking rules to players that are all around level 10 and newer on the server and doesn't care about any of the repercussions. The only reason I'm reporting them is because they're staff. I really don't think it's a great look from someone whose supposed to be enforcing the rules and accommodating. During this time even other players were annoyed that Heart did that, and wanted me to report him. IMGUR album with chat screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/AW7XGC1 Clip of the event:
    2 points
  45. NEUTRAL Literally I had to ask someone earlier who you are. I have no interactions with you but I have heard some good things! Your app is mostly pretty good although you could use some more about yourself (i.e how your Minecraft staffing may be a transferrable skill) in the paragraph section. You cover some good points and if you beef those paragraphs up I will happily +1 this! +1 I believe your edits are clear pointers to how serious you are about this and I wish you luck!
    2 points
  46. It's cool, the server is still fun but it feels like when you play for a long time the only goals you have is items, money and XP, it does not seem like there is any content for long term players. this is also in part of the "old players" not caring about the new jobs, not saying all of them don't have there fun, i personally enjoy these jobs like the clown job for example is a great way to make players have something else to focus on besides money. Dark RP is about making money but having other things to focus on that just money is nice edit: the server is great for new players and would recommend the server if someone wanted to play DRP
    2 points
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