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The Garnut
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Everything posted by Nutter

  1. an extra goodie Yeah, they do not - they're built into GMod itself, the emoticon is reserved for the near future where I add a collection of custom emotes. When it comes to silkicons you will unfortunately need to memorize those similarly to memorizing default HL2 voiceline commands.
  2. As Proggy has already informed you, there is also the possibility for other server exploits, as all trading features are pretty experimental. Item duping, or flat out losing your items isn't unheard of.
  3. I'm actually 100% down to create jobs with a slower speed and ability to spawn in with a surplus of health to make them a tank, but this just isn't it chief :^(
  4. I believe @Proggy did go ahead and add more dumpsters across the map. Thank you very much for bringing up this suggestion.
  5. With how little the chef class is used as is, I don't think it is a good use of server resources to add more food props. I appreciate the effort put into searching up food props, but their sizes are also larger than an entire pack of 30 weapons we have on the server. Unfortunately, this will be moved for denied. Thank you very much for the complete suggestion though.
  6. Unfortunately at this time this feature is not something that I wish to implement. Thank you for creating this suggestion though!
  7. Seems like the overall take on this post was negative. The chef class is more-so oriented for roleplaying higher level players (ironically enough)
  8. Nutter

    ez base

    @Proggyit's been a long time, care to give your final input on this?
  9. I was looking into implementing the crossbow following this suggestion, but realistically, we'd have a sniper alternative with limited purpose that requires special ammo type (bolts) and unfortunately I do not think it is a good idea. Will be moving over to denied, but thank you for the suggestion!
  10. This has been completed, thank you so much for the idea!
  11. I hope it does help with low-pop. I can't believe this is the 5th recode the event system has gotten. Hopefully it works this time
  12. Chatbox Prefixes Users of different ranks will carry a pre-fix to their name displaying their rank This is particularly useful for staff members trying to notify players of incidents or delivering any necessary information Emoticons A list of emoticons can be found over at: http://www.famfamfam.com/lab/icons/silk/previews/index_abc.png Automated Event System BIG THANK YOU TO @Proggy FOR HELPING ME TEST THIS. Twice hourly players will receive a notification to join a team-based OOC event The current modes include: Melee (Crowbar) Melee (Knives) Sniper (Dragonlore) Rifle (AK47 CSGO variants) There are two arenas available for the time being Metal Star Power's Used for all rifle-based events Plank [Large] Used for Melee-based events Features for the future: Parkour event Free-For-All events (non-team based) Pointshop rewards to winners of events Divider wall allowing players a grace period prior to the event starting Prop Limit INCREASED?? With the abysmal amount of attention to optimization put into our server over the last few months, @Proggy brought it to my attention we could increase the prop limit slightly in trade for some FPS. I have finally increased our prop limit the server has had for the last 7 years The range increased by 5 starting at 40 players Up to 30 players Remains at 70 Up to 55 players Prop limit 50 > 55 Up to 80 players Prop limit 40 > 45 Up to 100 players Prop limit 35> 40 Up to full server Prop limit 30 > 35 Pointshop Support has been added for skinned items I will be adding those over the course of the next few days, but here's a starter!
  13. Hey everybody, I wanted to thank you guys so much. I will go through each comment and message some of you personally in the next upcoming days, but here is the latest update on Dude from the ER Me and my girlfriend were up waiting until the call came by at 4:30AM saying the operation went by successfully. His body temperature was still extremely low, but he's stabilizing now. Good morning, I am your Client X, and I will be your point of contact today until 4pm. The attending doctor overseeing Dude's care today is X, who will be your doctor until the next shift change. Our team knows how much you miss Dude. He is resting comfortably on continued IV fluids and pain management.
  14. Fundraiser link: https://www.paypal.com/donate?campaign_id=7TQXDEZW5MPLG Hello Garnetto members, I have never reached out for help in the past, however, my cat who's name is 'Dude' as some of you got to meet over the years, is going through a expensive operation to save his life. To those who are passing by and cannot contribute monetarily, just know, a nice comment at this time would help out emotionally just as much. I am currently working out some ideas I could give back out to those who help within the community's servers. For those interested, our timeline with Dude and his situation went as follows: On Saturday, Dude didn't eat much - but nothing to have been concerned out. On Sunday, Dude still had not eaten a whole lot and his energy was lower than usual, he did not leave the bedroom - which was pretty unusual. By Monday, he was mostly bound to one room in the house (the bedroom), did not move at all, and refused to eat any food we presented to him (dry, wet, cooked). We decided to schedule the earlier appointment the following day. Tuesday rolled around, Dude was borderline unresponsive, and we had taken him to the afternoon appointment. He was checked out, and everything was determined to be okay by the doctor - he was prescribed anti-nausea and appetite stimulants. Today, Dude was entirely unresponsive to us, hardly turning his head, and has lost more than a third of his bodyweight (from 13lbs to 9lbs in 4 days), so we insisted on going back to the same vetenerian for a second opinion. At the location, another doctor notified us that his intestines are blocked, his heart rate is low, his body is unable to regulate its temperature, urging we take him to the ER asap as he is literally dying. At such a short notice we were unable to figure out where we would like him to go/what is affordable, and we simply had to take him to the nearest open location in order to be stabilized - found by the vet's office. At the ER my girlfriend spent 3 hours, where we were presented with the option of putting down our cat of 3.5 years down, or putting forward a bizarrely high payment of $7,654.32. As of right now they had notified me they will still go through with the surgery even if I do not pay immediately on 11/30/2022 and although requiring alot of arguing, I had let the ER know I will only pay the amount on the first of the month (December 1st), seeing as I would have to well over max my credit card, and possibly limit my future for the foreseeable future by doing this. UPDATE: just got a call back and was told they would not be completing any examinations until the payment is made, so with the help of my dad, I was able to send the full amount without any issues. Any help with this bill will earn you something special. While I do not have the ideas worked out just yet, as I am still very much trying to figure out this situation, I am thinking of the following: PLEASE NOTE, THESE IDEAS MIGHT CHANGE, AND I COULD BE MORE FLEXIBLE AS TIME GOES, BUT AT THE MOMENT, THE SITUATION IS A BIT HECTIC. Thank you. $5 USD - amounts in excess of $5 will grant you usable 'Dude' stickers emoji for the DarkRP chat :angeridude: :aliendude: $10 USD - Amounts in excess of $10 will grant you the previous benefits, as well as: a chat-prefix of [Dude] within the servers, and so, your name would appears as "[Dude] Garnet" $25 USD - Amounts in excess of $25 will grant you the previous benefits, as well as: usable 'Dude' stickers emoji for the DarkRP chat :sexydude: $50 - undetermined $100 - undetermined Photos of Dude for your joy: Day he was adopted (he was a dumpster baby)
  15. Advanced dupe is not a pay-to-win feature, it is a QOL feature to help you build. The reason it is blocked off to regular players due to the abusive nature of it. Even with it being walled off by $5 (or $20 if permanently) there's still plenty of players abusing it and getting banned on a weekly basis.
  16. The winter map is going to go up in 2 weeks we have used it in previous years though! Just so everyone is aware, this update was published a day early (today) seeing as our server was exploited last night and I had to fix some new exploits this has been the stupid new norm. Adding onto this update, spawned money will despawn after 3 minutes - no reason for hoards of cash to just be sitting around dropped guns will be removed after 5 minutes of sitting idle - similar reasoning dropped shipments will be removed after 15 minutes of sitting idle - similar reasoning Shipment models and various guns' models have been whitelisted to allow for Gundealers to decorate their bases better
  17. If it's not me still working on this update lmao Add garnet.gg to your steam name and you'll earn an extra 20% standard pointshop points passively!
  18. HUD Lockdowns Lockdown display hud has been attached to the top of the screen to make lockdowns easier to identify Corrected overlapping UI elements Before: After: Bounty Hunters Albeit heavily less performance oriented, I had added a feature to the Bounty Hunter that'll periodically cycle through all players and display a 'Bounty' sign above bounty players, throughout a much further distance than our UI elements normally allows This will hopefully aid in Bounty Hunters locating users with a bounty, as I found it to be a huge burden to have to get within inches of other players in order to know - when playing as a bounty hunter. Civil Protection Similarly to the Bounty Hunter addition, CPs will now gain the massive advantage of knowing who is wanted from afar For the existence of the server, CPs have always struggled with having to /quickwant players when nearby and quickly arrest them, as it became hard to keep track of who is and is not wanted unless they had particularly redeeming features, IE: player materials. I've decided It'd be best to give CPs a large visibility as to who is and is not wanted This obnoxiously large sign (only seen by CPs now - regularly players will not know who is and is not wanted) will render out for the length of an entire tunnel when playing as a CP. I have done my best to optimize all the features involved, and this may lead to some choppy-ness in updating signs above other players. Medic & Doctor The last two roles addressed in this UI update Doctors and Medics will be able to see players' condition as to help them in serving their duties Q Menu Removed users' access to anything outside the spectrum of the spawnlist and tools, seeing as it was used for nothing other than abuse in the first place?? Removed unnecessary categories from the Q menu Anddd while at it I further de-cluttered the tool menu Whitelist System Various guns and shipment models have been added onto the list of whitelisted props seeing as shipments can no longer be used to decorate a base IE: Bugs & Miscellaenous Removed the ability to inventory pickup DarkRP cash - will soon remove RP cash from inventories all-together if players do not utilize their cash DarkRP cash, shipments, and dropped guns will delete themselves after being inactive for a period of time
  19. The Abusive Staff Refinement Update (scroll to the bottom) Miscellaneous & Bugs Commands Fixed the following from printing into everybody's chat /addlaw /placelaw /wanted Crack Due to an influx of children trying to crash the server, crack now stacks to create larger baggie Shipments Removed the need for a "load in" time for shipments, they will now immediately spawn and be available for use Re-coded large portions of the shipment code for optimization, they should now cause 0 performance concerns. Staff Commands MuteVoice Renamed to /Gag and /ungag Duration support added Usage: /gag [Name] [Duration in minutes] or 0 for permanent /ungag [Name] MuteChat Renamed to /Mute and /UnMute Duration support added Usage: /mute[Name] [Duration in minutes] or 0 for permanent /unmute [Name] Oopsie Ban Honestly I don't know how this has been allowed in GMod for so long, but it is. Extra big racist minges/hackers might need to restart their PC after getting banned you can call it a lua error Usage by Manager+, any abuse means your last 8 months of work will be reduced to nothing as you get put down to user. Gimping Featuring /gimp and /ungimp Shut up that annoying minge by replacing their sentences with non-sense Slap Hopefully to be used as an alternative to the !slay command, giving a user a lighter punishment, IE: 25 damage and a screen shake to get their attention when minging. Usage /slap [Name] [Damage] Whip Manager+ command When somebody's a nuisance, sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do Usage /whip [Name] [Damage] [Repetitions]
  20. Alot of stuff, honestly, but I forgot most of it lol Server Performance A dozen exploits have been fixed around the server that I was able to find, leading the server to have more solid performance overall, with more stability/reliability. Advanced Dupe was slowed to paste a dupe over a period of 30-45 seconds to also improve the overall server performance, disallowing players from pasting a clump of 50+ props in seconds. Agenda A way to reinforce cooperated play for roles that were meant to be played together! Leaders of their respective gang, or in the case of the Police Department, the Chief - may utilize the command /Agenda in order to post a bulletin board to all members of their gang/faction/organization. For security reasons, the nickname of the player who posted the Agenda will be logged into my own console, and also, members of the faction will automatically be able to see who posted the Agenda via the server-sided inclusion of their name at the end of an Agenda. Credit System Added a check to the credit system to disallow opening the menu when arrested for you filthy people who liked getting a gun while imprisoned AFK Checker Added a check to verify whether or not a player is a Police Officer, and if they are, they will be set back to Citizen. AFKing as CP moving forward will be considered as strictly against the rules, and any attempts to bypass the AFK checker, IE: +left +forward will earn a player a warning, followed by a kick off the server.
  21. - This message was sent from Kim Jong-un's iPhone 4s running iOS beta 0.38b
  22. After 5 unannounced updates with some mild amount of content, I figured a post was due seeing as we have some interesting content for a change. Crafting System Lightsabers A plethora of slightly more expensive "Common" Hilts have been added to the crafting bench Their crafting duration span from 15 to 120 minutes YES, I AM AWARE I NEED TO EDIT THE UI FOR CRAFTING NOW THAT WE'RE USING SO MANY DAMN INGREDIENTS LOL. I will likely rework this window in the future to make it easier to read by possibly having you hover your mouse over the hilt to see the ingredients necessary. Jobs Coruscant Guard : Riot Playermodel has been updated Removed medicalduty playermodel from Riot as per @MarkyMark's request Delivery System Reintroduced to the server New delivery destinations have been accompanied with this update F4 Menu Updated to the latest revision Directly from DarkRP, look down at your cool playermodel as opposed to looking at them T-pose like freaking losers I gave Spec OPs an extra little bit of flare in their display window Same thing with Jedi Scoreboard ...Also updated to the latest revision ...Also directly from DarkRP This revision features country of origin flags for players, a more fluid and easy to read design which scales perfectly with different resolutions
  23. Sadly that is the only catch. I will refuse to let you do this to any printer other than your own, because this seems VERY gamebreaking lol
  24. Nutter

    Slander V7

    Bro this actually had me dying laughing
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