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DarkRP Rules Updated (4/28/2024) ×


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About Freakit

  • Birthday 05/21/2004

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  1. Although I am really going to miss gmod, I don't really have the time and effort anymore as I have made lots of commitments. I really did enjoy everything that happened while I was staff, I am going to be saying goodbye. I love you all.
  2. Pros: Nice guys, very good hours, experience, good commitment, good referrals, OG af Cons: Hacking bans Overall: +1 Notes: I will ignore the bans because the past is in the past. My question is why would you hack in DarkRP, like its the most uncompetitive game genre wtf
  3. That is a good point, the 1 pixel sized shooty holes are impossible to do anything about. I guess the EMP would disable buttons so the shoot holes wouldn't work? Or maybe keypad cracking should just be faster.
  4. Description: For some players, the text on the F1 rules page is all black, and almost impossible to see Intention: Help new players see the rules better Additional Information: Screenshot of what I am talking about: This doesn't happen to everyone and not me, but a newer player showed me this so thought I would mention it and maybe it will be fixed.
  5. Yeah, like I said, it would be very difficult to balance this. However, people do want to see DarkRP "reworked," so making suggestions (even bad ones) and having conversations is good for the server. I appreciate the feedback!
  6. Pros: Amazing referrals, good hours, solid paragraphs, good encounters in game, good current behavior Cons: Mass RDM ban Overall: +1 Notes: Nothing else to be said, I agree with all the other staff
  7. -1, everything that he said Just wait for the warns to go away and show maturity, then reapply and I will probably +1
  8. Description: Bounties to encourage players to raid bigger bases, as you can simply grab the money from the printers and destroy them and the raider doesn't get anything Intention: Give more rewards for successful raids, stop people from sitting in their base Additional Information: Don't really know how to balance and prevent abuse, but there should be a way to formally bet (maybe in a UI) to say something like "You can't raid me, but if you do, I will give you this amount of money." Another option is maybe after a certain amount of time, you start putting a certain amount of money "into" your base. The longer you are on, the more the money that is in this pool. If someone raids you, they get some/all of the money in this pool. Don't really know how any of this would be possible and how it would be balanced, but the suggestion as a whole is just possible ways to rework raiding, and how to make it more fun and engaging. A quick suggestion that wouldn't really have to be implemented which is a "Raid and Base Event." This would work by having an admin making two certain size hollow cube that two groups would take over. They would both make a base, and after a certain amount of time, they would take turns raiding each other. This may sound boring, but the game master could make certain restrictions and game conditions to spice it up, like "No buttons" or "Protect the President." Again, the other suggestions are too hard to implement, I feel like this event would be a lot of fun.
  9. Pros: Amazing referrals, hours, paragraphs, reputation, commitment, personality, and singing, as well as no punishments Cons: Absolutely none Overall: colossal +1 Notes: Man, if there was one person on the entire server (whos not already staff) for me to pick as a staff member, it would be this guy. He is friendly and funny, and he really encapsulates what DarkRP is supposed to be. His paragraphs go above and beyond, I have never seen him have a bad encounter, he has so much commitment to the server as he spends almost every waking moment on this server, and there is no doubt that he knows the rules. In fact, if he ever questions the rules at all, he comes and checks in with an staff member to make sure he is good. I am 100% positive that Adric would be a fantastic staff member.
  10. -1, You need more hours to apply
  11. +1 Don't know why this is not a thing.
  12. +1 I like the general idea, how are you supposed to know when staff are there? Instead of disabling it, there should be a way to just see if any staff are active. It is a good idea at its core
  13. Good idea, why not! +1 Addition suggestion though, if this is accepted, it would be nice to have a different category search for CSGO knives, as typing knife in the search bar doesn't show knives
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