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DarkRP Rules Updated (4/28/2024) ×


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Everything posted by Vivianne

  1. sure u did at least i wasn't demoted from a manager position like vera was :^(
  2. damn rip hope things get better
  3. Being gay doesn't make you special
  4. lmao someone's triggered drax doesn't need a whiteknight he's a big boi
  5. New forums, new introductions y33t On the last forums my name was Sam or Barista Chink and I've been with the community for a while now. I was previously a Manager on DRP, a headmod on MRP, and then VADM in Navy and LCDR in SEALS. But yknow I resigned from everything and now I'm just inactive, maybe I'll find Garry's Mod entertaining enough to come back and play more often, but for now I'll just post around in forums. :^)
  6. New forums, why not remake the thread? : feminism isn't real and is a hoax for them to get more attention
  7. I mean when Navy was around being an officer in there, I was told Navy was my daycare oof
  8. what kinda nigga runs this store

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