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Posts posted by Dillan

  1. 56 minutes ago, Hashem said:


    If you want to listen to music just shift tab out the game? No offense but I don't really want to hear anyone elses music either.

    The system had a mute function.

  2. Description: About a year ago the server had an addon that would play music on the server, one could pick from a selection of songs, and could play them clientside and server-side. It used a credit system, however it was pointless as it was softcapped to only be able to be used server-side by SA staff. We could incorporate it again with the capability to be used by everyone with a moderate credit price.
    	Reasoning: With a money based credit system it could be used as a money sink, as the server has none. Pepple liked the music system while it was used. No balance or gameplay issues are invovled with this. Its a FUN thing to incorperate, during downtime it could help with atmosphere, while during wartime would be really intense. One of the reasons it was removed was because of "no one used it". If its not softcapped it would be used more. Another is "it's unnecessary". Duels are too, along with other features, this isnt a defense or argument. If we don't have the script or something I'll just help pay it myself, it couldn't be that pricy. There could be donations like a jukebox system, with 1 dollar for 4 credits, if in-game money isn't applicable. Its just a fun add-on.
    	Additional Information: n/a
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  3. I think about this stuff a lot, but the problem is time and place. Initially MPs had an ok rep, then it got destroyed by poor choices and bad leadership's. During war and combat they had to stay in base which isn't fun on a combat server. (While irl they would actually particpate in some combat if forced into it). They could be the transport faction, and be the only faction with vehicles along with other interesting principles. Their tool kits could include stun sticks, handcuffs, tasers, and ticketbook and other scripts we might still have from prp. We could also use 31D instead which focuses on the investigation, but how could it be used is the question. Then again we could just give officers handcuffs for less works sake. I go to the academy with a few mps and see how things are applied. I could keep going but break just ended. 

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  4. 42 minutes ago, Huskaiii said:

    From what i see, donors are pretty much useless right now. The base weapons are insane compared to the donor weapons. They have way less recoil, higher fire rate, and more ammo. Plus, the snipers with the right attachments can do almost 150 damage, while the orsis and mosin do like 110. 

    You know, I think thats funny more then bad. Ita a flex to use doners now.

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  5. 43 minutes ago, Ethan said:

    That was intentional in a previous update, Garnet asked about loot tables, we suggested remove low grade and only get crude oil so you can refine it and get larger amounts of low grade. I liked the update, works great, don't know why you want 3 low grade when you can get 7 crude oil and turn that into like 21 low grade instead.

    I get all my low grade from fat anyways

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  6. When a ghille crouch jumps and crunches the hitbox, it causes almost an rng effect that makes it as hard to kill as increased health class. While it takes practice and some skill to use, it tends to be impactful in a negative light. I would rather see a punishment for this, only it fits the following elements.

    1. User uses crouch jump spam during true combat situations with clear intentions.

    2. The reporter has video evidence of offense otherwise it's conisderd null and invalid.

    3.1st offense is verbal warning, 2nd follows bhop rules, jail and removed from war, along with a warning.

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  7. 3 hours ago, Ethan said:

    All Russian Recruits are to be treated with respect unless they have deemed themselves unworthy of basic respect. This means that by default, you must first approach a lost Recruit and guide them back on the correct path to getting trained, or train them yourself following the recruiting guideline on the Russian Ground Forces Documents.

    But my free Xp 

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