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DarkRP Rules Updated (4/28/2024) ×


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Everything posted by Lorahart

  1. Description: this is a simple change remove or nerf most 1 shot weapons it ruins any balance in the game. Reasoning: as a new player war has come down to one simple loop if your on the ru go to the objective get a few kills die but when your on the us all it is run in die to a sniper or shotgun cause someone was just outside the draw distance it gets annoying and puts many new players off many of the good players get the otis then just one shot anyone who they see without he need to aim it feels unfair and overall boring Additional Information: none
  2. Lorahart

    prone mod

    i can see how that might happen but who knows maybe it might work out this time
  3. Lorahart

    lfs aircraft

    Description: lfs is a mod which adds many planes and helicopters with dynamic health weapons and speed and also has many addition addons that add more aircraft. Reasoning: this would allow us to have a dynamic way to get to objs other than by car it would be really fun to have a helicopter loaded up with a team of us landing on as and all hoping out Additional Information:https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=1571918906
  4. Lorahart

    prone mod

    Description: this addon is a simple mod that allows you to go prone by pressing crouch or a button of choice 3 times. Reasoning: this would allow people to take cover in unconventional spots i.e a small crater and have more cover options in general. Additional Information:im surprised that this isnt already added https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1100368137
  5. Description: pvp is good for training not tryouts Reasoning: pvp is a stupid req for tryouts on a server where pvp rarely happens if i wanna play for pvp ill just go to mrp but seeing as how the 41st especially require pvp just to get the first class i feel that its clearly a unfair system that ruins the fun of the bat i understand for things like arc and rc because they are special bats but 41st clearly has more to do with scouting than with pvp especially when the pvp involves snipers it gets stupidly boring unfair and overall just makes me mad the fact that i can get through 99% of it just fine but fail at one part and just dont get the class Additional Information:i have talked with thomas about this hes a experienced with doing tryouts on other servers and agrees with me
  6. Lorahart

    Npc tools 2

    Description: This mod allows gms to control where npcs go how much health make them follow you control a npc change their relationship and more Reasoning:This mod would be a HUGE help to gms it would allow them to control npcs rather than just spawn them and have them stand there Additional Information:it also supports another great mod https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=624692150 which gives npc route controls
  7. Description: gms like ghost NEED cameras to record videos its hard to get good shots with the camera prop as you have to carry it move position it all while trying not to drop it Reasoning its hard to use the camera prop and this is a small but useful change for some gms while it wont affect everyone it would affect some and overall just a nice small change Additional Information:Ghost is a really good camera man please be nice to him PLEASE
  8. Description:this mod allows you to switch your npc relationships quickly and easily it allows you to select a what side your friendly towards there are 3 options resistance aka npcs that are normally friendly to the player combine makes enemy droids aka re-skinned combine friendly towards you along with helicopters i think turrets and other combine npcs friendly towards you antlions makes the antlions and antlion reskins friendly towards the player this also makes the re-skinned bugs friendly as well i believe Reasoning: this would allow you to actually have droids interact with you more instead of no target it also belive it makes it so bug balls work if you set your side to antlions Additional Information:none https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=206474243
  9. Description:its a collection of phase 2 armor Reasoning:it might have some stuff that we can use Additional Information: note i usually dont look through these as i dont know super deep lore and stuff so i usually leave it to people who know more https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=850185324
  10. Description: A collection of star wars maps i feel like some of these maps can be added and used in the rp later on Reasoning: its always good to have more variaty in your map choices during a rp Additional Information: NOTE i am not saying add all of these please do not look at it that way as that would not be a very sane thing to do i am just suggesting we add SOME of the maps https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=109284238
  11. Description: a simple channel for us to stream to those who may be away and want to watch the rp who knows what for maybe they want to see a current event thats going on maybe they want some backstory Reasoning: a good channel for those on mobile or are otherwise unable to play at the current time. Additional Information: none
  12. Description: the pc droids need a nerf they are just to op with the weapons they get Reasoning: the pc droids weapons are basically just auto rep snipers they can easily kill squads of clones and take little skill to use while i understand that pc droids need to powerful when a pc b1 can take out a entire squad 1 or 4 times without dying it becomes really boring repetitive and annoying another situation is if droids enter the base they can hide in the 3rd floor shoot down on clonse that just repsawn and take no damage because of how high up they are now im not saying nerf them to the point where they are useless and keep the special weapons the same i.e the rocket launcher and sniper but nerf the cis shotgun and rifle for the love of all things garnet Additional Information: none
  13. one of the things you need to think about if it was added with the npc spawner is it would give new players and possibly minges access too not just the jetpack but to the other vehicles aswell meaning minges could easily spawn a atte or a plane and mass rdm
  14. Lorahart

    Media player

    if this gets added ghost might make a funny vid to put in the training area just something to note
  15. +1 i think that this would make training easier something we all know is annoying wthout a gm.
  16. Lorahart

    Media player

    Description: For those of you who do not know what media player is, it is a simple easy way to watch videos/listen to music on the internet ingame. Reasoning: it would be a nice way to relax during downtime we could also use it to watch videos made by members of the community [cough cough ghost cough cough] it can also maybe be used to do training better such as putting on a video that explains the basics instead of reading from a wall plus who doesnt love watching some videos in the middle of a war. Additional Information: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=546392647 file size 1.418 MB NOTE in order to use this mod you need to have the chromium beta version of gmod otherwise you will not be able to use this mod. a quote from the workshop addon about this. "This addon no longer works on the default version of Garry's Mod. To fix this, you need to switch to the 'x86-64' branch of GMod (Note: this branch is under active development and may cause your game to crash). Read the guide for switching to the 'dev' branch on the wiki[wiki.garrysmod.com], but remember to choose 'x86-64' instead."
  17. fixed it thank you for the format
  18. can we make the dc 15x full auto but have it fire at the same rate it gets annoying having to click everytime. and also give 212th arf jetpacks.
  19. Description: it is a lore friendly simple vehicle which the arf use in sw. Reasoning: it would give the arf and some other classes a way to move around faster instead of walking Additional Information: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2168391721 [suggested by broku]
  20. Description: its a vehicle fixer/resupplyer that helps us in battle it is small and can be placed almost everywhere. Reasoning: this would make it so that we wouldnt have to despawn our vehicles everytime we run out of ammo along with a way to fix them as the repair tool isnt a common sight Additional Information:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1775299799 note it does need a navmesh to work i believe.
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