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Everything posted by BigA

  1. Based exclusively on my experiences with Jack on the server I am going to give him a +1. Even though the application may not be the best, he is active, friendly in the community, experienced, and most importantly knowledgeable. I can't speak on anything I haven't witnessed, so to emphasize, this +1 is strictly based on 40% application and 60% in game/community experiences. If you can manage your time well, I feel like you will be fine. If you really want to be apart of something, I believe you will find and make time. Good luck!
  2. @stretchyI was involved in the situation... also I was clarifying because I thought he was speaking about me because I was the staff member who originally took the sit.
  3. @Sidney_Jamesheads up one of your links aren't working! EDIT: Thank you!
  4. 1000% I just record every second of my gameplay and looking through everything is very time consuming. And yes it was OBNinja and I remember the details specifically because it was my first and only mass fw ban to date.
  5. @GameClicher Working on it as we speak! @isaacace2 by chance did you have another in game name at the time of the sit?
  6. He was reported for RDA. When he was brought into the sit I asked him why he quick wanted 11 people in 40 seconds (33 to be exact) he stayed quiet and didn't say anything. He was running around the admin roof without responding and after 10-15 seconds he disconnected. If you will allow me some time to look through my clips I can provide the video of the sit and the screenshot of the logs!
  7. Damn bro hate to see you go...good luck with everything!!!
  8. +! Had some great experiences with you in game and as you can see other members of the community enjoy your presence as well. Good luck, I know you'd be a great staff member!
  9. Neutral. I have seen you around on the server and you've been great. Also with the new additions to your staff application I would have no problem giving you a plus one. However, I am not aware of what all transpired in the past and based on the comments I have read on here posted by current staff members, it would be unfair for me to negatively or positively effect the outcome of your application. I do wish you the best of luck though! Edit: Just would like to clarify. Prior to the post of this application I did give him consent to use me as a referral. My reason for this was specifically due to the fact that I had a lot of positive in-game experiences with him, no negatives whatsoever! The reason I didn't give him a plus one is because I was unaware Ruko's history. I'd be willing to change my neutral back to a plus one if the accusations against him can be proven false.
  10. +1 Super active with a great reputation! You'd be an amazing staff member!
  11. +1 Love to see the changes made... you'll be a great staff member! Good Luck!!!
  12. Good luck man, be safe!
  13. Congrats to everyone! Just wanted to thank everyone for grinding this month, love you guys
  14. How's everything going @special? Hope all is well, keep us updated!
  15. +1 Super cool , super active, and super knowledgeable! I feel as though you'd make a great staff member! Good luck, looking forward to working with you!
  16. -1 I like what I see so far but you are missing some important parts... I will definitely reconsider after the necessary changes have been made. Looking forward to the changes!
  17. ^I saw that after the fact but i was too lazy to delete it lol its the thought that counts
  18. hope you had a good time jorts lol
  19. +1 I have only came across you a couple of times but every interaction was pleasant! Your application was a 10/10 for me.. ! Good Luck!!!
  20. BigA

    Noxiis Staff App

    +1 Every time I have come across Noxii has been super cool. Super knowledgeable and a cool person. I hope I will be able to work alongside you!
  21. Unfortunately I do not. I assume that when people get banned they would take the liberty of appealing the ban ASAP. In this case after his "computer crash," I believe it is safe to assume that if it did crash suddenly out of nowhere, then he would have tried to get on as soon as he could have. I would like to add that if this is true where it wasn't his choice to get off and it was a crash then he would have tried to get on that very next moment. Additionally this leads me to believe that in seeing his ban he would have known to go straight to the forums to appeal. Unfortunately the incident took place around 8pm and he appealed, at least attempted to appeal (No Format) at 3:38 AM a approximate 8 hour gap between ban and ban appeal. I got offline around 11pm and before I get off I check the forums to make sure there are no ban appeals and if there are none I delete all the footage I obtained for the day except for the ones that happened less than 2 hours before I get off because of the assumption that 5 hours is plenty of time to see and appeal the ban. In this case, the footage you guys are asking me about went into the category of footage to delete because I assume the ban appeal would happen less than 5 hours after the ban, before I head off for the day and create space for the next day of sits.
  22. The incident took place yesterday around 8pm, not 3-5. There were a handful of mods on at this time yesterday, including 2 of them strictly being on duty. If the cops were supposedly "Mass RDA'ing," (Which is the reasoning behind your RDM's) there are three things I would like to point out. One, I believe that the cop would have been reported by at LEAST one of the THREE (MASS = 3 or MORE) players who were wrongfully arrested. Secondly "Taking it into my own hands"-xQKrumPlays (Because supposedly staff did not handle it) is not a valid reason to break a rule. Last of all, if these cops or this cop, was MASS RDA'ing and lets say someone did report it, how is it that it didn't get to a staff member but your report by another user in regards to YOUR RDM's did? I can say that I myself do not have the power to ban on this server, meaning that there had to be AT LEAST 1 ACTIVE (Non AFK) staff member in the server to execute the ban command which would lead me to believe that the cop scenario you stated about there being one and no staff took care of it (Again, YOUR motive for your kills) to be false. In regards to the LTAP... the server did not crash. The reason for me saying this is to emphasize the fact that you were the only person affected by this sudden "disconnect." I find it hard to believe that right before you were being issued a punishment, your game suddenly crashes. Unfortunately as a human, and in this case a moderator of a sever, I am limited to the resources I can use to determine a situation. In saying this, I have no way to know if it is a disconnect or you leaving. Usually, based on my experience and other staff members I have connected with about the situation, when players get disconnected from the server after they have broken rules and have been put in a sit, it is common that the disconnection is in fact the players choice(LTAP). Although, it is highly unlikely (1 in 1,000,000) there is a very very small (Again 1 in 1,000,000) chance of a crash at that exact timing ( this timing in which I pointed out is very similar to other LTAP situations) and if that is the case in this situation where you are that 1 in a million then it is simply an unfortunate circumstance for the both you and I to be in. I hope you understand my perspective of the situation. Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance.
  23. For the little I've known you, I believe you'd make a great addition to the team! You seem knowledgeable and dedicated. Looking forward to the opportunity to be able to work along side you!
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