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About realAngel

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  1. Description: Get rid of the climb swep and climb swep v2 from the classes. Reasoning: Climb swep is rarely used for what it was meant for and is often used just for zooming at ludicrous speeds across the map. I consider this abuse so I'm suggesting it gets removed. Additional Information: I made a few dumbass suggestions before but this one feels fair.
  2. Everyone seems to be misinterpreting my suggestion. I was more focused on the raiders being the victims not the defenders.
  3. Description: Basically just a new rule in the MOTD that says exactly what the title is. Reasoning: It is impossible to raid a place when they can just keep you in a box during your keypad cracking and bomb/gas you. You can't move and you can't retaliate because their explosive splash damage and gas can go through their walls while they stand from a distance, making any sort of retaliation or defense impossible. This is just a fundamental flaw that was never thought of and needs to be addressed.
  4. meant if there is a warden, not if there are duties
  5. Description: Basically just a 1 hour, 45m, or 30m timer until a Mayor is demoted, giving other players a chance to be mayor. Reasoning: Mayor is a pretty well coveted job, at least when there is a dictatorial player in charge. It ruins the game when there is a dictator mayor in charge all day, arresting people for the slightest missteps. This is coming from a player who uses the mayor job frequently, which brings me to my 2nd reason that if someone is hogging mayor I should not have to wait half the day for him to leave.
  6. Description: Basically, give the warden back the power to build. Reasoning: The Warden is one of the only CP classes that needs to be able to build. Part of the fun of playing warden is being able to build cool designs in the jail cell to mess around with prisoners. Also, one of the Warden's duties- if there is one- is to block additional entrances like the vent. Without being able to build he is useless and nobody will want to play him.
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