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Crin {GG}

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Everything posted by Crin {GG}

  1. I remember I tried joining before and they denied me ?
  2. Accepted I'll give you a chance, after speaking with both you and Sleepy I feel confident enough that you can keep your attitude low when handling staff related issues. With some good training I'm sure you'll be just fine. Don't let me down! Contact a Manager + ingame for your rank and a HR member for training. @Phantom
  3. I’d like to speak with you before I either accept or deny you. If you are available tonight, and are able to hop on TS for like 15 minutes it would be appreciated. Contact me if there is a better time for you.
  4. Which faction do you play for?
  5. Whos telling you this? As far as I know this isn't a rule as much as it's just common decency to ask them to go back before shooting them. So yeah, to my knowledge this rule doesn't exist.
  6. ur funny xd Suppose you really want the IP ban ?
  7. And this is why you were banned off teamspeak. Just take your toxicity elsewhere, no one cares nor needs it.
  8. Cool suggestion but wouldn't fit the server, as Abu said, this sort of thing would be more suited for either a SOC faction or just not at all. There are some donator classes that have added health though.
  9. Not true, I believed that he was hacking but we knew that he would make a appeal, therefore we went for more proof Not entirely true either as there are cheats like citizenhack that have team settings so that you don't target allies, as well as if you actually watch the extended version it shows that he most likely hit his key and locked onto me, but as soon as he hit it he let go as then he had free movement.
  10. Dis ain't your thread, I don't know why you're acting like it is lol.
  11. Cause you physically cannot go up 180 degrees in a instant. You can watch the gyazo again, it's at .25x speed, thats slower then slow lol and it's still instantly.
  12. You need to chill out with posting, you've posted triple the amount of times that the actual person who made the appeal has. Let him defend himself.
  13. And you know this how? Were you on his computer when he did that? I doubt it, you're just assuming things without any actual evidence ?
  14. Because he knows that we're watching and if he hits every single shot he would get banned within a day. After someone went ahead and told him that myself and others had been spectating him he became a lot more careful and started intentionally missing shots to not be suspicious.
  15. Denied You just got demoted, you're not getting staff back as when you were staff previously you didn't benefit the server in anyway, as well as you're outbursts and overall incompetence on the forums is horrible. Before you apply next get permission from a manager +. @Phantom
  16. You don't "Need" anything. Not everyone is as retarded as Freebird was, if a hacker is smart they'll hide it like Cramps did.
  17. No they don't actually, unless you're doing it incorrectly. Why do you want a clip of him playing war, it's not relevant.
  18. Right, you can tab back in and lock onto someone in an instant, keep in mind that, that video is slowed down by 0.25x
  19. https://gyazo.com/cb3947539cef930e47a9693b6a8d4daa https://gyazo.com/83199722384050a8e743122dd9ab1e6d {Extended Version} Hopefully this will tide you guys over for now, as for the rest of the evidence, you guys can wait. (Little background to that gyazo) I was on a Vega class with my name and job invisible, and as you see he flicks up and locks onto me spectating him(When spectating I believe it puts your playermodel above them, like you're sitting on their head.)
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