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Everything posted by {GG}otham

  1. Wym, for doing something like this?
  2. lol, I'm not sure. All I know is she was handpicked. And i'm pretty sure the only reason they removed people with "R"s in their name was because she has trouble saying them
  3. Petal was handpicked and turned it down the next day
  4. You're right, I probably should have said that. I wrote this directly after the ban happend. I was still a little pissed off to be watching a child potentially throwing their life away.
  5. Gildarts summed it up nicely. Personal opinions aside, this is the problem in my eyes from a staff member perspective. If you give your number to individuals in private, i hope you're careful of course, but it's none of my business. My job as a staff member is to protect what happens on the server. Broadcasting your personal information through the server, makes the server the platform in which you did it. That is the issue at least for me.
  6. In an effort to try and balance out the power of US entry factions, marines have taken a step back when it came to recruiting. When it came to how I was going to fix it I had two thoughts; 1. An idea that would require a lot of effort. 2. fuuuuuuuck that With that being said, I have came up with a conclusion on how Marine training will work moving forward. Changes: The requirement for DI will be raised from Cpl to MSgt. (Those below MSgt with DI will need to retryout as the requirements are being updated, sorry for the inconvenience) The recruiting docs themselves will be updated. Marines will be training on Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays. Based on the unpredictability of the player base, these changes are subject to change. @_Jin_ @draggydx @Deadwest @Remake @CodyDrax @Pencil @{GG} CJ @petal-chan All WO+ are cleared to begin removing DI from >MSgt. Also spread this to marines.
  7. https://gyazo.com/7bfc0e6e8bbea569f959cc610ca87f58 To which obviously, he did it again after I did a general warning in OOC per Gildarts request. Prewritten response; I stand by my ban 100%. I think it's absolutely ridiculous that this even happend in the first place. Furthermore, I'm sorry that I'm acting more as a parent than apparently you've ever had. I won't make general claims about everyone's childhood, but most people have already been drilled into to not leak your personal information online. Of course, this is not black and white. I myself have added a few members of this community on more than one of my social media, however, there is a key difference. Do it in private. By doing it in private, you are responsible for who you give it out to. Doxing yourself/others in OOC makes the server the platform for minors who apparently don't know any better to give out their personal information. And I don't know if you've read the news recently, but it looks like that might not be the best idea(This was about the e-girl). Part of the staff's responsibility is to make the server a safe place. Regardless of us doing our best, it doesn't change the fact that anyone with any intentions can join the server. Please, as a general statement, make conscious decisions when it comes to protecting yourself on the internet.
  8. Unban is up to @Gildarts . ill provide evidence and my typed response as to why it should stay in 3 hours when im off work
  9. Jesus christ the formating issues Description: I'm suggesting that we fix the problem of head glitching. I don't really have a paragraph of fluff to stuff here, but headglitching=bad. Reasoning: It would prevent people playing like skids from doing it intentionally, and unintentionally. Explanation: The first person POV is always as if you have your keys out or weapon on safety. The issue arises when you pull your primary weapon out. Your model's head lowers, but your POV stays the same. Model with gun on safety; Model with weapon off safety; Additional Information: [Photos/Videos][/CODE] After getting super salty, I started asking other Garry's mod developers/server owners if they knew anyway to change the height of the first person FOV. Turns out, you can by using soemthing like this; PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetViewOffset( Vector(0,0,70) ) end, Shout out to @GreatGuyHugh for the help
  10. You sent me this application before you posted it, forgive me for not providing feedback. I remember when you asked me about applying for staff the first time, I remember telling you that you should wait a bit to do it. To really get a feel for the community. I'm pretty sure you've only played marines, don't take this as me saying that's a bad thing, it's simply a statement for my next point. You've only made it to GySgt, as far as I've seen, you're a good guy. However, as a faction leader, I've known people longer and of higher ranks that have pulled some really stupid stuff. Not to say I don't trust you, but I have to have maintain a certain level of doubt as to people's responsibility/trustworthiness. Even more so now considering 2 people in relatively high positions in my faction got banned for hacking. I recommend climbing a bit higher and just generally getting to know more people. It's a -1 from me for now, but take what I've said and I think you'll be able to become a decent staff member.
  11. The issue wasn't with his app. It was about his activity and how well he is known. There is nothing wrong with that. Imagine rewriting your resume anytime you applied for a job. There's no way to uniquely describe yourself and what you've done multiple times. It's a +1 from me.
  12. I believe we should stick with the old stamina system with simple changes. -1 stamina every 2 seconds for sprinting (200 seconds or 3 minutes and 20 seconds of sprinting)*Enough to go anywhere or do anything unhindered* Jumping -15 stamina(6 jumps from max) Regen +2 a second on rest(jogging) Keep in mind this is coming from someone who didn't mind the final version of the stamina system. However, I can see how I'm bias because i'm not one of the people who had their entire play style crashing down on them. Sometimes the changes that need to happen to balance the server directly hinder how you use to play. I'd almost go as far to say if you were fully against the stamina system, it's probably because you were part of the reason it was added in the first place.
  13. Damn, a world with Petal making sense. Good on you Petal
  14. You need to edit this post. This testing has been labeled classified until we get the results we are looking for. Continue to play as you normally would. Just know that when you die by a staff member sitting in the wall for testing, you are doing the server and staff team both a great service. We could not do it without your continued support. -staff member Tsop Tihs
  15. Capitalism has no room for morales so long as it's not against the law
  16. If I'm coming on, we need to tweak the business model
  17. I will pick up a faction and staffing(like that really matters). $250 dollar flat fee every server "collapse" and "reopening"
  18. I know you can, I've said from the start I respect the hustle
  19. @petal-chan Now is your chance, Coyote feelin' down to clown
  20. We kill eachother sure, but not at the rate to which it'd be mass. Also the staff don't recognize 3rd party reports. The only way to get banned for Mass while fucking around is 1)mowing eachother down fresh out of spawn. 2.blowing a large amount of people up at once. or 3. getting reported by someone. Maybe your intentions arent as bad as they seem, but this is the second time you've gotten active on GG and get banned after starting up your server. I've been around for over a year and a half now, and I've only seen you get on whenever you've restarted your server.
  21. You are a well known community member. Not like a part of the community per say, more like the drunk uncle that comes around from time to time. From what I've seen this is the series of what you do. 1. disappear 2. Start up your server 3. Come and hang around Garnet 4. Shut down your server 5. Repeat steps. I don't take you for a stupid man, actually I have mad respect for you. But you shouldn't take me for a fool either. This series of events isn't a coincidence. Even if you aren't directly advertising it, your presence does it for you. And of course, that wouldn't be fair to hold against you in itself. However, like I said, you only come around when you conveniently start up your server again. It's not like you've invested yourself into the server. I'm a distinguished community member from the time and effort I've put in to Garnet Gaming, you're distinguished for coming around when you start up the server. Most times resulting in you dicking around and getting banned.
  22. PDSS SN Froggie movin' up in the world.
  23. -1, dumbass broke his computer.... +1 if he figures that shit out tho
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