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Everything posted by Maddox

  1. Glad the defib got changed. It was a little imbalanced at first, but that's to be expected when adding something new. Hey, congrats man! Hope everything goes smoothly for the move.
  2. Description: We would remove the defibrillators from the support class and give them to a new class, titled US Army : Combat Medic and Russian Forces : Combat Medic, which would be a class that requires tryouts to obtain (and would be limited to say, CPL/JSG+). This class would have a pistol, a medkit, defibrillators, and an SMG of some kind (I'll leave that up to executives for balancing purposes). Reasoning: There have been many instances of newly trained PVTs either minging with the defibs by reviving enemies, or even teammates after they've been told not to (i.e. someone was micspamming in DB so they were killed, and a PV2 on the support class kept reviving him so he would continue to micspam until staff intervened). I have also, as a staff member, had to ban a player for MRDM because he and his friend kept killing one of the other PVTs for no reason, reviving him, and killing him again and again, until he notified staff that he was being targeted. Additional Information: N/A
  3. +1 Although I have heard from others that in the past there have been issues, for the past couple of months, every interaction I've had with you has been positive, and you genuinely put effort into RP. I definitely believe that you would be great as a GM, and that you would massively contribute to the RP environment on the server.
  4. Getting a warn for self-damage doesnt mean anything. Python almost got warned for self damage the other day and hes a T.Admin. I dont think this is a valid reason for a -1.
  5. Changing my +1 to NEUTRAL Knew you back when you were staff and SSO COL. However, based on what others have said, I'm not entirely sure that this isn't a shitpost. I also don't play RU that much, so I'm not sure what your recent behaviour has been like, but based on what Hysteria and Yurri said, it hasn't been great. I'll leave this as it is now, and change it as is necessary.
  6. Congrats everybody! Except Camo? How tf did he manage to DDOS the server?
  7. +1 I understand that people don't see you very often, or don't know you very well. However, from the interactions that I've had with you, I would definitely say that you have potential. You are very mature, and seem to have a competent grasp on the basics of leadership. You have my support. Good luck.
  8. +1 Him and I do go back and forth quite a bit, but overall he's a solid player, mature, and generally respectful.
  9. -1 There's no way for you to prove that it wasnt you. Needless to say, your account was the one that massed, so it was your account that got banned. My advice: Wait out your ban, and if it really was your brother, close your game in the future to avoid any incidents. And if it wasnt, if you ever get bored on the server, ask a higher-up to do sims or tryouts. If it was because you were frustrated, take it up with staff instead of taking it into your hands.
  10. +1 Very mature, very active, good officer, good player. Not much else to say. Would make good staff in my opinion.
  11. -1 After reviewing the evidence you are clearly cheating.
  12. -1 Crazy toxic, mildly immature. I don't doubt that you're a capable player, I just dont think you would be a good fit for the staff team.
  13. +1 This shouldn't even be a question. Fonza is a perfect fit for staff. He helped me learn the ropes of the server while failing GB tryouts like 6 or 7 times. Add me to your referrals if you'd like. Good luck my man.
  14. I'd definitely like Echo. I know a lot of people prefer Delta, but I feel like Echo would be a nice change of scenery from the dusty brown foggy mess that is Omega. This would also work for me. Just a general change of scenery is what I'm looking for.
  15. -1 I have seen you a lot in-game, but you don't seem to interact with people too much. You say you have a mic, but I've done tryouts, trainings, sims, and wars with you, but have never seen you use it once. Also, your paragraphs are most definitely lacking. They are what are supposed to set you apart from other applicants, and as of now, they are very basic and don't tell us anything about what we would be seeing from you as a staff member.
  16. +1 I would +2 if I could. Active, mature, well known, and experienced. Couldn't think of a better person to add to the staff team.
  17. -1 I think I've only ever seen you on the server once, and I've never seen you on TeamSpeak. I've never even interacted with you. I think you should try and form some bonds with some members of the community, since then you'll have some friends to vouch for you. Also, as many others have stated, your paragraphs are a little lacking.
  18. -1 Even before the ban, you were just generally acting toxic, disrespecting staff and higher-ups, etc. When you refused to comply with a directive from the owner of the goddamned server, what did you expect to happen? I'd say that you may just have to stay banned for a while just to reevaluate your attitude, then maybe when you mature a little, consider making another appeal.
  19. +1 I would +2 if it were possible. Very mature, very well known, very active. Would be a great fit for staff. Every single one of my interactions with him have been extraordinarily positive. Add me to your referrals if you want. Also, it would be sad if Riprandy ended up being the only US Faction Leader who isn't a staff member .
  20. can a mod just delete this comment pls
  21. +1 I always get weirded out whenever I see a zombie floating whenever I get pulled into a sit. It's time to reject modernity. Return to monke.
  22. +1 I do see you on a lot, and you clearly have the experience and the motivation. Based on these reasons and the fact that you have greatly matured since we met, I'm in support of you becoming staff.
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