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Everything posted by im_Red

  1. Chris branches binds wont be wrong anymore XD
  2. +1 chill guy unbiaised has a great past experience with staffing would make a good fit for staff
  3. -1 if you act the way you did in seals yout not ready for stadd
  4. I would plus one cause your a good guy and all but the minimum age to apply w/o perms is i belive 15
  5. Dont take this as a GG resignation As i will be on from time to time Just with life hitting me and stuff and the lack of motivation i cannot give the team the activity it demands and deserves so my activity will be cut short on GG but most deff im gonna visit you guys
  6. Welp fuck i said i wouldnt do it and i did it (Sorry delphin i lied to ya) Seals was a damn fine faction and i hate to leave it but my motivation was low and i cant keep my activity And now..the tags @Chef Ramardee Best leader 10/10 @Mob chill guy i missed ya @Hoskins you have great potential as a leader and a great team to back it up good luck and god speed @Jackal l GarnetGaming.net good officer keep it up @Greasy Dan 1985 @Phantom THE DONNNNN @chambers good guy good friend 10/10 And to all of my other enlisted you guys made my time in seals i never regreted a second of it I love you all and remember IT PAYS TO BE A WINNER
  7. Eh so other than talking to you in ooc i dont really know you i suggest gettimg known not only in ru but in us
  8. Way too young no offense plus even though you meet the required time you should get those hours up and be more prominate in the community -1
  9. I know we had our differences but im glad we atleast tried to put them aside You have amazing leadership capabilites and i looked forward to you in a officer position But good luck to whereever you go my guy
  10. A huge fuckin +1 coming right up Jin is a good member of the community and would be a fantastic fit for staff
  11. Im not gonna lie ik iv said this to you but ima say it here to imortalize it Your one of the best leaders iv had youve pushed me to do better and better and i know im still shit but iv noticed improvments in myself on the server and youve had some good words of wisdom (surprisingly (jkjk) ) that i took to heart and tried to apply to myself irl to better myself. Im glad that i could call you not only my captain but in my book my friend (Now you best fucking visit)
  12. im_Red

    TKTV's Staff App

    +1 mature guy i seem him active alot and feel that hed make a great addition to the team
  13. No but bday is 9/21/2000
  14. Name: Neptune ( NSWC SCPO Neptune) Age:18 Total time on the server: | NSWC SCPO Neptune has played for 606:01:41. Do you own a microphone: Yes Referrals: none Staff History: i do not believe i have any active warns but i was warned about a month ago for rdm Country of Residence: USA Essay Portion Past experiences staffing?I have ran MC servers but all are defunked Why do you plan on benefiting our server (100 words minimum) Iv been on Garnet Gaming Military RP for about 5-6 months and i have thoroughly enjoyed my time on the server. As for what i can bring to the server and to the staff team is in generally on a lot and when most staff is afk or just plain not on due to school/work/just not on etc. while yes i'm still in school which does limit my activity I generally get on whenever I can and stay on for a good bit so activity is not an issue for me. I believe i can also bring justice/fairness to any sit/or situation that arises in the server whether arguments are breaking out or people are mass rdming i plan on doing my best to be the best staff i can be in any situation. I put effort into anything and everything I put my mind to and staff is no exceptions.While I do understand my past was and still is concerning when looking at me for a staff position i ask you look past that and take my current attitude into consideration. I look forward to hearing a response.
  15. I thought it said pm instead of ooc oh well your prob right then
  16. The maj said fuck school(i would remake the pizza man meme but to lazy
  17. I dont even think you posted it into ooc you sent it to ilano who then posted it in ooc (unless im mistaking) may not matter but yea Best of luck
  18. Does not meet requierments -1
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