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Everything posted by aidanpoppas123

  1. Follow the ban appeal format if you don't want this to get auto-denied In-game name:SteamID (https://steamid.io/):Staff members in-game name:Staff members SteamID (https://garnetgaming.net/darkrp/bans) (/id (name):Date & Time of incident:Timezone:Ban Reason:How long were you banned for?:Proof of Ban:What happened? (include any proof):Why should your ban be removed?:
  2. Computer Working GIF

    I've been thinking about this a lot lately 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tuna


      No, you removed my right to think on the forums

  3. Ok look, I've seen you around a few times, and you are always nice, but, you are still very much in the beginner phase. The first time I saw you on was less than a week ago, and although you've been pretty active since then, I still think you haven't been a part of the community long enough to be a staff member. You also don't have 2 paragraphs, and your 1 paragraph has a few issues throughout. Fix the paragraphs, and I will consider changing. -1 I still think that you haven't been a part of the community for long enough to get you a +1, but I think that a neutral will do. Neutral I can't not plus one this after everything else being said. +1
  4. i didnt know you that much but here is sad spongebob
  5. I tried looking up his playtime but he hasn't been on at all. (I'll edit this to a screenshot of his playtime if I get it)
  6. Chikn and Burg Not Sorry

  7. This comes off as very rude. It seems like you are saying that the staff team is full of inexperienced people. Also, you don't need to be super fancy when telling us how many warns you have. It's as simple as a number and the reasons. I can really see the effort put into this application, but your application seems rude in some places, and I don't think that I've ever seen you before. -1
  8. Use the /playtime command to get your exact playtime
  9. Are you trying to say that we don't take the job seriously? I've seen you a few times before and I haven't had any good interactions with you, your application seems very unprofessional with the grammar issues and the abbreviations, and some of the points you make in your paragraphs come off as really rude. -1
  10. @TingleTheMingle1 @Ba11ParkFrank41 @Atheol he fixed this part if you didn't see
  11. you can always go back and fix it
  12. +1 Cool guy, I've seen him around. Very active. Accused me of impersonating myself but still.
  13. 256 also pls save 864 for me when we get there
  14. -1 I can't not give this a -1 after seeing what everyone else has to say.
  15. lol why are you neutral if you 100% agree with it and want to see it happen
  16. bookworm adventures? actually fun if you ignore the glitches
  17. I understand how changing VIP Mod around could lower profits from it, so to me it seems like a decision between better staff or profits, and I could see it going either way.
  18. Description: I am suggesting that people who buy VIP Mod still have to pass a few things, like the minimum playtime for regular applicants. I think that if people who bought vip mod still had to pass the requirements to apply to staff, it would be better. They still wouldn't have to apply or anything, but they should have to meet the minimum playtime, the minimum age, etc. People should also be able to get a refund if they don't meet these requirements. Reasoning: Recently there has been someone who purchased VIP Mod without even having 10 hours of playtime on the server, and I've noticed that he handles certain things a bit differently than someone who has over 72 hours of playtime, or someone who meets the requirements to apply to staff. I just think that if you don't have at least 72 hours of playtime, you don't have enough experience on the server to enforce the rules. (I just want to write here that this isn't in any way against the staff member I mentioned, I think he is doing pretty good considering the situation, I just think that he is a good example of what I am talking about)
  19. It seems like you only made this account to give the cringe reaction out lol

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