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Everything posted by aidanpoppas123

  1. dear garnet gaming,

    thank you for being there when the world was not

  2. love your signature


  3. thank you for continuing to support my healthy habits garnoot
  4. almost been two whole years

    where'd all the time go?

  5. ok ok hear me out your forum name is ifloppa and your username is Donquavious all im gonna say
  6. just switch to thief if you want to mug. It automatically unlocks and there's no limit to the amount of thieves so I don't see the benefit in allowing hobos to mug
  7. This is definitely one of the gaming forums

  8. remember when ballparkfrank tried doing this and the exact same thing happened
  9. this man is a legend make him gm again
  10. tos or not suddenly nerfing a 30 dollar gun would make a ton of people mad
  11. i agree and stuff but messing with items many people have paid a bunch of money for causes a ton of problems if it is nerfed I guarantee some people will want a refund on the grounds of the gun not being what they initially paid for. If its nerfed garnet is gonna have to pick between two options: 1) No refunds (makes people mad) or 2) Refunds for anyone who wants one (big headache) neutral bc of that
  12. miss you guys sometimes

  13. +1 bring him back loved playing with him a while back
  14. @Wyatt give STEAM_0:0:526557689 perm vip in drp he likes the server and plays sometimes but doesn't have money to spend on the server you should also give him perm hk because funny
  15. Awesome, man! The pigeon making a cameo in the picture is a part of one of the most important moments in your life now lol
  16. +1 good idea there's literally no counter "Hey look im quick wanted, good thing I can literally fly away and not look back"
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