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Everything posted by Jaz-

  1. Confirmed referral. Anyone who has met candy understands why I referred him. He is always active on the forums and has never caused issues for the staff team or players of the server. I am really exited to see this guy on the team.
  2. -1 bro, 6 mrdm bans !?!?!!?! yeah you don’t seem fit for the staff team in my eyes. +you only have one paragraph Prove to me and the other staff members that you can’t be a minge, I am willing to give you that shot if you can prove to me that you have changed.
  3. Tell Jonko I will take that smooch on the cheek any day my dude (I am assuming that Jonko is just messing around 0-o.)
  4. Pros read the staff rules Jonko referral (Jonko is epicc) meets all requirements cons Your paragraphs look genuine, but they could be worked on (your second paragraph is 2 sentences) I have never seen you in game to my knowledge. I do want to +1 BUT I will wait until I get feedback from the community before I give my vote (I don’t know what you’re like as a person) also @Jonko is this a legit referral? if you get good feedback I’ll plus you for now I am neutral (this can change quickly though) Changing my answer to a fat +1 You seem like a cool guy and you got the jonko referral. Can't wait to see you on the team
  5. +1 depending on how the voice ban works. Is it a permanent voice ban or is it like a timed ban?
  6. I’m sad to see you go man.. have a good life
  7. Jaz-

    DRP Ban Appeal

    I jailed you right outside my base so i can keep an eye on you and you left not even 30 seconds after being jailed Heres my screenshot of console showing that i jailed him and only a couple seconds later he left https://streamable.com/s1msof Video of me banning him https://streamable.com/ibd102 I'm sorry, but you should be more careful next time so you dont leave while jailed also you admitted that you accidentally left the game while jailed in your appeal
  8. Have a good life man my interactions have been scarce with you, but I wish you the best
  9. I’m not the one who banned you for evading, but I do have things to say to you that need to be addressed. First off, you prop blocked spawn which is clearly shown in this video https://streamable.com/ag4ofs You then proceeded to ban evade on your brothers account, which you admit to in your last ban appeal. When your appeal got denied, you continued arguing about it still saying that it was a false ban when in the video it shows you clearly blocking the spawn tunnel. You said you were new to Garry’s mod and that I didn’t take you to a sit room before banning you, which PBS is one of those bans where you don’t need a sit before banning the person. A little side note, Johnny Deep gave you the chance to leave the game and you wouldn’t get perma banned for ban evading. After Johnny told you this, you then decided to stat and say something around the lines of “you sound really cocky” or something around those lines. Thank you for your time reading this, have a great day
  10. Dark rp best staff @FlameSoul (obviously) @Jonko (he is showing really good potential as a staff member) Same for @GunShark @Glorbnob is just simply epic
  11. There’s no way you can leave us dude…. I’ll go for staff of the month again tho good luck with life man
  12. Jaz-

    False Ban

    Dude, you literally prop blocked a tunnel as a hobo and asked people to give you money to pass. You cant just prop block tunnels to get donations as a hobo...... You also ban evaded and Johnny Deepp banned your alt for that, but thats up for other people to decide if you get a perma ban or not Heres the video of you blocking a tunnel: https://streamable.com/ag4ofs I'm sorry, but this is not a false ban Thank you and have a great day!
  13. Jaz-

    Slumpo ban appeal

    Hello, in my screenshots, it shows that you did damage to machines then disconnected 10 seconds later. I then assumed that it was ardm + ltap. While i do think this was right, you should've only been banned for 2 days, not 3. here is damage logs : https://streamable.com/qlelen here is connection logs showing that he left 10 seconds after that: https://streamable.com/8scfig Thank you and have a great day!
  14. If it wasn’t for @time I wouldn’t be where I am
  15. It was a good month everyone! Here’s to many more months and years more!
  16. Description: I found a loop hole that I think some players are abusing, its to the point where it's almost impossible to prove that it was an rdm kill. This is the loop. Step 1 join a party with a few players. Step 2 Kill literally anyone. Step 3: when that person reports you, you just say "Oh no no, you damaged my party member like 10 minutes ago dude! He told me that you damaged him so I killed you when I saw you walking down the street!" This loop hole is almost indestructible, even if the player has a clip of when they killed them. I couldn't prove nor dis prove if they actually damaged their party member or not because most people don't have the ability to record clips that long, they usually only get the 30 ish seconds before they died. Some of the players who do this target new players, because new players 99% of the time never have video evidence and can't prove that it was RDM or not. My final suggestion is to add a time period where you can kill the person who damaged your party member IE:You may only kill the player who damaged your party member if it is within 3 minutes of them shooting your party member. I've already DM'd @GrosCave about this and he said he will tell the management team about this. How will this benefit the server? : By making it to where people can RDM and still get away with it. It will also benefit by keeping new players from leaving because they think the server is flawed.
  17. Jaz-

    Undo format for staff

    -Read the staff rules again you missed somethin - I would recommend waiting until those warns expire before applying. 3 is a little much -It says minimum 2 paragraphs, you wrote 1 paragraph, barely. -1 fix these issues, if you don’t you will most likely be denied
  18. Do I have to even explain? +1
  19. Jaz-

    more buttons?

    Not to be picky, but you probably wanna follow the format if you want this to get accepted. Either way I don’t agree with this. The button limit limits the amount of peaks you can have. While yes you can make one without using buttons, it lowers the chance of a raider successfully raiding. That is why I’m giving a -1
  20. Changing my answer again form neutral to a -1. You seem to be quite rude and I don’t see you fit for the team. I recommend getting a better reputation before reapplying also work on your spelling and make your paragraphs longer.
  21. Try and make your paragraphs about why we should chose you, not a “I always made sure to record” other than that little nitpick your app doesn’t look half bad. Although I haven’t seen you in game before, your paragraphs are pretty decent and you have staffing experience. good luck! +1
  22. Jaz-


    Just seems like Franklin just slightly better. I see no reason why not to add him +1
  23. Jaz-


    Neutral Add some more details on what the job might have and I’ll plus it
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