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About b1P0Lar

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  1. b1P0Lar


    Description: [adding a hitmarker or hitsound. and for those who dont like them there should be a sort of toggle on/off.] Reasoning: [Although this has already been brought up before and denied i still think there should be some indication of whether you hit or not especially for the new players. I've been trainirng lots of recruits and mentoring them during war and every single recruit has complained about the uncertainty of whether they were even doing any damage. and 75% of those recruits last one or two wars before dipping and never coming back. even if the hit reg is wildly inaccurate adding the sense of satisfaction knowing you hit someone can acctract most of the new player to stay. and even for the veteran players this feature would be refreshing so pls consider. also there was the issue of sticking to the realisitc aspect of mrp, and honestly i dont think this feature would take away from that or degrade it. also the small scale nature of the map i feel would be complemented by the addition of hitmarkers similar to the battlefield games. and if realism was really a prioroty then youd also have to fix the unrealistic movement and add inertia, remove unlimited sprint, fix that double jump gimick ,and turn on friendly fire] Just food for thought thats all
  2. Laying down position You can set bipod on ground I've heard this from all the lmg user in both US and Tali so it seem like a popular idea
  3. +1 Ahmed is a very cool guy plus hes my kitten so i think he should become staff
  4. Description: [a day/night cycle similar to rust] Reasoning: [better experience and more gameplay options. inrtoduction of NVGs.] Additional Information: [N/A]
  5. b1P0Lar

    Ban appeal

    right that makes sense now. steam id for parent acc is : 76561198076330655
  6. b1P0Lar

    Ban appeal

    well im still waiting to be unbanned. is there anything you need from me? like whats stopping you from just unbanning me? @Nutter still getting that "banned for 483000 minutes for ban evasion" message.
  7. b1P0Lar

    Ban appeal

    like no way to just whitelist me on the server?
  8. b1P0Lar

    Ban appeal

    i tried to rejoin 3 times and then thats when i got the ban evasion message its only me on the server playing gmod no one else whats the solution?
  9. b1P0Lar

    Ban appeal

    im still banned a ban evasion ban for a year
  10. b1P0Lar

    Ban appeal

    my ign is: 11B DS SGT Adaaam 76561198973211171 cant remember who banned maybe garnet no idea 10 20 gmt or 10 mins ago 15 october mass + ban evasion 2 weeks + 1 year some little fucker changed his name to mine and an admin decided to abn me and also gave me a ban evasion ban because he still thinks its me(i have no proof cus i cant get any but all of us army can vouch) just remove the ban ffs
  11. now im also banned for ban evasion on top of the 2 week ban get it sorted
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