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DarkRP Rules Updated (4/28/2024) ×


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Everything posted by itsaiden_boi

  1. Rust staff roster | September 2021 Mod of the month Sifrx-Head mod Sifrx has really proved his worth in the last month and would really love to see what he can do Promotions 421-Manger Itsaiden_boi-Admin Sifrx-Head mod Bloodlust-Head mod Svanhvit-Head mod Gotmylk-Head mod Iaregunner-Head mod M0rphz-Senior mod Ratman- Senior mod SpicySaige-senior mod Electricfeel-Senior mod Gizmo(nia)-Mod+ Nuggy-Mod+ Mookie-Mod+ 2XR-Mod+ D0minatorftw-Mod+ Ajbedhead-Moderator Beerthirty-Moderator Michael Myers- Moderator Big Ronnie-Moderator Brick-Moderator Dr john-Moderator Noscopethepope-Moderator M1k10-Moderator Monacry Crackers-Moderator Phoenixjedi-Moderator Remake-Moderator Venetation-Moderator TheHammer270-Moderator Carbon-Trial Moderator Extended terms Tdizz-Admin Spirt-Admin Itslinnen-Admin Itsbioz-Senior Admin Diego Zavier-Senior admin TheMan-Senior admin Shutouts @SifrxThank you for all your help with training/appeals/bans and anything elese that needs to be done @BloodLust_-_Congrats on climbing the ranks like you deserve @D0minatorFTWThank you for keeping our Eu server managed and for your crazy activty @gotMylkThank you for helping domanitor with his transition and helping our Eu servers as well @itsaiden_boiYou are the heat and soul of this team keep it up @4-2-1Thank you for stepping in a manger is this time of need and doing all you can for the servers
  2. This was really good as well are tony hawk pro skater 2 and all the Lego games
  3. Even though proggy is my little bitch and won't even think about giving me a colored name on the fourms he has picked it up with rust development and administration so thanks for that little buddy
  4. I don't know why but this pizza looks so damn good, looks like one you would get from a local pizza shop where everyone is on a first name basis with the owner
  5. +1 I have seen for months what he can do as a rust admin and i this he would be a great staff member for mrp
  6. Lebron said my name Omg guys i made it But likewise congrats everyone one
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