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Posts posted by Zqrxzz

  1. So while i do agree that the change to not be able to see names is a very nice change towards more roleplay and a lot less metagaming, I do have one question of if say for example US are in base and a Tali PVT or minging recruit who got out of base and to the US base comes screaming racial/homophobic slurs we would not be able to see this persons name to put in a report on them. While this is a small part of anything it is an important question to ask in case these situations do occur at any point. But otherwise great update!

  2. -1 
    Personally from me and this is in no way biased just from my general interactions with you. You came to ranger tryouts and failed and proceeded to mald in chat for minutes on end and talk shit about the faction for days. While yes I get it can be frustrating to fail a tryout you proceeded to join GB and then continue to say things outside of our bunks. While yes I did respond with some things if you would like to make amends in any way that could very easily change my opinion and I could change this response. I wish nothing but the best! 

    • Agree 1
  3. +1
    As a person who enjoys doing well thought out and planned RP this is a huge plus to me. Im tired of events just being stupid things such as oh im just gonna drop bombs on US base for 10 minutes and then spawn in a bunch of npcs to shoot into US base until war starts. We need to bring back well planned out RP with actual objectives and missions and when AFSOC was operating the way Tuna is saying here we had some events like that such as an event Dillan ran on Delta which was very well thought out and a lot of people had fun doing it. Events have just become stale since then and it just drains all the fun out of the server it just ends up all being pvp focused and ruins the whole basis of a ROLE PLAY server in the first place. 

  4. In-game name: Zqrxz
    Age [minimum 15 y/o]: 17
    SteamID (https://steamid.io/): 
    Warns: Fail RPx3 RDMx2
    Timezone: CST
     [minimum 100 hours, use /playtime in-game]: 2753hours
    Do you have access to TeamSpeak and a microphone?: 
    [YES/NO] Yes
    Do you have the ability to record Garry's Mod videos?: [YES/NO] Yes
    Referral(s): [What administrator recommended you to apply?] None
    Past experiences as staff: [Optional] Was previously staff on this server and had to leave due to life and not having the time to dedicate anymore.
    How do you plan on benefiting our server? [minimum 2 paragraphs] As of now I have seen the server have low pop quite often and i wish to help bring this server back as i want myself to come back as the server has made significant improvement since when i left. I have a lot of time to dedicate to my position now as i am home schooled and am home at all times of the day besides the weekends when i occasionally go out with friends or family. I wish to use my time to benefit the server for the best and bring in new players and help the new players and older players have more fun on the server as when i joined the staff and officers made all of us new players feel welcomed and i feel that we've lost that touch that we used to have.

    Most older players on the server know me already and know what I did in staff previously and what good and some bad things I did. I want to come back and prove myself again as I made mistakes during my last run and I dont want people to see me badly based on my childish old ways that i had when i used to play MRP. I will of course be on the server a lot of time so I will constantly be able to help out new players and help out with staff duties that are of course needed. This server means a lot to me as I have spent a lot of my time on the server throughout the last year and i wish to restore the server to the glory that i remember and of course help everybody have fun in the process.
    Have you ever been banned or punished on GG MRP? If so, Include details: Banned once for accidental mass and of course the warns listed above
    Have you made any previous applications, If so when?: Yes April 10th of 2021
    How much time do you have to contribute to the role?: Most hours of the day besides when i occasionally play other games.

    • Friendly 1
    • Haha 4
    • Agree 1
  5. Neutral 
    Your ap is very well written and it sounds amazing, but as a AFG player i do not know you personally so i cannot give you a +1  of course if i do get to know you here soon i could change this to a +1
    Good Luck!

  6. -1 
    I believe i have seen you a couple times but that is of course due to my schedule and me being on at really weird times of the night and day, but please come to AFG TS channel or play on AFG every once and a while and get to know the people on our side too so we can better decide on a decision for our vote here if you can do that before you either get accepted or denied i could change this to a +1 in the future also as other said beef up the paragraphs some effort goes a long way. Good Luck!

  7. +1
    Whu is a great guy ive known him for almost a year now and he's always been extremely supportive and has in the past been a great staff member and id love to see him on the GM team pushing out new events for the server! Good Luck!

    • Spicy 1
  8. spacer.png


    Player will receive a warn in game for racism. Reason being is in the clip it sounds closer to the hard r.
    But given the background noise from teamspeak it is hard to tell exactly what was said.

    @TheosLock and move please

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