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Theos last won the day on April 8 2023

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About Theos

  • Birthday 08/27/1998

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  1. ACCEPTED After deliberation with the SWRP Administration Team, we have decided to accept your Staff Application. Welcome to the SWRP Staff Team! We're looking forward to getting you trained and having you on board! Please do not use any commands/permissions until you have been trained, contact myself for training!
  2. Denied Some of your reasoning for applying better fits the GM team, rather than the Staff team, and these are two very different roles on the server. Also, as players have mentioned above, there are some minor concerns regarding your attitude and behaviour, so in order to be a trusted Staff member by the player base I suggest spending some more time focusing on your in-game actions, to show you would deserve the added responsibility You may re-apply for Staff in 2 weeks (4th Sept.)
  3. Just a note to everyone, with the current situation of LVS to be added: Protodeka is already on the trello, added by Hoal CIS Bomber is also on the trello, this is an image of the bomber on the trello currently
  4. Posting evidence on behalf of @Bobert3
  5. Denied Currently there is not a big need for more Moderators on the server, and as well as this, you've mentioned your lack of confidence and we feel it'd be better for you to have some time to build up your confidence. You may re-apply for Staff again in 2 weeks
  6. Accepted You've conducted yourself well during your time on the server, and we're glad to have you on the Staff team Please do not use any Staff permissions until you have been trained by a S. Mod+
  7. This is my standard Staff application comment where I say there's no issues with you as a Staff member, but would always prefer you on the GM team rather than the Staff team
  8. NPC Accuracy can be adjusted by GMs, so with this I'll be reminding them to be aware of that
  9. Accepted A condition to this accepted application is that, due to the incidents during your time as Battalion GM, your use of GM tools will be monitored more strictly, and will have less chances afforded to you until the GM Supervisory Team deems it unnecessary. Once your rank is set in-game, do not use any GM powers until trained.
  10. Accepted You have great experience and would be a welcome addition to the team Do not use any GM powers once your rank is set, until you have been trained.
  11. +1 There's been issues in the past, but at the end of the day, with the server where it is, you could be a hugely beneficial addition. Even now, your period as Admiral is widely considered the best term of an Admiral on the server, and with your vast experience even beyond that, I feel it will be worthwhile to have you unbanned.
  12. Theos

    Python's GM app

    Accepted You've been showing activity and a keen interest in the server lately. Once your rank is set, do not use any GM powers until trained. @Proggy @Luxembourg pls lock & move
  13. Been a long while since I commented on anything MRP but this is a topic that's come up so frequently I feel my below comments could aid in any decision to be made. This was a policy for a long while, however it was inconsistently enforced and Staff weren't willing to not play war just to ensure people don't basecamp. Sometimes they did, sometimes it'd just be a respawn, but the toxicity/oneupmanship on the server meant this was inconsistent and drama always followed. This might make it harder for the less-skilled players to basecamp, but it's not likely to have a great effect and has negative repercussions on sniper use generally, unrelated to basecamping Would be interesting to try, but the issue with this sort of approach has always been distance/routes between bases and objectives, and where it's considered reasonable. You would need this zone to cover everywhere that rendered the base, whilst not making it encroach on what would be reasonable positions to defend objectives. Could be decided on, but it's one of those things that will also massively change depending on the map. Basecamping does need a solution, as it's one of the big killers of new player population. When I was Manager, and attempted to counter some of the basecamping issues (you will never solve all of them), I checked a few other servers for their basecamping rules. The most I could find that represented a basecamping rule on other servers was one along the lines of "only engage where the firefight is" or words to that effect, meaning only fight where there is the main fighting. A soft version of this was trialed on the server for a couple of weeks, and enforcement by faction leaders was hit and miss depending on the faction, leader, previous war. Another method tried when I was Manager was to set up 'zones' that went outside of the respective bases, and basecamping would be decided depending on if you killed an enemy whilst they were in their zone. This had a lot of objections from the traditional basecampers, and really again depends on the map in-use at the time, however did generally succeed in allowing players to get closer 'to the fight' than previous render rules. In my mind, basecamping rules should focus on where the 'defenders' are, rather than where the 'basecampers' are. The key thing is going to be, whatever is decided, it is going to have to be enforced. If it's decided as a faction issue, and faction leaders aren't pressing on it, then the Staff/Admin/Management team would have to crack down on factions. If it's decided a staff thing, Staff/Admin/Management will have to crack down on enforcement for everyone, which will mean some staff not playing all of a war if basecamping becomes an issue in a war.
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