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Everything posted by Emi✿

  1. Bubble was reported and I warned him for what he did, big deal? Also, I didn't even know EDEN was banned. What happened to him? lol
  2. "the only reason you weren't banned" I'm not banned? Okay then. This whole situation cannot be proven. The screenshots you showed proves absolutely nothing. Prove that Franklin was in any way involved with me Prove that I actually left when you claimed I did Prove that I actually did or didn't have a party Prove that I actually left to avoid any kind of punishment I recently ran out of space on my hard drive and stopped recording. (recordings are multiple gb each) I don't really know anything about EDEN's involvement in this as I left long before the report on me was even put in. On the topic of the LTAP, I truthfully left around 1.8 hours before I was banned or reported, and had absolutely no intentions of leaving to avoid any punishment. They just slapped that on there to make the ban longer. The party thing can't be proven at all. They took a picture of the party menu not showing any party from the base and are using that against me. Since the screenshots were uploaded to Steam's online album, after the ban happened, it's impossible to prove the time they were taken or anything like that.
  3. If you want to easily get your name on a ban, go on the server, here's how!

    1) Take a screenshot of a random player's kill logs (MAKE SURE IT'S 3 OR MORE OR IT WON'T WORK!)

    2) Take a picture of the empty /party menu

    3) Wait for them to leave, then approx 2 hours later, ban them for Mass RDM+LTAP.

    4) If caught false banning, argue that they killed people off of a KOS inside sign without being in a party.

    5) Profit.

    1. Big Boy John

      Big Boy John

      Thanks for the advice

    2. Ebichu


      Idk if I should give you an award or a perma ban.

  4. These screenshots prove absolutely nothing. What does that Franklin have anything do with this? And also, you're a liar. "Emi had DC'd the moment they were in trouble for this as shown here" Yeah no, I left nearly 2 hours before I was banned or even reported for this apparent Mass RDM, buddy. If you're gonna act all professional at least get your facts straight before doing so.
  5. Name: Emi SteamID: STEAM_0:1:444390487 Staff who Banned you: SaltedPenutMan People Involved: File and Grace Reason You were Banned: Mass RDM+LTAP How long were you banned for?: 2 weeks Proof of Ban: (What do you even expect people to put here?) Your side of the story: I was basing with the Bloodz we had 10 printers, completely visible, and a KOS inside sign. I played a pretty decent session before getting off. 2 hours later, I join back in and get a ban for Mass RDM+LTAP. I was told by another staff member that I was banned for Mass RDMing by killing people past a KOS sign without being in a party with the base owner. Without any fair trial whatsoever or any notice, I was banned for Mass RDM and LTAP. I was accused of enforcing a KOS sign without being in a party and in response this screenshot was posted by Grace - The time the screenshot was taken cannot be proven. Grace also posted a picture of some random kill logs she found on my SteamID. 2 of the kills on Poor Man McPoor were completely consensual. We are friends and I killed him for fun, he got a pretty good chuckle out of it (even then he was still inside so he was KOS). The other kills were for being KOS inside. I was banned for LTAP too, which I didn't do. I left 2 hours before the ban because at the time nothing was going on, no reports were made on me, it was completely fine for me to leave. I was done playing the game and logged off, is that really leaving to avoid a punishment (that I didn't even know I was getting might I add)? According to this logic, I could just load into the server, take a picture of someone's kill logs from the whole day, take a picture of the empty party menu and ban them for Mass RDM...yeah no, that's messed up. Screenshot of the kill logs that Grace rounded up to ban me with - https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/972100947052122904/A25B4F61951F3C115360CC406575363C6F5EC2BA/ Screenshot of the party menu (cannot prove what time this was taken at, nor was I even on when it was taken) - https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/972100947052129934/2DDB6BFA38E304DDB4B62DDC74B65A7AD2411D2B/
  6. One of the friendliest players I have ever encountered on GarnetGaming glares at File..., knows the rules very well, and hasn't been in any trouble. +1from me. Good Luck!
  7. Name: Emi SteamID: STEAM_0:1:444390487 Staff who warned you: Grace SteamID of Staff member: STEAM_0:1:230379094 Warn Reason: RDM (False Raid) Why should your warn be removed? I was forgiven by the victim who reported me for RDM and just moments afterwards I was warned for it. I was very tired that morning (only got 3 hours of sleep) and I wasn't thinking straight. I adverted raid and killed him while he was outside of a base then called over. I understand it was RDM, I really didn't mean to do it, I talked to the guy and he forgave me, he was perfectly fine with it. But, Grace took it into her own hands and warned me for it after trying to get me to warn myself for it. I said in admin chat that nothing like that would happen again and it hasn't since. It was just a bad morning and I didn't mean to do it. Here is a video showing the victim forgiving me, happy as ever, and me getting warned right after. https://streamable.com/l442h
  8. Knows the rules greatly, fun to play with, generally nice person. +1 add me to referrals
  9. There was no Mayor at the time, there was even someone voting Mayor to further prove there was no Mayor at the time. You can clearly see in the screenshot there's no logs but if you really want the full screenshot (even showing someone voting Mayor), here you go.
  10. Listing reasons that are obviously not proven is not justification for the mass rda. You clearly have no evidence whatsoever and no one is going to go off of your word. It's your word vs my evidence.
  11. See you in 2 days ❤️

    1. AylmaoCS


      Now that's 🅔🅓🅖🅨

  12. It's literally only 2 days. You know what you did, I don't see why you're making such a big deal over it.
  13. Here he even states he has no proof. I provided my proof and he has none. Nothing can be done here.
  14. The other staff members were AFK so I had to warn-spam you to get you banned until a higher up came on to ban you. You stated the Mayor had said guns out were AOS but, when asked, you didn't have any proof these people were armed when arrested, and there weren't even laws at the time so if this isn't mass rda I don't know what it is.
  15. So here's what happened. Sophi raided him and he broke NLR multiple times. Whenever he would break NLR and head back to the base, Sophi would kill him again. Here's the proof from my end. (And probably the only proof you're gonna get on this)
  16. Unlike you, I have proof here. I have over 500 Gmod screenshots so I'll have to find it but I do have proof and will post it ASAP.
  17. I have a video recording of you admitting to propclimbing, intentional RDM, and screenshots of you disrespecting in OOC. I also have a video of you telling me to go ahead and ban you. Large -1
  18. Very nicely written staff application, tons of experience staffing in the past, pretty active, knows the rules and makes a ton of reports. Why wouldn't I +1 this? +1 Add me to referrals
  19. Does not meet the required playtime to apply for a staff rank. (auto-denial) Very short application. @The King of Rohan Please deny and lock this.
  20. @Zoro @Garnet It was only a matter of minutes... (LegionLion self supplying grenades)
  21. No problem, it's a really good update. On another note, I did catch people self supplying and do have proof of it. xD
  22. I really would not mind seeing more content added to the donate page. +1
  23. Agreed, the staff on duty model we currently have is okay and would be completely useless (as well as very pointless) to change.
  24. Very wonderful update. I really like the new F4 menu as it's actually better organized and is listed from A-Z. As for the inventories, you should have just called that "Self Supplying Done Right". I've already seen multiple people self supplying shipments for their inventories... xD
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