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Everything posted by IAreGunner

  1. i mean its cool ig? but like when i would farm I was usually playing another game or just doing something else which I would assume most people are doing you know they’re doing something to keep them engaged. All this is kind of doing is another way of engagement but you’re losing money doing it. Honestly i prefer my way and I get to keep all my money that i collect from printing? i mean who wants to lose money when they’re putting there valuable time making it. Especially because it adds up when you have a shit ton of money. like 10% of 5 million is 500k 5% is 250k why would i wanna lose over 100k? -1
  2. For a long time i been wanting to make a suggestion for bigger props. +1 plz allow bigger props.
  3. womp womp

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Vetements
    3. IAreGunner
    4. 1998Corolla


      @IAreGunner We're going to add in the most non-vanilla custom class you've ever seen. 

  4. hell to the fuck no -1 no more ptw
  5. One player model only could work. But i can see overtime people begging and begging for more. i just think if you wanna play a role, play that job. if its not available, find something else. I dont see the real benefit out of it tbh. I dont wanna see more hitmen roaming the streets , more radios sound anooying, bounty is whatever, being immune to lockdowns is just stupid and it could lead to false arrests and just a headache if you ask me.
  6. My issue with this is the same with the purchase playermodels suggestion. Your usually able to walk around Darkrp if you have some knowledge of the server you can identify whos who. Your talking about mixing player models with certains roles and for a newer player and for someone like me it just looks dumb and confusing. i like the way it is. Jobs/Roles have playermodels that are easily identifiable and i think it should stay like that tbh. -1
  7. the hell did you do

    1. Enhanced_ICE


      Man, I messed up. That's for sure. But I was getting angry someone was talking into someone else's mic, so it interrupted the RP and I started shit talking. It is what it is I wish it never happened but it's too late. I hope my appeal showed some regret

  8. I agree with merk, No legitimate benefit other then another way for players to use there money. But its also gonna be the reason why a newer player leaves when they feel like they were raided by someone is using a player model associated with a non criminal class. Every job has its own player model, custom classes offer different models. It’s easily identifiable. alot of players dont like playing games when you cant identify whos who tbh. I mean its the idea of game making there characters look the same. Lets avoid that issue and keep each job having there own model. -1
  9. i disagree with 6-7. in a case like this, rules exist, /report exist and staff should be online at most times to see when an issue pops up i also think a solution is easy. a straight walkway up rule. followed by a rule that states you can't kill someone when there on the pathway. just expand the pathways rule (this rule , "Pathways must be at least 35 stacker/precision units wide" It's not something that should be difficult to enforce. should be rather easy tbh
  10. why are you aiming for the body though when hes stand still💀

  11. No one will ever like the location of the casino it feels like. But if you all can agree on one spot then +1
  12. dont remove 3 and 4 looks super cool and clean if you ask me. any clip of FPS drop? its pretty standard material that i see across multiple drp servers number 2 is eh, idc. If enough people are up in arms remove it, but it doesnt bother me. Im mostly Neutral, ill pay attention to replies. but im definitely against 3 and 4. They look cool and clean.
  13. pretty cool shit as usual How much of a FPS Hit is pets if theres a good number on your screen? Also think it would be nice to create a user sided command to disable them visually for players who wanna maximize there fps? honestly cant wait for pets to able to poop ik thats gonna happen lol
  14. +1 i agree with this and with the comments so far. i personally dont give a shit about minge/funny laws. i think there would have been more complaints / suggestions about it and in my years of playing it was never a issue to the point where it needed to be removed. i understand it might be easier to add laws but for me i enjoy the minge/funny laws when i get on RAID THE PD / KILL THE MAYOR IF YOU DONT LIKE THE LAWS IN THE GAME
  15. hi mr flashlight man

    1. John Flashlight

      John Flashlight

      hello fellow flashlight enthusiast ❤️

  16. then go raid them back smh, i dont get why people hatin on this suggestion
  17. +1 I mean, honestly who cares if it gets abused. You got yourself in jail. If police wanna abuse you let them. Its adds more roleplay to the police/criminal side. play the game and go get a raiding party and raid back the pd for your sweet revenge instead of crying like a loser because the popo in gmod abused you in the jailcells.
  18. +1 I like it tbh just create another level lockpick/keypad. Make it be in the middle of regular and pro it adds a extra factor to be a black market dealer and it doesnt sound too difficult to do tbh
  19. still can't believe how many free credits u got from me

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. tdizz


      Lmao learned a very important lesson huh?

    3. IAreGunner


      i mean i only canceled it when my bills got higher, i didnt care to cancel it for a long time lol

    4. tdizz


      its alright you a big baller with that tesla

  20. how many times I have I bought vipmod?

  21. -1 eh i like the current map, dont really think its needs to be bigger. i also dont think your idea will attract people. for many people the idea of “fast download” atttracts them to the server and once they join its just hoping they like the gamemode and staff members are doing right in my eyes.
  22. You’re clearly showing effort because you fixed your application, which I think matters a lot. You’re listening to the criticism and taking it and improving your application. I think your paragraphs are fine , like I said, I think it’s a good sign that you took criticism and you responded in a amazing way. the playtime requirement is set at 72 hours, your a good bit over that, no need to wait for “couple hundred higher” +1 Also seem to be a good guy in game , which shouldn’t be ignored.
  23. +1 You’re clearly showing effort because you fixed your application, which I think matters a lot. You’re listening to the criticism and taking it and improving your application. I think your paragraphs are fine , like I said, I think it’s a good sign that you took criticism and you responded in a amazing way. I would recommend finding a way that you can interact with the community more. Obviously, you have your time constraints. Definitely do your best if you’re gonna be accepted to be active in the discord chats. I mean, overall, every qualification you seem to pass. You deserve the opportunity and I wish you best of luck. Hopefully you get accepted because I see no reason not to give you an opportunity.
  24. your a funny guy

  25. I mean if you get Rdmed , 95% of the time it’s gonna be someone that has no idea how to make a report , no intention to make one or just looking to mass. Not promoting it, but you know just go kill that person that took it , they don’t know where to take it anyway +1 pretty good change in my eyes
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