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Everything posted by IAreGunner

  1. 648 welcome back old man. glad that u clean now and getting better life bb
  2. -1 childish report/ stop being like a child and man up
  3. GG ill told u I play hard Ill be on all day today
  4. anyone down to 1v1? add me SonGunner
  5. I been here for nearly 3 years fuck you saying b?
  6. Already bought But I like those. always wanted sades tbh
  7. had one before didn't rly show for the money
  8. Bump Gonna buy tonight probably
  9. https://www.cyberpowerpc.com/store/item.aspx?key=HS-203-101. These are my old headphones. Even for the price they work amazing and probably would lasted me wayyyyy longer but my Dum ass chews on shit that has good feeling https://imgur.com/a/rLQAQrC
  10. Looking to buy like headphones Very Hard to break (I break all my shit Good has a mic 20$-100$
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eT4P6bd7A80 these kids probably played and saw all GG drama probably why they this retarded
  12. www.xxlmag.com/news/2018/06/xxxtentacion-shot-miami/ R I P
  13. I got 6k hours on gmod that ain’t shit kid
  14. I like coming on your profile 

    1. Spooky


      garnet: please stop

  15. Fuckin amazing has all all the talent to be amazing rapper
  16. Anyone got? Steam Bo3
  17. No garbage sir it’s juice wrld
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