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Everything posted by Jbhh

  1. -1 way to young and I’ve never ever seen someone with a ban record like you https://ibb.co/7vPDw0F I wouldn’t want to see someone like this on the staff team until you are way older.
  2. -1. you just lied about me in a player v staff report. This isn’t someone I would like to see on the team. No referrals either as a young kid which is the burden for me to +1 someone ur age.
  3. Lol, I didn’t know you were in my Base, I opened my Quick door, saw you raiding and left. Just decided against spawning prints again and got dinner with my family. This is one of the more comical reports I’ve read. Congrats on being the first person to raid me in 2 years granted I wasn’t in my base because I was in your friends haha And if I remember I wasn’t the one absolutely on my knees begging to not destroy my printers that was ur fubar homie that couldn’t defend the 1v5 raid If you weren't involved with or have evidence regarding a situation, don't respond to the thread.
  4. -1 - Paragraphs that are not punctuated at all as well as just lacking substance. There is nothing that differentiates you in these sentences. - NITRP + Ltap ban 4 months ago is pretty weird as well for me. To NITRP you had to have broken 3 rules and then on top of it to leave. Even with the good referrals there's not shot I can personally +1 this.
  5. -1 -Way to young to be staff without showing signs of maturity which I have not seen -Did not read the staff rules -Paragraphs are not paragraphs - Doesn't have the required hours
  6. One of the few 14 year old's that I think has the maturity to staff and has provably done so. My interactions with MoonDoge have been only positive. +1
  7. Don’t even play MRP but Jack was a great DarkRP staff! +1
  8. Homie this isn't a real job haha, its not like we need to make sure hes going to stick around. If he takes even 1 sit now and then its a benefit. it also just seems like you just wanted to be a contrarian because this app is very good, and never has past staff experience been any sort of down side. Hell ive resigned twice and you gave me your referral. You can base your decision however you want ofc, usually its good to base it on things that have some sort of bearing on being a good or bad staff member.
  9. I fucking love Loggy +1. Great dude all around from my interactions. Paragraphs are a bit short but definitely more substantive than 90% of applicants would love to see my man loggy on the team.
  10. Yikes massive -1 for me - Omitting bans mega uncool - Omitting the fact you were kicked off the team for staff abuse mega uncool (also probably puts on the blacklist if this is true) - Not reading the staff rules mega uncool - Paragraphs with no substance you say you are trustworthy but how can you reconcile the above? - We need @Fetnback for some grammar policing as well god damn.
  11. toxic way to leave banned for some fucked up shit.
  12. These are some great tips! as a long time player I forget the minutia some times of even the most basic things, In my base guide I am going to try to work in some of this style of tips as well.
  13. There is a good video but not really a written guide. I might have to make one
  14. Back when I played a year and a half ago I got up to 78 that was also pre claims though. Goal is 100 with claims and I think it’s doable
  15. Introduction As a long time player I have seen an evolution of printer farming with multiple changes to the system and feel as if I have optimized a few good methods to getting some quick gains for players with a moderate starting stack and really high gains for those with a large cash stack. Prerequisites 1. Being able to max your printers Option 1- Buy VIP and max them yourself honestly worth it if you are going to be playing on the server long term anyways Option 2- Get a VIP to max your printers(This is a cheat code people used to do this all the time but no one does this anymore) Advert you would like someone to upgrade your printer and will pay them 10-20k extra per printer. Make them advert raid and advert raid over so they can not steal or harm you or your printers. You are done now you have VIP printers without VIP 2. A safe Base Additionally a very hidden base would work, though its hard if you are going to be buying a lot of printers. 3. Starting Cash Stack This guide will cover two primary ways you can farm printers one requiring far less cash my recommendations for each method are as follows: Cheap Method-1mil Expensive method- 4-5mil The Cheap Method 1. Overview The cheap method relies around buying claimed printers that you know will last for two hours this allows you to buy printers for a much lower cost than normal overnight or 5+ hour printers. A couple of things that will make your experience more enjoyable while doing this is to build a base close to spawn, the further away from spawn the less people you will be able to get into your base and buy their printers. 2. How to do it Step 1- Place your own printers down and upgrade them to max in both speed and quantity( This just gives you guaranteed income and probably doesnt even need to be stated) Step 2.1- Source claimed printers you can do this a in a few ways first as mentioned buy printers from lower level players who need some starting cash as well as just general players but just know that you will have to pay more to someone with a large cash stack than you would someone who is broke. I try to buy claims for between 40-75k for both printers anything lower feels predatory to new players anything higher isn't worth it for the profit. Step 2.2- The second option you have for sourcing claimed printers is raiding, if you have some friends this can easily get you 10+ printers in 30 minutes which equates to almost 2 million in profit over the course of the printers lives. Choose to raid bases that you know have printers and are able to be raided. Sure you can come raid me and try to get my 40 printers but lets be real bases that are built well like yours should be shouldnt be on your target list when printer farming, aim for small bases that will have between 2-6 printers. Step 3- Maximizing your cash requires that you do not let any money go to waste when the claimed printers blow up and to do this I have a method that works 99.9% of the time if you follow it. As soon as you get a printer claim it and upgrade it to max from there DO NOT COLLECT until 190-195k. You know that after 2 hours the print will blow up a maxed printer will get 200k per 2 hours which means that if you just let the printer stack you can always have an accurate timer. You do lose xp for this and if you are trying to go for xp definetly do just claim at 100-125k but i would suggest just writing down on a notepad when you got each printer and organizing your rack so that you can do this. Step 4- Rinse and repeat, this really is the full strat its not hard and can get you millions per hour if you are effective at sourcing printers. The Expensive Method 1. Overview The expensive method relies on you being able to source printers from established community members for mulitple hours and overnight so that you can make a fuck ton of money for lack of better words. What this method is expensive to start for a few reasons. First is you are buying printers for between 100k-200k per printer without upgrades this puts you in a sizable debt before you can even start recouping your money(I dont turn a profit until usually hour 2-4). 2. How to do it Step 1- Create an advert bind( to be able to notify players you are buying printers. This is done with this command in console | bind b "say /advert Buying printers 5+ hours /pm me" | You should customize this and make it your own something important with this bind is that you should let players know that you only want printers that will be active for a decent amount of time. You will not buy printers that you can not guarantee will last 3 hours. Once you have a cash stack this won't matter as much and you can take more risks from newer players who you can't trust as well because you have the cash to burn. But when you are just starting if a level 3 with 2 hours approaches you do not buy their printers unless you buy and instantly claim. Step 2- Create a base of common customers, you should be really nice and accommodating to players who sell their printers to you, just like any buisness you need these people to come back to you the next time you are farming and more importantly you need them to sell their prints to you over someone else. This is something that I have gotten very good at and it is really the simple things such as giving them a bit more than you or they offered for a printer. Seeing they are low on cash and giving them some, just saying hi or messaging them if they will be selling prints etc. Doing this allows you to very easily get prints every time you want to farm. Step 3- Profit, I would suggest that you claim at 100-125k as this is the best for XP but this method is also very simple but just relies on using your brain a little bit. Common issues Issue 1- Someone is paying more than you for prints Unfortunately this is why we call this method the expensive method if you arent comfy paying a lot for prints you won't be able to buy printers, I have paid up to 1 million for printers that I knew would be active overnight. The logic and reasoning behind this is that I had over 40 printers making 4 mil an hour, I can burn 1 mil of my hourly profits to increase that profit in the next hour. This is basic business you can burn your profit stream as long as you do not dip into your savings. Issue 2- You are getting raided Building a better base is the only way to prevent this. Additionally you should always have eyes on your base dont leave your base for 20 minutes and expect it to be ok when you are back make sure you are within audible keypad crack distance or never leave that range for longer than a few minutes. Issue 3- I Have printers that have coolers popping off every few minutes how do i sync them Easy solution you can buy coolers when you already have one installed, every time you get a new printer while you have under 10 just sync every cooler, once you have more than 10 printers every new printer you buy buy the cooler and when the coolers on your already existing printers pop sync the new ones that will have coolers already installed. Issue 4- My printers are everywhere how do you manage 40 printers Printer racks are king- There are many different printer racks here is a link to one that I endorse and use Extra tips from @ChrisRid - A fully upgraded printer costs roughly $100k to buy and fully upgrade, and produces roughly $100k per hour. This means it takes 1 hour to break even, so 2 hours of farming will double your investment.- This also means the first hour is the most important, in terms of defending your base from raiders, because after that at least you'll break even worst-case- Coolers need to be replaced every 30 minutes on the dot, and when they break, you have 5 minutes to replace them before they blow up! Using a timer (like Google) really helps keep track of this.- The most efficient route to level-up for low level players (1-30) is to take very frequently from the printers, given XP doesn't carry over between levels. For example, if you're level 1 and took $200k from a printer, you'd be level 2, whereas if you took multiples of $5k you'd probably jump to level 10+ (haven't done the math to confirm exactly how high you'd go, but as an example)- When buying printers off others, price is one of many factors to consider. Are they well known amongst other farmers for being trustworthy? Are they quick to setup / drop their printers? Are they available to replace lost printers over the duration of your farming session for a fee? Will they help you place and upgrade them for an additional fee? Closing Thoughts While I may not be the richest player on the server yet In my past week playing on the server again I have jumped from 1 million to 100 million doing these methods, My one true calling on Garnet is printer farming, as most of you know i'm not really a role-player you'll catch me messing around here an there with some buddies on the streets but most of the time I am kept up in my base printer farming and that is because I love it, I don't know why but god damn do those numbers in the top of my screen increasing every time I collect is an instant serotonin release and not to mention every time getting on trying to beat my personal record for most printers at once. https://imgur.com/a/ilgEa5q A Note on Alts There is one thing that is omitted from this guide very purposefully and that is alts, the goal of this guide is to create a basic framework for newer players and veteran players who just roleplay to learn how to print in general, if you know what alts are you know they will increase your printing speed significantly myself and almost every other top printer uses them, THIS IS ABSOLUTELY NOT NECESSARY unless you are really trying to push into the hundreds of millions relatively quick. If you dont know what im talking about its ok don't worry about it :). If you always thought that alts were needed for printer farming and that was the reason you hadn't done it you should really give it a go you can still make tens of millions in days. The true benefit of printer farming The amount of friends I have met from printer farming is amazing, and the friendships you build while sitting in a base doing nothing but popping coolers are genuinely awesome. My best friends on the sever all come from printer farming and honestly if I just had to sit in my base and printer farm alone I would be a little sad so my suggestion to you is to find some friends to do it with as it makes it even more enjoyable. Huge shout out to @Oyasumi@tdizz @Harm@GNCActno(even though you are an actual fucking gambling addict) Each of yall have made my printer farming experience a lot better and I hope everyone can find some friends like Y'all
  16. +1 I think the only downside is that newer players dont get to partcipate as much but lets be real they don't participate in the 150k's either. This may be a logistical nightmare but making it to where you could only do one 500k every 10 minutes or something could also potentially help. I think this is a great great change and would spice things up a bit, who doesnt love some Gamba Gamba
  17. Jbhh

    Beezy Ban Appeal

    Look dude, you and I both know that this was just the standard ban, the only reason you percieve it as that is because you have a lot of hours. I am just enforcing the rules homie if the ban gets shortened im all down for it, but as it stands you absolutely did Mass and Ltap. I am willing to give leeway on the Ltap, I did tell you that you were going to be banned for 2 weeks and you instantly left, I don't think you left to avoid punishment but technically speaking it was LTAP. Lets also be real, you scammed me outta 3 mil homie so i guess I was a little less sympathetic when it came to punishing you.
  18. Jbhh

    Beezy Ban Appeal

    Of the scamming no, I had the kid screenshare the clip, they scammed him from my assessment but here are the logs that are objectively mass given he admits to killing for scamming. I told him if he wants to resolve the scamming dispute to report them as well as this site was only for rdm. here is all the relevant logs https://imgur.com/a/ukNWVGm
  19. Jbhh

    Beezy Ban Appeal

    I have the evidence but he just admitted to it. Lmk if I need to post the logs. Additionally you are someone in the community with pretty good reputation. You very well know that if you get scammed you can report it with evidence. Never is killing someone a response to rule breaking. And you did this 6 times as admitted. Imo you should not be unbanned any shorter than the time banned for. you also ltapped mid sit @Ghostieee also saw this and I have the log proof of the ltap. The ban is 3 weeks.
  20. Damnnn, I guess i grinded these past few days lmao
  21. -1, Really short paragraphs, seems way too young, and the bans are not great, what if your friend had access while you had mod, this seems like a lose lose.
  22. You clearly didn’t read them very well, look at any other staff apps accepted and see what they put there. But preferably you just actually read the rules.
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