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Everything posted by bearboobs

  1. +1 Frank has been trying to fix his reputation, and he's trying to put the effort in to become a staff member. I recognize that he was fully demoted, but that has been a couple months ago. He's actually been trying to become a better person within the community and I see that clearly. He's always active, and always hanging out with people. I feel that from what his personality is and what I've seen him be like around people, I feel that he would make a good staff member. If you deny Frank, There should be a paragraph under the word, and it better be a good reason. He understands the rules fully, and from the amount of hours to warns he has is outstanding. Who wouldn't have a couple warns and a one to two bans for over two thousand hours! I would like the staff team that is here to consider Frank at least a little. Though he was demoted, I feel that he should have another chance at staff member. I would agree with gawore, you don't take criticism well. I would recommend trying to become more immure to people talking shit about you or being rude to you, but there is a difference between pointers and just being a dick.
  2. +1 I don't need to say anything.
  3. +1 I've only had good experiences with you, which is a major thing for me at least. You have alright hours, but with having a job and a recent graduate (congrats) is not bad at all. Other Moderation Experience is an amazing thing to have on a staff application. I hope to see you on the team, and good luck!
  4. bearboobs

    ban appeal

    Lookup : https://www.steamidfinder.com/lookup/STEAM_0%3A1%3A617510993/ Steam Profile : https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199195287715 The day that guap ( workers sus alt) got banned on the 2nd of August, this account was made and he immediately hopped right back on. This is literally a mass string of his alts. I don't know why he couldn't just wait one day to play Garry's Mod? If what your saying is what happened though, and these moderators were just following you around endlessly, harassing you, this is definitely not okay. Ban Evasions should only be looked at by Managers from my standpoint, because they have the ability to spectate. Should be conducted by nobody else for goes to say.
  5. Neutral Same response as everybody else, but just giving my input. I've never seen you on, try and gain more activity or hang out with the community a little bit more. Some ways you could get to know the community is; Showing up to events, Basing with members, Activity in popular Garnet Gaming discord servers, or just hanging out and talking with people. People will get to know you if you just play.
  6. Neutral Honestly, Paragraphs look amazing, but I would fix being able to record and be able to access TeamSpeak. It is absolutely NEEDED Also, other staff members aren't comfortable with you getting staff. I would try and get your reputation up before trying to become apart of the staff community at Garnet Gaming. I honestly think it is normal to go over the warn limit, but I would say to try and calm yourself down if your in a situation like that. Obviously a ban doesn't look good on a staff application.
  7. Congrats to everyone! : p so close but so far. Bearboobs > Moderator (471 sits completed)
  8. Ah Yes, I give you a -1, and give you a thorough reason on why I would give you a -1, and what you should work on. Exactly why I say you wouldn't be fit for a moderation stance because you cannot simply take a joke. Not everything should be taken seriously, especially from me. Work on your matureness.
  9. -1 Maturity level is nowhere to be a staff at least on this DRP Server. Bad input from other staff members, and low playtime. I've only had bad interactions from you sadly enough, but today was the only day I saw you. Also, A Harassment ban on a application is no good at all. Though I acknowledge that your telling the truth, it still looks bad. I would say play a little more and learn to understand the rules. I see you trying and willing to put the dedication in, but personally I wouldn't think its right. I also recommend grammarly.com for all your grammar/paragraph correcting needs. Also, It says on your last application that you have 114 hours, then a month later you have 127 hours, and saying you've been really active for the past 2 weeks?
  10. Super friendly, and I've only heard good things about you. Your only bad side is the warns, and a natural playtime. You give a ton of effort to the server in the time you have been here. Though I haven't had any problems with you, the question still arises if you really know the "rules". You'd be a great fit for a staff member on the lines of your personality and ability to be helping players, but I'm not sure how that would pan out with the neutral playtime and warns. Amazing referrals though, and your very right about those people that you mentioned, but like what Wreck said, nothing really stands out in this application. I'm going to keep it neutral for now. Good Luck!
  11. This is pretty cool, I really like it! :3
  12. I agree with Murph. There isn't a set D3A Guideline for Self Harm Threats. Should be something added like there was for Racism/Homophobia/Sexism Overhaul. +1
  13. I've only seen her on a couple times, and haven't had a bad interaction with you. Was very respectful in sits. -Great Playtime -Ex-Staff -Alright Paragraphs -Read staff rules -Referrals Big +1
  14. biggest +1 Super friendly, I've only had good interactions with you. Very active, and well off on the rules and know-abouts of the server. Always excited to help and learn new things. He's almost spent the whole day on his application.
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