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Everything posted by Hoal

  1. cant let my Asian blood talent wasted, i will get on for this soon
  2. yall should demote this mf for inactive
  3. oh no! It's Tdizz +1 was a great staff
  4. Good shit forums update, when my mouse came across those Christmas lights on top, something sounded cracked and I don't have any website playing stuff, I thought my PC got hacked

  5. Even I'm not going to talk about these The name still goes wild No.
  6. The big money Raiders team disbanded, see ya around
  7. You Poland fuck, you better be at Poland airports when I travel there as you promised homie gtg
  8. Not the first time I mentioned but people was still thinking Jedi doesn't need a nerf Overall, W updates
  9. Asiimov vape be like: time to change white to purple
  10. Denied, you may reapply in 2 years
  11. Your social credits has been decreased

  12. I really like how after you getting banned and like spamming @everyone on every discord server i had with you and yelling how bad is this server then starts advertising your own Minecraft server
  13. Denied Since the staff member who did the ban retired, I am taking over this appeal, so Thunder Here's one of the videos of the staff member provided https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1129167741992054845/1129169443143028846/Untitled_video_-_Made_with_Clipchamp_1.mp4 After looking over the situation, I see you have caused issues in the past numerous times even after having 1 on 1 sits with an admin Even with that, you have been given multiple chances to improve your attitude, and then said slur on top of that You clearly did not learn from those punishments/sits, I have decided that Your ban will not be lifted
  14. Hoal

    GM application

    +1 My man forgot to put me on referrals
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