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DarkRP Rules Updated (4/28/2024) ×


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About Savitr

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  1. Vacation on an island ?
  2. +1 Can we shoot at people with our space lasers? Either way fantastic idea.
  3. +1, great guy who really matured from the last staff application. The mass was not intended and he served out the time needed but no matter what he still wants to help benefit this community.
  4. It looks fantastic Garnet, thank you!
  5. Just graduated ?

  6. Are the GB Grenades any different that the GRUnades?
  7. Several Reasons I graduate Friday - Family is coming over so I have to spend time with them My Family moves in a 3 weeks -Want to spend time with friends before we move. Overall just really busy over the next several days or so and do not have time really to spend on the server. So yep, see you all Sunday! Edit: I will still be on teamspeak and forums
  8. When did we ever want to do the same as Vega, this is basically to stop people who wouldn't fit in the faction and or belong it from getting in. It is a way for us to get quality over quantity which was an issue for GRU, also I am pretty sure I said only me, Panini, and ISIS, as well as applicants should be the only people responding here. If you have a problem with it message me on the forums or in game but stop bickering on the forum post meant for people who would want to tryout. @Phantom can you please lock this since this thread got side tracked from its original purpose.
  9. GRU Tryout Application - In order to be able to attend GRU tryouts from now on you need to fill this out beforehand. Name IG: Steam ID: Rank (POS Required): Playtime (100 is Required): Why do you want to join GRU?: What will you add to GRU?: Get Recommended by a GRU (ANY GRU) to Apply. You are allowed to ask! Please List Who Recommended You: If your application is accepted you will be allowed to try out in the game for GRU. This allowance to tryout can be revoked if need be. If denied you need to wait 2 weeks before reapplying to be able to try out for GRU. If you do pass tryouts, you will have to undergo the GRU mentorship program, this consists of a GRU POS or higher taking you under their wing and helping you grow as a player and faction member. You will still be under 2GA MOS and Whitelist you will not have an official GRU rank and your mentor will get to decide if you fit into the faction. The padawans will still come with GRU in all other aspects. Only People that should be replying to this thread are me, Panini, isis, and applicants.
  10. In-game name: GRU COL Kosmos Kuznetsov Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:82418281 I am reporting an [Staff/Player]: Westwood Their Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:24935941 Who was involved?: Trip, Savitr, Pavlinkov, pretty much a lot of GRU, and westwood When did this occur?: about 4pm EST on June 13th Describe the situation: So we kidnapped a US Soldier and brought him with us, this man never adverted counter kidnap and started shooting at us. Trip took a report and did not realize it was an attempt mass and thought it was only 1 rdm. Proof (Screenshots/Recordings): This first one proves no advert The next one shows his damage The final one for time purposes shows the kidnap bind I sent out.
  11. The only out of faction members I will allow to attend are Ethan and Vega people, sorry.
  12. Change of Time cause of overlap with staff meeting, it will now be at 4pm EST on Saturday
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