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DarkRP Rules Updated (4/28/2024) ×


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Everything posted by Pencil

  1. What the title says... what the fuck. Why is RU Riot $5 more than US Riot? And don't say "oh because RU Riot has a better gun" RU Defender has the same gun and is $30 just like US Guardian. So if the gun is not to justify what could it be? Oh the shotgun? No same. The deagle? No same. The model? The fucking same. Why is it this way? Who fucking knows. For real though idc spending the extra $5 but like can someone just fucking explain why it is more expensive? I'm not complainging about the prices I'm comfortable with paying to support the server and get a gift, but like I want to know the details of my gift and why it is how it is.
  2. Pencil


    +1 Reasoning: Taiga is much brighter and doesnt allow for places where darker player models thrive(ignoring the dark places in some buildings). Plus, something that wasn't mentioned and I feel isn't mentioned enough is the ambient noise on Siberia. It effects, callouts, kidnap convos, DB( if you're on RU stage its in a trigger spot for ambient noise), and considering it retains throughout death it can be quite annoying to have to go into console and do stopsound before going into DB, training people, discussing plans etc. Tis all I have to say, Garnet if you do see this post, I have nothing against you or your map making, it is your server and you make the calls, the map is stunning however gameplay wise I don't find it fun. P.S US base looks way fucking nicer than RU, this is a problem.
  3. SSO super stash deleted the screenshot while I was clearing my files of old screenshots
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