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Everything posted by Rook_

  1. +1 Confirming referral, damn good GM. Loved working with this man on our last run together, I would love to work as a team with this guy again.
  2. +1 Looking at your hours had me a little skeptical, but your experience and dedication in your application definitely make up for it.
  3. +1 great gm, loved working with you the first time around and hope to work with you again!
  4. -1 While I think you are a good officer, I just don't see enough effort being put into this application. The paragraphs are nowhere near large enough for your Why we should choose you section. Your events should be much more in-depth and longer. Fix those things, and I would happily change to a +1.
  5. In-game name: P-140 JENG DCO SSG 1441 Rook Age: 13 SteamID (https://steamid.io/): STEAM_0:0:587786442 Warns: 1 Timezone: EST Playtime?: | P-140 JENG SSG 1441 Rook has played for 780:26:38 Do you have access to TeamSpeak and a microphone?: YES Do you have the ability to record Garry's Mod videos?: YES Referral(s): Python, Dizz, Eli Past experiences as a Game Master: [Optional] Previous L.GM on GG SWRP Why should we choose you over other applicants?: I believe you should choose me over other applicants due to my previous experience, motivation to work on the server, and ability to put together and execute planned-out and engaging events for the community most days of the week. I have a good amount of experience being a gamemaster on this server and the skills necessary to perform good, engaging events for the community. I also have great motivation and time to dedicate to the server. I can dedicate around 2 hours on most days, and a larger amount of time on weekends. I have the time necessary to put together a well-thought-out and planned event that will be successful in making community members want to play events. I also can come up with events quickly. While it is often-times better to make an event in advance, I can come up with something quick to entertain people. I also am capable of passive RP that doesn't interfere with tryouts and training for people who aren't participating. I can also host events during downtime to retain people who are bored and have nothing to do. I can work well within a large team of GMs to assist with larger events, as well as manage an event where there are not as many GMs to help. Overall, I have the experience and dedication necessary to perform well as a GM for the community. Have you ever been banned or punished on any server? If so, Include details: No How much time do you have to contribute to the role?: 2-3 Hours on school days, Most of the time on weekends In your own words, what are the responsibilities of a Gamemaster?: A GM's responsibility is to keep activity on the server by providing events and other forms of activities to the players. Describe how you would contribute to RP as a part of the Gamemaster team: Providing more small RP for everyone instead of RP that is focused on one group. Explain your single most creative idea for contributing to the RP environment of the server: An actual hacking interface for ENG hacking RP. Make it easier for GMs so that they don't have to keep up with RP, and more active for engineers. Please list and explain 5 unique event ideas of any scale: [Be sure to include any additional context that may be necessary to your explanation] Search and Rescue The 34th battlegroup has received a distress signal from a downed Republic ship on a CIS-controlled world. The clones must split into multiple teams, each consisting of medical personnel to care for any wounded, as well as engineers to repair any broken equipment the downed ship may have. Each team will fight through countless patrols of enemy droids, searching for any possible crash sites. Upon reaching the crash sites, the clones must care for any of the wounded ship's personnel and save any surviving members of the ship's crew. 2 Families The 34th battlegroup receives a mysterious transmission from a planet, requesting help. Upon arriving on the planet, the clones find themselves in a war between 2 crime families. After speaking with the bosses of the 2 families, the clones are given the choice to either pick a side, fight them both, or attempt to end the feud between the 2 families. The clones will make many decisions, each one impacting how to event ends. In the end, the clones will end the feud, either through violence, or negotiation. Revolution The 34th is sent on a mission to capture CIS outposts containing highly valuable information about CIS fleet movements. When the clones get to the planet, it is seen that a group of locals has gone rogue! These locals offer to give the Republic all of their intel, as well as help the Republic attack the CIS fleet if the Republic manages to destroy the large CIS presence in their home world. The Republic wipes out the CIS forces on the world and receives the data which could be used at a different time. Deserters A group of clones deserted the Republic and sided with the CIS. The 34th is sent to search for them and bring them in to be tried in court for treason. The clones will fight through waves of CIS, searching for the group of deserters who, hearing the news of the Republics' arrival, have spread out across the world. The clones can split up into groups, each containing at least one CG, or stick as a group to search for and apprehend the deserters. Upon apprehension and interrogation of the deserters, it is revealed that they told the CIS of the Republic's base on Anaxes, and the clones must return home quickly and retake their planet from the hordes of CIS who have taken it over. Operation Saber Strike The CIS has launched a full-scale assault on a Republic Controlled planet, and the 34th has been tasked with helping defend it. The clones will be split into teams, each one assigned various tasks, such as securing key locations, defending critical objectives, and launching counterattacks against the CIS. The clones will fight through hordes of CIS and attempt to destroy the enemy's presence on the planet. Clones will have the opportunity to interact with civilians trapped on the planet, and it is up to them to complete their objective as well as minimalize civilian casualties.
  6. Tbh delta superiority
  7. That was in GB dumbass. And fuck you I'm not that bad a csgo
  8. +1 Good friend in pilot squadron and from my personal experience you can handle arguments very well.
  9. Rook_

    Jdpho99 GM App

    +1 I did give you my referral, and I think your app is well written, and has good events. You have been a friend to me in pilot squadron, and even helped me come up with ideas for events in the past.
  10. Rook_

    Raptor GM App

    Neutral As said before, your "2 paragraphs" are not 2 paragraphs. Beef those up and I might change my answer. Most of your events are very run and gun type events, which is no big deal, but they could use more creativity.
  11. Come back from a week LOA to a double promo from T.GM? Heck yea!
  12. (I didn't realize that I wasn't allowed to respond to applications with an open application, so please disregard this)
  13. Thanks for the +1, I understand my events are a bit boring as I was having trouble thinking about some events, but thanks for the feedback. I will try to come up with some more creative events in the future.
  14. In-game name: Padawan II Rou'k Age: 13 SteamID (https://steamid.io/): STEAM_0:0:587786442 Warns: 1 (RDM) Timezone: EST Playtime?: | Padawan II Rou'k has played for 370:13:04. Do you have access to TeamSpeak and a microphone?: [YES/NO] Yes Do you have the ability to record Garry's Mod videos?:[YES/NO] Yes Referral(s): [What administrator recommended you to apply?] Billybob, Skelteen, Yubi, Bobert Past experiences as a Game Master: [Optional] None Why should we choose you over other applicants? [minimum 2 paragraphs: I believe I should be chosen over other applicants due to the fact that I personally believe that I have creative and innovated ideas for server events, as well as the fact that I am willing to do small things that will help to build up a realistic star wars atmosphere to the server. I have a lot of time to consistently contribute to the server and am dedicated to helping ensure the playerbase is entertained and stays active in order to keep the server alive. I feel as though I have a good understanding of each battalion's specialties and would know how to contribute them into events to make the events fun for all battalions and not just focused on one. I also think I can entertain people in downtime with simplistic passive events that don't interfere with peoples tryouts/training/etc. I think the playerbase will appreciate more events that aren't forced into, and are more optional if you aren't busy. I am also available to do events slightly earlier in the day to help those who have to go earlier and cannot stay for the later events. I also feel like I can take constructive criticism and use it to make my performance as a GM better, and to improve my events as I continue. When I make mistakes in my job at hand, I can use those mistakes to prevent things like that from happening in the future. I have a decent amount of experience in this server, and I think I can use that to help connect with the community and see what type of events they want. If as a GM I connect with the community and see what type of events they like, I can use it to adapt my events to the playerbase's liking, thus engaging the playerbase in events further. By doing this I will make them more exited for the next event, and they will stay on the server consistently. I have a relatively fixed schedule, where I can have predictability in the timing of my events, so people can know when there will be an event, and can prepare for it. Have you ever been banned or punished on any server? If so, Include detail: Banned once on MRP for mass, my brother was on my account and did it and I was unbanned after I proved it wasn't me. Banned another time on DRP when I was jailed for NLR (I was new to DRP at the time) and left while jailed. How much time do you have to contribute to the role?: Since its summer just about all day, but when school starts again it will be about 3-4 hours a day. In your own words, what are the responsibilities of a Gamemaster?: The responsibility of a Gamemaster is to engage the player base in fun and interesting events in order to keep the server alive. Describe how you would contribute to RP as a part of the Gamemaster team: I would help assist in major events as well as focus on more passive RP events, where it gives people things to do while also not getting in the way of tryouts and other activities. Explain your single most creative idea for contributing to the RP environment of the server: Make a civilian type class that people can go on in order to make more passive RP scenarios with civilian interaction in order to make the server seem more "real". Please list and explain 5 unique event ideas of any scale: [Be sure to include any additional context that may be necessary to your explanation] Event #1 (OffWorld), Trandoshan Trouble Oh No! (Insert Jedi Padawan Here) has been kidnapped by Trandoshans. They are being taken to Endor and being released and hunted down by the trandoshans. The republic must go and search for the Padawan while they try and stay alive from the trandoshan hunters. (2-3) Trandoshan EC's will be scattered around "hunting" for the Padawan, and it is up to the players to decide what to do with them, what they do will effect the event. It is also optional to have another 1-2 kidnapped people that can be also spread throughout the map. (Possible PK here if agreed to by the Jedi) Event #2 (OffWorld), Outpost Takeover The republic has received reports of a CIS controlled mining station. The 34th is tasked with assaulting the mining station and holding it until the 12th Battle Group arrives to take it over and make it useful for the republic. The clones must assault, take over, and defend the outpost until the 12th BG arrives. But there is a twist! The CIS have hired a rival mandolorian clan to help them defend the outpost, and there are a large amount of them. 1-2 EC will be needed to play the rival mandolorians. EC CIS tactical droid will be in the mining outpost's control room. Event #3 (OnWorld), Inside Infection A Commando Droid disguised as a new clone has infiltrated the base, and released a deadly virus that wreaks havoc on the clones. The CIS launch a full scale assault on the sickened clones. The medics must try to care for the sick while defending from the assault. The cure can be found by either the engineers finding it off the droid head, or the medics researching the symptoms and determining the disease. One EC commando droid to release the virus. Event #4 (OffWorld), Captured Clones The (Clone battalion) went out on a patrol and were captured by the CIS. The CIS took them to their munificent and the clones quickly hop on the venator and chase after the munificent. The clones will attempt to board the munificent and attempt to rescue the captured clones. Path 1: The clones succeed in rescued the captured battalion. Path 2: The clones fail to rescue the captured clones, and the CIS takes the captured clones to Geonosis, where they are held hostage. The 34th arrive and try to recuse the captured clones. End: The Clones return home on the venator after the medics help fix up the captured troops. (Optional): The venator is heavily damaged and the engineers work on repairing the venator before going home. 2-3 droid ECs to kidnap the clones and hold them hostage. Event #5 (OnWorld), Crystal Miners A group of miners are attempting to set up a mining operation at the Crystal Caves. The Jedi would not let that stand and enlist the help of the republic to go and help them to get the miners away from the caves. They can attempt to negotiate for the miners to leave, or they can opt to forcefully remove them from the caves. If they successfully negotiate for the miners, the miners will leave without a problem. But if they choose to kill the miners, the miners will fight back and attempt to kill the clones. 2-4 EC Miners to negotiate with the clones. Thank you for reading, and I wish to hear any and all feedback from you all!
  15. chimpkin samwich


  16. -1 No teamspeak, cannot record videos, and to be honest this app hurt my eyes. There was not much in your why you should be chosen section as well. Plus,
  17. The ability to get new hilts as a jedi
  18. As previously stated, this is the incorrect format for a GM app. Read them harder, you missed something.
  19. What purpose would they serve? Why should they be added? I mean i would get on board with this if there was a good/practical reason for it. -1 until you give reasons for them
  20. I didn't want to download the mods for another server, and i thought this one was good enough lol
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