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Everything posted by Lex_

  1. I do agree that this waiting period and not getting a whitelist instantly after finishing a tryout is unnecessary except for a trial period with individual evals and whitelist. The first one is not at all needed and there are better ways of solving the issues that it brings up. The second way is useful as an officer to pick and choose which of those who passed are well-mannered enough to be in your faction, or it could even be about their amount of activity. You make a very bad impression when you try out for a faction once, pass first time, take the whitelist, and then don't show up for the next week without announcing anything. That tryout was a waste of time and was even worse after expecting a new active member.
  2. Didn't talk to you much but you were a great war opponent. Hope you come back soon and good luck in school + the rest of life.
  3. That was not the point of my post, I apologize if it looked that way. I was just bringing up the other existing balancing issues at the moment, although I agree that RU takes high priority over all of it. I was just suggesting a possible alternative* than just "remove grenades from Breacher". * Alternative does not mean any type of compensation in terms of my post.
  4. Rather than the removal of just grenades, why not just completely remove the Breacher class from GB? Or go with what Shrugger has just mentioned about giving SEALS flashbangs instead. Or whatever other suggestion someone may come up with. I'm not -1'ing or +1'ing since it doesn't affect me personally (but will affect my other GB mates) and because I believe that simply removing grenades is not a solution to the problem. If you want balancing on the server then you need to understand there is more to it than just removing a grenade class. The AEK is almost as good as the M95 at long range. In fact, the AEK has the stats and capability of getting RNG that allows a player to constantly jump and get a lucky one-tap headshot around a corner; something not possible with any other guns to my knowledge. SMGs in general (except for the SEAL MP5) are all messed up because of the tickrate being highered. And I understand the importance that is balancing for RU. You guys are still outnumbered (although it is much less now, as more often than not both sides are equal in total numbers) even after setting the default class to RU recruit. US has more classes (since US has more factions total because of our numbers).
  5. trust me, this is totally how the AK and Orsis should be:
  6. -1. Admitting to being mingey is not maturity. A very recent demotion to full on blacklist from an entry faction for being a minge shows something very clear about you. From my experience with you one-on-one in game I would probably have +1'd this. When you were first promoted to WO I personally didn't think you were very fit to be an officer of a faction, but you had stepped it up when you reached CWO2. You were close to maturity in terms that you had moved on from just messing around, but that doesn't seem the case so much now. I would however like to see you apply again after you deal with and improve the issue mentioned above eventually. Best of luck.
  7. -1. Having been a Marine for most of my time on GG, except for recently with GB, I can tell you that these weapons perform much better than you are saying. Especially with the tickrate change and even more unexpected stat change because of the tickrate. Both the Marksman and the Trooper have weapons that are balanced with other entry faction weapons and they work great as needed.
  8. People look for familiar maps. They go for servers with the most used or most popular map for DarkRP. Modified maps don't go so well in DarkRP anymore, or atleast not as much as they used to now that custom content isn't the ordinary and people prefer "overused" gmodstore garbage (I have a huge bias against the unnecessary things that devs push out on gmodstore) The map may have been the reason, but it's also the time of the year that school is starting back up. And it crashing constantly will definitely add to that aswell. Same reason why having a BuildRP on gm_construct attracts minges whilst rp_downtown or evocity attracts an even amount of actual players and minges. They join based on map, hostname, and if any, generic addons.
  9. Lex_

    Dash's Staff App

    -1. You have potential but I've seen a few times where your immaturity and emotion take control for the worse, from what I've seen nothing too aggressive. The paragraph for the "essay" portion has some relatively major grammar mistakes and repeats the original one sentence point. You're very honestly closer to having +1s than you may believe atm.
  10. +1 to the Compass suggestion: I may not play or have played DarkRP but I do think that the compass will help navigation. In my personal opinion the compass is much better than a mini-map or having to use a forum thread to get around. -1 to the Leveling System suggestion: I personally don't find the leveling system rewarding. Honestly, playtime is more rewarding for me than my level considering levels don't give any type of bonus aside from quickly calculating a players' approximate total amount of hours on the server, and even then you can just use the playtime command.
  11. Looks great! Excited to get back to running OC again. And I'm liking US base so far.
  12. Name: Fier (Steam), 18B SGM Frostbite (ingame, Green Beret) Age: 17, going into my Senior year Total playtime: "| 18B SGM Frostbite has played for 251:59:15." Microphone: Yes Staff history: No warns, and no previous bans if I can recall correctly. Country: United States (timezone isn't as important but I'm in EST/EDT) Referrals: Naitsir Some relatively important notes: This is not my first application on the MRP. I've only played the MilitaryRP except for the recent release of PoliceRP. I played back on csdesert for the month prior to Taiga V1 (I recall incorrectly; I'm not sure at what time it was) but had left shortly after map change due to school and other non-computer related things. The last time I applied I had ~60 hours total playtime and now have 4x that number since my return to MRP in late July (July 23rd to be exact) of this year. I've owned Garry's Mod since 2010 (yeah, I'm also surprised that I've had Garry's Mod since I was 9 years old. can't believe I was even able to get the game). Since then I have been staff on a select few servers, mostly post-Gmod 13's release. Of course just being called an admin isn't real staff experience and the only server that I've actually made an impact on and have learned a thing or two is CT. Because this is relevant, CT stands for Canadian's Turf. It is a custom BuildRP server full of people who just want to code. We're pretty chill. And as in we, I mean that the staff is still the same from back in 2016. So my impact on CT is actually rather large. I've been an admin on CT since late 2016 and have recently been granted FTP/panel access for the server in the hopes of getting it activity again (it has sat empty since March/April; July 2017 had an average daily playercount of 12 but July 2018 had an average weekly playercount of 2). Last time I applied one of the "many" reasons I was denied was because of my current connection to CT even though it is rather inactive and not as strict when it comes to staff moderating the server with quotas etc. Back to the main purpose of this section, though. Like my last application (which is lost in the old forums), I can't answer the question of what/how I plan on benefiting MRP as staff. In my eyes I can't bring anything big to the table. I'm no different than any other applicant in that I can use a command and follow a set protocol. I understand that my failure to provide a better answer to the overall question may contribute greatly to this application being denied but I refuse to give a generic answer, and would much rather provide what I'd call an answer that will get you thinking(?). About me: Just some more extra information that is more about me than about my time on MRP or other servers. I'm currently participating in a dual-credit program and taking classes at a local college for an overall degree in web design. I was given a chance to be an intern at a small inbound design (web marketing) agency through my school and was invited back to be an employee at the same place (which I unfortunately haven't looked into yet because of a few personal things). I program. A lot. But I also procrastinate and get lazy even more than a lot. I still get things done, eventually. My rushed work even seems polished. I have a rather interesting view on the world from what other people have told me. With my interest in web design I have created a logs page based on Google's Material design for CT by using StarfallEx to send information through the POST method with http, a scripting language inside of Gmod that is basically a sandboxed version of GLua. I'm almost rather efficient at VGUI and EGP (Expression 2's graphic processor). So far I've taken a Computer Concepts and Applications class (which is legit telling you what a computer is and goes over networking, bleh) and will be taking a Programming course for my first semester of my senior year (starting in a week).
  13. I know I said it in TS, but again: Good luck with whatever you choose, GarnetGaming or not, MilitaryRP or not, etc. Insert generic salute bind.
  14. Description: At the moment, the only restriction for what war objectives you play is that you can request one objective and three objective wars if there are less than 80 players on at the time. I feel like there should be more restrictions in place. Like warleaders can only request/accept a one objective war if there are less than 50 players on. The hierarchy would then be: One objective - < 50 players Three objective - < 80 players All objective - > 80 players There would be no change in requesting these types of wars, just the minimum/maximum player count. Reasoning: Let's say a one objective war is accepted and it is at Comms. There are 73 players on. It's chaos, as Comms is super small. Many people complain about FPS drops in chat whilst walking to Comms and combat at Comms. Some question why anybody would accept, or even request, a one objective war at Comms with 70+ players. The issue with this is that sometimes people request and follow out one objective wars when there are around 60 players on. This causes frames to drop whenever you enter the objective, especially around the time where more players start to join; around the end of war, there are 70-75 players.
  15. Not a big issue, but there is this corner on top of the RU hub building. https://imgur.com/a/7p9A12a
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