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DarkRP Rules Updated (4/28/2024) ×


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Everything posted by Geoffy

  1. +1 Ahmed back from the grave, I love this man.
  2. Geoffy

    Beep GM App

    Confirming referral: the goat returns
  3. Geoffy

    Woah's GM App

    +1 Yes, no other way to put it. Accept this application thank you. Big Woah fan. Can add as referral.
  4. In-game name: Geoffy Age: 19 SteamID: STEAM_0:1:157559491 Warns: 0 Timezone: EST Playtime?: 895:05:39. Do you have access to TeamSpeak and a microphone?: Yes Do you have the ability to record Garry's Mod videos?: Yes Referral(s): BOBERT Past experiences as a Game Master: Only previous experience as GM was when set to GM while playing the server previously as S. Mod and L. Mod Why should we choose you over other applicants? [minimum 2 paragraphs] While being part of the SWRP community not long after the 2022 launch, I was lucky to be able to play a community server that had a very energetic environment that was more open to others than most servers I had played before. I really enjoyed my time on SWRP previously and want to give thought out events for the community that exists now to enjoy like I did when I first joined the server. While I was only staff previously, I was still able to assist in a good amount of events and enjoyed having a part in making something that the community enjoyed the work we put into it. I've come back to find that I still enjoy a lot of parts of the server and that even if the server pop doesn't reach the same numbers it did before, there is still a good number of people putting time into it. I'd love to put a lot of the ideas I had for events playing the server in the past into some of my own events. Even though I was never on the game master team while playing the server previously, I was able to play events from some of the GMs in the past that I remember even months after. I enjoyed a lot of the events before and a lot of the GMs were some of the best I've seen. My time as S. Mod+ also allowed me to assist in a good amount of events and be able to see how an event is ran while being in the assisting role. I have a lot of ideas for events I'd like to try and plan out for others to enjoy and remember. Along with the experience as GM I do have, I also understand the rules of the server and where to draw the line from my decent amount of time as moderator. While I did and said some stupid things while playing previously, I'd like to be able to help the server grow. I know the server always needs GMs and figured this was the best way to do it. Have you ever been banned or punished on any server? If so, Include details: No How much time do you have to contribute to the role?: My schedule currently is fairly unpredictable both currently and for the foreseeable future. However, I'm committed to contribute what is expected of me and if I'm unable to keep up with what is expected of me then I will make sure to keep management or admins updated on it. In your own words, what are the responsibilities of a Gamemaster?: Create or assist in creating RP environments and events for the community to enjoy. Describe how you would contribute to RP as a part of the Gamemaster team: Attempt to give the community creative and thought-out events and help pick up on some of the weight on other GMs Explain your single most creative idea for contributing to the RP environment of the server: Try to create events where the outcome of the event could be altered based on how the players do in the event to try and give more emersion by making actions more meaningful. Please list and explain 5 unique event ideas of any scale: [Be sure to include any additional context that may be necessary to your explanation] Mandalore's Munitions Mischief - Origin: The Republic's forces in recent engagements have seen Westar small arms in the hands of its foes in more and more alarming numbers. Various groups of contracted militias and other forces continue to be armed with weaponry rivaling even elite clone troopers, causing increased losses to friendly forces. A Republic Intelligence officer from Coruscant comes to Anaxes to give the Naval Command a critical mission to the GAR's success. The Intelligence officer hands Naval a datapad containing a galactic map with a ping, labeled as "Arms Market Informant" with instructions to meet them at the ping. The Ping leads the 34th Battlegroup to a location on Geonosis where they meet the informant without a hitch. While the meeting concluded without conflict, the movement of Republic ships and troops caught the eyes of the CIS, who were waiting for the Republic to exit in a vulnerable position. With the CIS attacking the Clones are forced into quickly evacuating both them and the informant back to safety on Anaxes. Mandalore's Munitions Mischief - Intel: The Informant for the black market selling weapons after reaching safety, identifies himself as Wilber Vaduz. Vaduz details what he knows about the Westar company's weapons ending up in hostile forces. The man informs the 34th that the CIS have been paying large sums of credits to the parent company of Westar, Concordian Crescent Technologies, to distribute weapons to the contracted forces of the CIS. CIS advisors as well as forces have been spotted within the corporate facilities. With this intel, High Command instructs the battlegroup to move out to Concordia, a moon of Mandalore, to solve the issues. Unknowing of what the mission might have for them, 34th moves out to the moon to clear out any CIS presence. They arrive to find the facility with nothing to cause alarm. However, upon entering the interior is heavily guarded with droids of all models. While clearing out the facility and looking for any evidence of illegal weapon sales, the forces are unaware of the CIS building forces waiting for them. The 34th leave the facility with the only intel gained being a frightened scientist and engineer employed by Westar. Upon boarding the Venator and heading back to Anaxes, 34th forces are met with a CIS ship rivaling the Venator's size in attempt to stop and more intel being lost to the Republic. Mandalore's Munitions Mischief - Janitorial Work With the knowledge gained from the informants on the illegal weapons deals, High Command now has good reason to believe the planning for the transactions are taking place on Tatooine. Plans are made to intercept any valuable individuals before they're able to escape with the intelligence network of the CIS. With a good understanding of what they might be facing the 34th command begin to prepare for the attack. The troops of the 34th BG land on Tatooine with eerie absence, the forces begin to move through the area encountering few locals and continuing to move towards their mission. They reach near the compound only to be met with drop pods and sporadic BX droids slowing the advance to a crawl. Upon beginning to clear the compound and storage facilities for weapons throughout, they begin to realize they were too late to arrive. With the compound being cleared and it seeming all for nothing the 34th is forced to leave with diplomatic efforts with the Westar Company as the only option. Tread Lightly The planet Kuat has fallen further and further out of the Republic's control within the working class. With Kuat being a major industrial holding for the Republic, it is crucial the working class does not cause an uprising or mass chaos within the planet. With the working class of the area feeling somewhat oppressed and very unrepresented within the republic government workings, it is important to ensure the image of the Republic is not tainted from the mission. The Troops held on Anaxes are instructed to travel to Kuat and ensure the order of the Planet is maintained, while eliminating any threats to public safety that may be present in the area. The second objective of the mission is to secure the Governor of Kuat is safe within the protection of Republic forces and is to be evacuated if needed. Disorganized Crime The scum of Coruscant have become far too comfortable dealing psychoactive substances within the streets of less wealthy regions. With the youth of the world and many others weak to the temptations of the vices the dealers sell falling to the strong narcotics, martial law has become the only option in the eyes of the numerous diplomats on Coruscant. The crime that has become rampant along with the drug distribution and usage has resulted in chaos along many of the streets, riots for days have ravaged the avenues throughout both the underground and many other parts of the planet. With much of the violence beginning to dissolve into apocalyptical appearing streets lined with burning buildings are dumpster fires, 34th is tasked with ensuring the area is clear of any threat. Upon entering the underground area of Coruscant, the forces of the battlegroup find the area to be much as described. While the environment was inhabitable, many raiders and scavengers still remained along with less fortunate residents unable to escape. Any resistant [REDACTED] are to be [REDACTED] by SOB forces prior to full scale entry from all battalions. After completion of this process, all forces are to be assigned to clearing of any individuals deemed hostile in order to search the area for trapped civilians to be evacuated. Medical staff should be prepared to treat wounded civilians. Mission is complete upon order being regained in the underworld.
  5. +1 I have returned from the grave to give this fine community member a +1. Very kind and friendly player who just wants to enjoy her time and not cause any issues for others. Good event ideas and solid person.
  6. +1 Good person who is all for maintaining the server rules and is very respectful. She seems to be a good CG and i don’t personally see reason why you shouldn’t have a chance at mod. Sorry us ARC fellas don’t get out much but some effort may be needed to get known by the community. If this isn’t accepted you’ll have it with some more hours ok your record I’d say.
  7. Quit posting links in OOC man Also muted until push to talk is on in teamspeak, my ears can only take so many aggressive key strokes
  8. +1 Seen him on the server for as long as I can remember. 731 hours and I’ve never had any issues with him as staff. Friendly to new players and seems like a solid role model to them as well. P.S. Mans likes to fish, has to be patient as hell.
  9. Geoffy

    dizz - ban appeal

    You shot the wrist grenade while crouched and were crouched the entire time prior to that which is clear in the clip that I saw. While this isn't conclusive evidence I guess its possible for you to have a +duck bind or typed +duck in console. If you were actually alt tabbed the game would not have registered you continuing to hold ctrl. Here is both the clip for your ban as well as a clip of me holding ctrl then alt tabbing showing that you wouldn't remain crouched. I'd be in favor of the ban being reduced if proven to be an accident though. https://streamable.com/zw9zxm https://streamable.com/jtkevr
  10. +1 From what I've seen you're nothing but a chill guy, in my experience I've never seen you do anything that I've seen as immature. If anything you're probably more mature than me. Feel free to add me to referrals if you'd like. P.S. Komrk referral is big W
  11. Geoffy

    Jdpho99 GM App

    -1 You're app is good but I still see little effort in you changing your behavior, and 4 days since your last denied app isn't long enough for anyone to change the community's opinion of you. P.S. After having more interactions with you recently as if anything your behavior hasn't changed since day 1. Not someone I trust making even remotely serious events after the way you act on the server.
  12. +1 This guys a goof but I have to admit you've come a long way from where you were seeing you on MRP. He's been around in the community for about half a year I want to say, and hasn't ever caused any issues. Also event ideas look stellar, very detailed for just the application. With how thought out some of those look to be it would be nice to see how they might end up playing out.
  13. Geoffy

    Jdpho99 GM App

    -1 To be honest, many of the things I've seen and heard don't give me any confidence about you being GM. I've seen instances of you being disrespectful in OOC and a few instances of you dissing people directly. A lot of the behavior I've seen from you just isn't really in line with what management wants for the server. On top of that, when staff have talked to you about breaking rules you were combative with them while they're just trying to do their job.
  14. Geoffy

    Raptor GM App

    -Neutral- I usually don't like replying to apps with neutral but, I am putting it in this case as if it weren't for the quality of the app itself needing work I'd be giving a +1. I've never had any problems with you on the server and I know you've been around for a while now. From my experience playing with you, you seem like a guy who wants to make the server enjoyable for others as I assume it is for you. Beef up your application and it would be a +1 for sure. As I said, you seem like you're enthusiastic about the server and being able to help out as GM which there can't be too much of on the server in my opinion.
  15. Congrats to the fellas with the double promos for puttin in that work. Remake super admin pretty cool too.
  16. Geoffy

    Jdpho99 GM App

    -1 Being a GM requires players to be fairly known around the community just the same as staff does, and having a reputation that people can trust. With only 19 hours, you’re just not known enough within the community for people to necessarily trust you. While I don’t feel like you should be accepted at the moment, if you were to continue playing the server and make a positive reputation, I wouldn’t see any issues with you being GM at least right now.
  17. +1 While I wasn’t around at this time on MRP, at least I think, this does not warrant a -1 in my opinion. Strom at least on SWRP has in my experience just been a chill guy, never seen him get heated or anything. Realistically, MRP can sort of spawn toxicity and I don’t think its fair to judge him on this. If anything it has been a long time and he hasn’t made any problems on the SWRP server from what I’ve seen.
  18. Confirming Referral Eli/Grim, or in game 'Aven', has always been an exceptional member of the community ever since I really started to know him when he joined ARC. He is one of the most mature, kind hearted people, and I don't think I could never even imagine him doing anything with malicious intent. While his event ideas maybe aren't the most lengthy and detailed, they're original ideas. Furthermore, from my experience with Eli, I know any of these event ideas could make for fairly enjoyable events with enough planning, at a minimum. Not only is he a great model, he has shown to me that he is someone who wishes the best for not only for the people in the GG SWRP community, but for the server itself and any new players who join. Genuinely one of the best candidates for GM that I can think of.
  19. I do wish we could have more classes for us ARC or for the RC. However, I personally feel like getting more content or changing something to be something more refreshing for players in traditional battalions is a bit more important right now. While we don’t necessarily have a lot of options with how many jobs we have, our loadouts make us equipped for basically any situation. Another reason for me is that SOB can only have so many people anyway, so no matter the size of the server we will always be small. I think that additional content for other battalions will end up more impactful for server growth, and if anything more classes for ARC would just be different guns for the same purpose. The only thing the ARC surveyor class really lacks is a true sniper which it has the DC19LE so i personally cannot complain. While I wish we could have more classes, I’m not sure if its the priority at the moment, but then again I don’t really know.
  20. I completely understand, but I think just give it some time. I’m sure you’re a great guy, just gotta let the community that exists now get to know you.
  21. -1 While I don’t really have any experience with you, that is sort of my issue. After talking with others, as I know I haven’t been the most active myself, it doesn’t seem like you’ve made much effort to get to know the community. I’ve definitely seen you on, and as I said I’m not the most active, I just don’t see you trying to get to know people at all in teamspeak or discord. Because of this I just find it hard to believe claims you make in your application. If you got to know the community more through time then I don’t see much reason to have a problem with you in staff. Having no referrals seems to also show this issue as well. Even though I’ve had no issues with you, from my experience applying for MRP staff, referrals from mods who have a pretty decent opinion of you aren’t uncommon.
  22. +1 While I definitely think the event ideas could use a good amount more depth, but they are all original and fairly creative. I haven’t had any issues with you following rules personally and I know you’re quite active. If the event ideas were maybe a little longer I think it would be a pretty solid app.
  23. This may be true, but at the end of the day running a server is far from free. Running a server alone costs money along with expanding it or having people who develop for the server does as well. Obviously I don't have any knowledge of how much the server would cost to run, but I get the feeling its a lot more than people think maybe including me. In my opinion the current donation store works quite well. Lowering the price of VIP significantly would also probably upset people who bought it previously. I think the best solution might to be to find some way to give VIP more perks, but the only thing that I can think of right now, is maybe a class or two that isn't its own sub-batt. Maybe just something that has different weaponry or something special from other jobs in the batt or server. I just have the feeling Garnet set the price to that for good reason, especially considering how little needs VIP on the server.
  24. I definitely understand the logic behind the VIP costing too much, some other things could definitely be added. As long as whatever is added isn’t so much that people who can’t afford VIP or are new don’t feel left out. Also i think the 1 month VIP solves a solution not mentioned. Obviously if you knew you wanted to be around in the server for some time you would probably buy permanent, provided whoever can afford it. What the 1 month VIP adds is the ability to just drop 5 bucks to get a feel for the server itself as well as to see if the person wants to be in mando or jedi. Another thing I neglected to mention is anything that is added as far as a VIP faction might result in the community getting further segmented.
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