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Bobert3 last won the day on July 2 2023

Bobert3 had the most liked content!

About Bobert3

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  1. +1 agreed you should add more detail, HOWEVER, I've had plenty of first hand experience with you and can vouch for how active and creative you are. Don't prove me wrong man, good luck.
  2. +1, good guy. Very helpful in game despite how much I bully him and he bullies me. Amazing RANCOR member and I think that Fetnal would be an amazing addition to the GM team.
  3. What a good month, many thanks "Harus"
  4. Lovely person and very mature when needed. He’s genuinely got great ideas and would know what to do. Also confirming referral. +1
  5. +1 I know you can be very creative and you did rework the ideas. You were very receptive to feedback too! Would be an amazing addition.
  6. -1 I feel that while he has grown he still has a LOT more room to grow. I had to deal with a lot of your mingey issues in 104th so I have first hand experience, yes you have grown in 41st, but I still think you need a bit more time to mature and show that your newfound maturity will stick. I have also heard of your many issues on DarkRP including numerous bans within a month which once again, makes me feel iffy about giving any positive feedback. Keep in mind I don’t hold anything I say against you, this is solely my experience and views of you that are subject to change in the future and I do hope they change. The one thing I will say for you is that you did put a lot of work into your GM app I can see.
  7. Congrats to everyone! Harus will do an amazing job leading!
  8. SWRP Staff Roster Month of July, 2023 MVP Pill (GM of the Month) Fonza (Runner up for GM of the Month) Phil (Battalion GM of the Month) Promotions: Admins: Missa > Trial Admin Woah > Senior Admin Harus > Trial Admin (Mid-month) Mods: Splicer > S. Mod Krab/Fern > S. Mod Kennedy > Mod Gamemasters: Pill > S. GM Sam > S. GM Quads > L. GM Conway > L. GM Beep > GM (Mid-month) Ryse > GM (Mid-month) Kali > GM (Mid-month) Anor > GM (Mid-month) Talan > GM (Mid-month) Demotions: Admins: N/A Mods: Tdizz > User (Inactive) Gamemasters: Vega/Mars > User (Inactive) Rook > GM Extended Terms: Admins: Bobert - Lead Admin Theos - Senior Admin Hoal - Senior Admin Draig - Senior Admin Jotaro - Senior Admin Mods: Wub - S. Mod GERT - Mod Amadeus - Mod Gamemasters: Python - L. GM eli - S. GM Fonza - S. GM Stromboli - GM Shark - S. GM Markymark - S. GM Dizz - S. GM Octo - T. GM Pootis - T. GM Lilly - GM Good work everyone! If you weren't marked on the roster please let me know and I'll add you ASAP! *Battalion GMs and GM Management promos are not on the roster
  9. SWRP Staff Roster Month of June, 2023 MVP Dizz (GM of the month, 2nd highest points and assisted GM management a lot) Mark (GM of the month, high activity and contribution) Beep (battalion GM of the month) Promotions: Admins: Jotaro > Senior Admin Draig > Senior Admin Mods: Missa > Senior Mod Harus > Senior Mod Splicer > Mod Krab/Fern > Mod Gamemasters: Lilly > GM (mid-month) Juno > GM (mid-month) Mark > S. GM (mid-month) Conway > S.GM (mid-month) Quads > S. GM (mid-month), GM supervisor Dizz > GM supervisor Demotions: Admins: N/A Mods: Tdizz > Mod (Inactive) Eli > User (resigned) Gamemasters: Rook > GM Lux > User Monster > GM Extended Terms: Admins: Bobert - Lead Admin Theos - Senior Admin Hoal - Senior Admin Woah - Admin Mods: Wub - S. Mod Gamemasters: Python - S. GM eli - S. GM Fonza - S. GM Stromboli - GM Dragness - T.GM (recently joined) Shark - S. GM Pill - GM Good work everyone!
  10. Bobert3

    Lilly's Gm App

    +1 You've been amazing in CG and have some solid event ideas! You'd be an good addition!
  11. SWRP Staff Roster Month of May, 2023 Promotions: Admins: Jotaro -> Admin | Has done exceptional as a T. Admin Draig -> Admin | Has done well as a T. Admin Amadeus -> Admin | Has done well as a T. Admin Mods: Wub -> S. Mod Harus -> Mod Gamemasters: Dizz -> Senior Gamemaster Rook -> Senior Gamemaster Monster -> Senior Gamemaster Extended terms: Bobert - Lead Admin Theos - Senior Admin Hoal - Senior Admin Woah - Admin Tdizz - Senior Mod Missa - Mod Markymark - Gamemaster Splicer - Trial Moderator Python - Senior Gamemaster Luxembourg - Senior Gamemaster eli - Senior Gamemaster Fonza - Gamemaster Shark - Senior Gamemaster Monster - Gamemaster Stromboli - Gamemaster Pill - Gamemaster Juno - Trial Gamemaster Demotions: Viper -> User (resigned) Gunny -> User (inactive)
  12. SWRP Staff Roster Month of April, 2023 MVPs! Jotaro -> T. Admin (Super MVP, most events in 1 month ever on record) Promotions: Admins: Hoal -> Senior Admin | Amazing job leading the GM team! Draig -> Trial Admin | Completed mod duties and has shown admin qualities Amadeus -> Trial Admin | Completed mod duties and has shown admin qualities Mods: Missa -> Mod Gamemasters: Python -> Senior Gamemaster Extended terms: Bobert - Lead admin Theos - Senior Admin Woah - Admin Tdizz - Senior Mod Wub - Mod Luxembourg - Senior Gamemaster eli -> Senior Gamemaster Fonza -> Gamemaster Rook -> Gamemaster Dizz -> Gamemaster Viper -> Senior Gamemaster Chalk -> Gamemaster Shark -> Senior Gamemaster Monster -> Gamemaster Gunny -> Trial Gamemaster Demotions: Markymark -> Mod (Needs to reorient in the server after time off in Korea) Rage -> Removed | Inactive Shini -> Removed | Inactive
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