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Everything posted by Josh

  1. lol remember when you said you had become mature from JROTC.
  2. A prime example of what this community needs more of, thank you Sandstorm for spreading this positivity.
  3. But thats the thing Gotham doesn't want staff WL anyone
  4. If a WO that doesn't have the officer WL has a tryout they could use a staff to WL the trainee for whatever class.
  5. This makes 0 sense. Do you not trust staff who went through an application process.
  6. Josh


    its not funny when you are just making a joke just because you want to fit in.
  7. Looking for ppl to play fortnite with, leave your Epic Games name below.
  8. idk why the fuck u didnt put me in there when I taught you everything blood.
  9. MRP @{GG} Bishopil has resigned more times that he has talked to girls
  10. Bored and not interested anymore, had some fun times on the server that I have ever had playing video games. I realized how much more fun having irl friends are so yeah. @Crin {GG} take me off staff
  11. First of all please don't quote this so I can save my finger a year of scrolling. Secondly, why can't a guy like baseball? I guess when you other people stay inside and only socialize with people who don't like sports it is common to make fun of athletic people.
  12. Insert an unoriginal and unfunny ISI joke here.

  13. Turns out the unboxing didn't go too well
  14. Dumbass gonna waste 200
  15. The render is fine IMO, all the fog does is add less visibility and possible performance issues.
  16. Back on the 14th, you were developing a Woodland map and even acknowledged that the playerbase preferred to have a woodland map. What made you decide to change? (I do not care what map we receive just curious on why you made the choice to switch)
  17. What happened to your hostility towards discord?
  18. Conway, just because he is playing on another server doesn't mean that's the reason he left. You are thinking too hard about this. Let him leave in peace.
  19. Some threads should stay on the other forums.
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