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Everything posted by 1998Corolla

  1. Chess table update lets fucking go.
  2. +1 Throw the packages on roofs and baby we got a stew cookin.
  3. Neutral If we raise it to 250k I think I'd be cool with it. But most of the time the lotto is just set to max which excludes a lot of poorer players anyway and the high lottos only benefit those who already have loads of money to frivolously put into it anyway. Maybe if there is a way to do a mega-jackpot worth a lot more once every hour that would serve just as well too.
  4. Neutral I think if bases are able to have keypads in baskets or you can kill anyone cracking that hasn't past the doors then it could work. But the reason I don't think it would be good is if its 2 shoulder widths, that's about a 1x1'ish plate which then pushes onto the sidewalks which I think for sake of RP is a bit weird and wouldn't work in a few hotel spots on the map such as the one by the basketball court. Though I mean, if bases could just get pushed into the sidewalks then that would work. This also means an adjustment to the KOS rules since it only applies to interiors of the base, which means past the doors.
  5. Neutral I'm against it because in general there's not much of a reason for hobos to have larger weapons anyway, however using a pistol or a knife as defense when you're a hobo and someone just starts attacking you is really annoying since even if I kill someone with my DLORE in defense I could get reported for Fail RP. Hobos aren't supposed to attack anyway, so don't need bigger weapons. Yet can barely defend themselves since its just pistols and knifes.
  6. Would it work to just remove the full preview on the pointshop, and people just need to click one of those to preview the model? Or even thumbnail jpgs? With pointshop gone, are we stuck with the current equipped hats / pets or is everything gone?
  7. -1 1100hrs and so far no one seems to really know who you are. Which either you're an old head that hasn't played in a while and doesn't know anyone or you're active and stay in a base. Regardless, seems like a weak application and you need to get more familiarized with people in the community.
  8. I'm not asking for fists to be enabled for everyone, but rather to make them more accessible to players as 100cr to obtain them is far too high.
  9. +1 Fat Good has been pretty friendly in my experience and wouldn't say he tries to cause a ruckus at all. I think he'd be a good addition to the staff team.
  10. Description: Add the fists weapon to the vending machine as it is an overall great melee weapon to use that currently has too many restrictions Reasoning: The fists are arguably one of the better melee weapons in the game and are usually a go-to weapon in many servers by default. The fists are a very low TTK by default but they do open up the possibility for more fun gameplay as well. Imagine, if you will, a fight club event using only fists. Imagine, if you will, a royal rumble. Imagine, if you will, boxing tournaments. With a melee weapon like this which does have a large TTK, I think it should be more easily accessible for players to use since unlike knifes or guns you can't buy them and can only get it under specific circumstances. Fists can only currently be used by: getting them from dumpster diving for hobos, purchasing for 100 credits for 5hrs use, default with some classes like the club bouncer, or purchased from the store. I would suggest letting fists be available to purchase from the vending machine for somewhere between $5,000-$10,000 and/or possibly reducing the !credits necessary to purchase them from 100 down to something like 20-30 with a reduced time of about 1hr. bottom text
  11. The path to righteousness of the soul involves sacrifice and empathy. +1 Hama nice day
  12. -1 You got warned last night for calling me retarded in a sit and still chriped me after it was over. If you can't keep your cool and follow the rules as a player I don't see how that will now translate to you being staff.
  13. +1 Nurse has always been dope. Not the staff we deserve, but the staff we need.
  14. +1 He's been friendly in game and all around has been good to players from what I've seen. I can also confirm that from playing with him that he is not cringe and he is based.
  15. +1 I desperately need to put on twerking compilations and 9/11 conspiracy videos.
  16. +1 I need to have 4 quick peeks
  17. -1 for not reading the staff rules. But as what was said, who even are you? 800 hours and I've also never seen you before. You're going to have to interact with people way more.
  18. I'm not entirely sure what you're referencing, unless there are others that may agree with this sentiment of yours. Personally I don't recall anything to put you in that category and we've gotten along since I remember. Active and a familiar person to the server. +1
  19. +1 Seen in the game lots of times and have taken many reports you've made. Friendly guy imo and would be good to have.
  20. +1 Active and have always had good interactions with them, very friendly from my experience. He also knows how to read.
  21. Well, after deliberating on whether or not I wanted to put this in I figured I probably should. Among(us) me now going back to work after about a month of being on vacation, the will to staff has been dropping faster than I used to /drop guns to people months ago. Overall I had a decent time being staff during my time off and knocking out those over 700 sits, but will no longer be staying on staff for a particular reason which I won't be going into in this written resignation. I won't say this'll be the end of me being staff on the server, but for the moment it will be my departure.
  22. Neutral for the same reasons Chris mentions. This is in our D3A - * Racism/Homophobia/Sexism | (Up to 2 weeks depending on severity) (Can be extended by an admin+) If someone is spamming the mic saying KILL ALL THE *****rs then mods can ban them and put in the request for extension, but if someone says something like ayo ****a its apparent that one is more severe than the other. There have been cases of me verbally warning someone for that latter, and I still see them on the server without doing it again.
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