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Any new updates on MRP server?
In-game name: 75R SFC CHP Courtland Age: 24 SteamID (https://steamid.io/): 76561198983678999 Warns: 0 Timezone: EST Playtime? (Paste your /playtime [Name]): 160 hours Do you have access to TeamSpeak and a microphone?: [YES/NO] Yes Do you have the ability to record Garry's Mod videos?:[YES/NO] Yes Referral(s): [What Gamemaster recommended you to apply?] None Past experiences as a Game Master: [Optional] None although I did apply for SWRP GM and got accepted but no one trained me. Why should we choose you over other applicants? [minimum 2 paragraphs] I believe you should choose me over others because I have great ideas for the server that I have already expressed to many GMs and Admins. I have been on the suggestions tab a few times trying to help grow the server by sharing my ideas and wanting to make it continuously grow and grow! Another reason would be to help get more GMs involved and helping keep the server active. I cant explain how many new arrivals to the server have joined but left because there was nothing going on in the server. I want to help with that problem and make it to where the new arrivals are more involved and I will always try and come up with new ways to keep retention rates high! If you accept my application I will try my best to grow the server and also help each Battalion have events to do. Have you ever been banned or punished on any server? If so, Include details No How much time do you have to contribute to the role?: I am usually on most if not everyday, but I am able to contribute at least a few hours a day 4-7 days a week. In your own words, what are the responsibilities of a Gamemaster?: To help create a fun and enjoyable environment for all players who join the server and to create moments that will help keep players interested in the server. Also, to help in the mission to grow server population. Describe how you would contribute to RP as a part of the Gamemaster team: I would Create new interactive events on world such as randomly having missions that I can send to a Factions CO such as a Hostage system, Ammo cache Demo, and giving them incentives for completing the mission maybe working with the COs of factions and seeing if they would be ok to make there promo 1 day less like it is with recruiting. Please list and explain 5 unique event ideas designed for only your side to take part in: [Be sure to include any additional context that may be necessary to your explanation] 1. OP Sizzlin Bacon- Faction oriented civilian extract from a hostile environment or from a building with IED and other explosives. Faction CO splits group into teams and they have to strategically figure out ways to infiltrate and neutralize the enemy as well as avoid being seen so the hostiles don't activate the bomb killing the civilians as well as the faction members. (Silencers, snipers, very descriptive and accurate callouts and any other means of a mission meant for Sneaky in and out missions) 2. OP Sneaky Piston- Recon/ Ammo cache destroy mission with hostiles and ECs. The faction gets intel on an enemy ammo cache that is lightly guarded by opposing forces and has to Neutralize the enemy than quickly Gather any intel or important information before blowing the cache to smithereens. 3. OP 4 Eyes- Air assault recon and ground forces working together to exfil secret documents being held by enemy forces in a neighborhood building 4. Faction oriented events (depending on how many players are on) to showcase each SOC members potential and progress through a timed target practice and real EC character interaction to showcase RP capability. 5. OP 1 Margarita- A More in depth Breach and clear scenario with a whole building being used as the hideout where a faction has to determine from there own RECON team the best route to B&C the whole area and find and Kidnap the enemy informant. They will then take him back to the Base and Interrogate the enemy to get intel on the next mission. Please list and explain 3 unique global event idea designed for the entire server to take part in: [Be sure to include any additional context that may be necessary to your explanation] 1. Playing a fun Hide and seek event where if you get caught you spawn back a different color to show you have become a tagger. Winner should get an in game money prize for the ooc lounge or a pedestal showing present winners. 2. OP Bloody Mary- The High command gets sent a transmission of a rogue US Scientist that has created a zombie virus that has reached the the Map and the server has to work together to fight the infected off but if you die you become infected. When the war timer gets to 5 min and there are still survivors they win and the US detonates a chemical bomb that cures the virus. 3. OP Peaky Blinders- The map is surrounded by foreign Snipers (Foreign to US and Tali) and the server has to find and extract the intel being held by these enemies through proper Reconnaissance, Proper positioning and utilizing their B&C techniques. This will also be a race type of event where US will still engage in Tali as well as the 3rd type of enemy. If US gets the intel first Tali still has a chance to kill the Soldier holding the INTEL and bring it back to their base and vice-versa. There will be 3 sites with Intel on the map but if it takes longer to gather the intel it will have to be 1 Event after each war.
In-game name: P-252 SENG ARC 2LT CJ, 21st MSG Padawan III Courtland Age: 23 SteamID (https://steamid.io/):Steam ID: 76561198983678999 Warns: 0 Timezone: EST Playtime?: 225 hours Do you have access to TeamSpeak and a microphone?: [YES/NO] Yes I have Both Do you have the ability to record Garry's Mod videos?:[YES/NO] Yes I do Referral(s): [What administrator recommended you to apply?] Timmy and Bamz Past experiences as a Game Master: [Optional] None Why should we choose you over other applicants? [minimum 2 paragraphs] I believe you should choose me over others because I have great ideas for the server that i have already expressed to many GMs and Admins. I have been on the suggestions tab few time trying to help grow the server by sharing my ideas and wanting to make it continuosly grow and grow! Another reason would be to help get more GMs involved and helping keep the server active. I cant explain how many new arrivals to the server have joined but left because there was nothing going on in the server. I want to help with that problem and make it to where the new arrivals are more involved and i will always try and come up with new ways to keep retention rates high! If you acept my application i will try my best to grow the server and also help each Battalion have many side events and activities to do. Have you ever been banned or punished on any server? No How much time do you have to contribute to the role?: at least 2 hours a day but most of the time i am on the server for 4- 5 hours after i get off work In your own words, what are the responsibilities of a Gamemaster?: To help create a fun and enjoyabe environment for all players who join the server and tocreate moments that will help keep players interested in the server. Also, to help in the mission to grow server population. Describe how you would contribute to RP as a part of the Gamemaster team: Create new interactive events on world and offworld such as randomly having a bomb being planted on Anaxes and giving them incintives for completing the mission. As in giving them 1000 credits for defusing to help make it a fun and competitive activity. Explain your single most creative idea for contributing to the RP environment of the server: Just creating competitive type activities for the players to go out and do. Like, a Search and Destroy type activity where i give them a storyline and some type of general "Treasure Map" guide that could be for any are and splitting them up in squads of 2-5 and giving the team that finds and destroys the target first some type of Reward or Trophy that can be placed on a podium displayed in MHB or someplace. I think competitions and recognition could help grow the server a whloe lot! Please list and explain 5 unique event ideas of any scale: [Be sure to include any additional context that may be necessary to your explanation] 1. On world- Sending a message in chat informing them of a Beacon or Beacons that the servers are picking up that is stealing our top secret information. We have a quick meeting in MHB and make Squads of 3-5 Troopers with specified team callsigns to go out and compete in finding and clearing the beacon(s) form small CIS groups and destroying it using RP methods and they can be creative, Such as destroying the Beacon with fusion cutter. As they come back they will be met with an Army of CIS or pirates attempting to stop them and the team that makes it back alive with the most Beacons will be the winners and will have some sort of Banner/ Podium with there name on it. 2. Off world- Recieve a transmission of civilians trapped in a CIS base and we hit the DB and let them know the criteria of the mission ( no jet packs, no vehicles Etc.) We make it hard for them to find the Civilians and have a few RP Moments added like an EC that is a scared civilian but has information and we have to RP roll to get him to answer our questions we are asking. When we find the civilians we realize all along that this whole mission was a trap to kill us and the civilians were CIS droids desguised as regular looking Civilians. 3. Off World- We get intel on a future planned attack on Anaxes by these super soldier CIS Droids (played by ECs). The Navy tells the Troopers of a plan to take them out before they can begin there plan of attack and we head off world on a secret mission to destroy this group of CIS. When we arrive we make it clear we are to keep a low profile throught the city not to attract any attention to us to alert the CIS. We have the city full of pedestrians and 1 or 2 ECs that their job is to annoy the troopers and get them to blow their cover or attract attention to them and have whoever the troopers are that the EC comes up to Roll to make the EC not blow their cover. When the troopers get to the location, depending on how well they did on the RP and Roll to not attract attention we give the ECs a green light to shoot and kill any trooopers they see but if they didnt attract attention the troopers are able to go unnoticed by the CIS a little longer but if they roll bad the ECs will have a green light to shoot on sight. All CIS will have to be destroyed and there will be RP throughout the event. 4. 212th Training- I want to hold events for Batts and help train them in RP skills and Combat. I will have different stations where i appoint leaders who can help in each station to train and make sure all Troopers know how to RP properly as well as Create small Combat tests for each Trooper as well. The stations will be somewhere in one of the mission rooms but it will be a fun and great learning experience for new players as well as training Leaders in improving their skills in leading and teaching. 5. Off world- We get attacked on base by infected and one of the Naval Officers gets bit and needs some type of antidote. We will have an EC on that is coincidentally an expert on infectious diseases and knows where to find the antidote so we travel to a world inhabited by infected. We fight through the infected to a Lab and have an RP there to access the Labs Database to see where they strored the Antidotes. We find the location and as we get there we are met by an EC that is infected with a lot of health. After we kill the EC he drops a Keycard that gives us access to the Lab with the antidote so we get back to anaxes to give the antidote to the Naval Officer. As we get there he is already infected so we have to find out someway to capture him to give him the antidote so he will survive this disease and that will be a RP type deal where the Infected Naval officer will run and we have to attempt to subdue him as he is trying to rip our faces off.