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Posts posted by eXg-Buddha

  1. Vibes door emporium is opening. Discount deals on mahogany, cedar, glass, and more! Use code garnettimes for up to 20% off your purchase!

    Unban the guy it's 3 doors. It's a very simple fix and doesn't really break any gameplay/immersion. 


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  2. +1

    Despite what happened, Bleach has been an incredibly nice and genuine guy. He constantly is interacting with the community and leaving a positive impression on people, and is in general an amazing guy to be around. I can say without a doubt that Bleach has changed for the better, and wants to return to MRP to make a difference. He has had a lot of time to reflect on what he's done, and it shows. Bleach has become a new person, and I believe he deserves a second chance. 

  3. I know we didn't talk a lot, but you were always a chill asf guy to be around. Never really had any bad moments with you, and it's sad but very real the burnout from GMod. Only wish for the best in your future endeavors, and I'm going to miss you man. 


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  4. 17 minutes ago, Normal Hooman said:

    Yall be harsh, I hope that the staff team gives you a second chance or a reduced ban under some kind of terms that if you break rules your punishment would be much harsher than usually. I'm all for 2nd chances.  I've seen many examples of people comming back from worse and becomming well known and respected members of the community.

    Without stirring too much, I agree with Hooman. This ban was 6 months ago, and it seems like he cares somewhat about playing on the server again. He came back after 6 months and made an appeal, showing somewhat that he wishes to return. I say give him another chance, and if he slips up, ban him permanently. The worst he could do is advertise again, right? 


  5. I'm not trying to justify what I said at all. Suicide and mental health is very serious, and shouldn't really be joked about. 

    That being said, as corny as it is, it's a video game. People have been telling each other to off themselves since communication was a thing. A perma ban, or even a ban, is something that shouldn't be required for a situation like this. It seems like this player was tilted for whatever reason, and said something in the heat of the moment. A warn? Sure. But a ban seems uncalled for. 

    Bottom line - it's fucked up to tell someone to kill themselves, no matter what justifications you provide. We just have to take it upon ourselves to realise that there never really is any threat, and staff should be actively enforcing punishments when something like this happens. 

    Don't harm yourself man. People are just toxic. It's life. 

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  6. Just now, Larry_The_Potato said:

    Clip 2 I don't even hit the guy... Clip 5 if i saw him through the hill why would I keep looking around?

    I believe the ban was for silent aim/aim assistance, not wall hacks. You may not have seen him through the hill or even killed him, but your mouse movements and snaps are the incriminating part. 

  7. Just now, Jesus said:

    but doesn't the spectator also need to maintain a connection to the server, which can be hampered by distance??

    I'm confused by this. The spectator did have a connection to the server, and although it was with a high latency, it wouldn't mess up the clip. What happens with high latency and spectating is that what happens in game on the server which MRP is hosted on is delayed by the ping a user has. In this case, the spectator had 230 ping. This, however, doesn't mean the evidence is invalid. All that 230 ping means is that what the spectator sees is delayed by 230 ms. Having 230 ping doesn't mean that the footage is choppy; rather that the footage is delayed. Once again, if br0ken was jumping between 230 to 300 to 230 to 500 (as an example of a lag spike), it would change the evidence and the flicks could be purely due to lag. This isn't the case in this ban, as br0ken's ping, although high, remains consistent. 

    • Like 1
  8. 1 minute ago, Maple said:


    As I stated above, high ping creates a difference in time between what the player sees and what the spectator sees, but doesn't just create snaps out of the blue. If the spectator's ping or players ping was jumping, then I could see the correlation. 

    • Agree 1
  9. 4 minutes ago, Larry_The_Potato said:

    Also why did a T.mod push my ban?

    A T.Mod can gather evidence, submit it to higher ups, get their evaluation of the evidence, and then proceed with a ban with permission of higher staff. There's no problem with what broken did. 

    Both these clips show silent aim, as it quite literally replicates how silent aim works on Gmod (and other games in general). After going over the evidence, and your very weak response to it, I'm going to have to go with a -1

    Unless you have something concrete to back up your claims other than "I didn't do it" or "the clip doesn't show it", I have to stay with my decision. 

    Good luck.


    To additionally add: for people saying 190 ping and low FPS: that didn't effect the clips in any way. 190 compared to the standard 120 to even 130 that some people play with is not that big of a ping difference, and at most would just delay what the spectator saw and what the player saw. It wouldn't create snaps in the footage, unless the spectator had a severe lag spike, which isn't the case here. 

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  10. I feel like this thread seriously devolved into something it wasn't meant to originally be. Some of your points seem valid, but posting this on the forums was probably not the best way to go at it. Personally, I have to agree with Ozzy and say that 2GA is not the best it has ever been at the moment, and a lot needs improvement. But no rules were broken, and Miller worked his way up to Marshall. Ultimately, it is up to him to run his faction how he sees fit, and while he should accept valid critique from his officers and enlisted, he can choose to run the faction how he wants to. Best course of action would have been to talk to other officers and confront Miller directly, and maybe move on to a manager. Wish you the best in future endeavors, but I hope this one comes to a resolution soon. 


  11. +1

    Topshot, despite all the malding he has caused me, is a genuine guy. He'll tell you whats wrong and whats right, and he stands by what he says. I've seen him improve his actions and behavior plenty these past few months, and would like to see him given one last chance to show everyone his progress. He's a good guy, and he really does mean it when he says he has changed.

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  12. 5 hours ago, proggy said:

    This comment bothers me. What exactly have you done for DarkRP in the past 6-8 weeks other than duel @br0ken for about an hour. I have seen zero staff activity from you since the cheating report.

    I really didn't want to take this public at all man. This thread was supposed to be helpful to me in order to express my opinions and get what I had wanted to say for a while off my chest. I thank the rest of you for properly responding, but Proggy seemed to have an issue with this particular statement. I privately had a conversation about why he felt this way, and instead of being treated with the same amount of respect I was giving him, he was quite toxic and wouldn't accept the fact that maybe he wasn't a hundred percent correct. 

    To elaborate on what Proggy is saying above, I need to be very clear: while it is true that during the month of May, I haven't been active on DarkRP other than to duel some of my friends, during the month of April I was semi-active, working on things like a suggestions document, which was ultimately replaced by Proggy's suggestion document, a Gamemasters forum as well as proper formats and procedures for said forum, and other miscellaneous issues, such as Staff v. Staff complaints. While I was not the most active on the server, it is simply false and slanderous for Proggy to publicly state on a post like this that I have put in zero time since the cheating report. I tried to talk to him in discord for the past 30 minutes or so, and I got no where. Every time I would disprove a statement of his, he would change the discussion to something else, ultimately saying that my opinion mattered very little to him. 


    I really did not want to go public, at all. I let Proggy know this multiple times. But after the sheer disrespect, toxicity, and negligence of any wrongdoing whatsoever in my DMs with him, I wanted to go public on this post and officially make a statement  that I was in fact active in the last 6-8 weeks, minus the month of May, and did contribute work towards the sever and staff team. I didn't contribute an enormous amount of work, so grand that it changed the entire server, but I also didn't put in 0 effort and waste my time as a manager. Thank you, and I genuinely feel bad about posting again on the same thread. 

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  13. shot·gun
    Filter definitions by topic
    See definitions in:
    American Football
    1. 1.
      a smoothbore gun for firing small shot at short range.
      a super 90 that niggas can get away with sniping at the edge of render distance.
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  14. I am no SWRP main, and I by no means want to overstep any boundaries whatsoever. Phantom will give the proper punishment, and I fully respect that. But Mob, your asking for a permanent ban because he FailRPed a couple of times and said a joke in poor taste. This doesn't seem like a permanent ban worthy person to me. Additionally, I read that resignation note he sent you, and he was incredibly mature and reasonable it in. I didn't even see a hint of toxicity, and he seemed to give genuine and good natured advice. That, to me at least, shows he has good character, and sometimes just lets himself get out of control. A removal of the faction, I would understand. Maybe even a ban for NITRP would be justified, as he has 3 arrests and multiple instances of FailRP. However, a permanent ban because of minor infractions just seems a bit too much. 

    -1 to a perma ban. That seems a bit too extreme.

    +1 for a NITRP ban and removal from his faction.

    I really hope I didn't overstep any boundaries. I don't mean to be controversial; just saw the thread and wanted to give my two cents. Thank you. 

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