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Everything posted by Schyzo

  1. -1 Sorry but I think we have too many assassin classes in the server already, and this sounds a little too gimmicky.
  2. Neutral There's currently 3 assassin classes in the server, hitman, assassin, and deadshot. Adding another one feels like too much (raiding tools would be nice tho). I would like more details on what would make this class deserving of being added, including the things you've already mentioned.
  3. Isn't this already a thing?
  4. +1 Nothing but good interactions with you in-game. You've been staff before and have a very long history with the server. Would love to see you as a staff member on the server. Good luck!!
  5. -1 There's a format you're supposed to use when applying for staff, (Danny linked it above) use it when you apply for staff next time. I've never seen you in game at all and you barely reached the recommended playtime. Increase your playtime, use the format when applying for staff, and interact with others in the community in the meantime.
  6. +1 Making hobo towns has always been enjoyable and has heavily encouraged creativity and innovation which I'm onboard with. There should be some obvious rules that can be set in place to minimize this from being game breaking on the server. Overall, this would make being a hobo a lot of fun on the server.
  7. +1 I've seen you in game quite a lot, you've always been friendly talking with everyone around you. This is a really good application and aside from the low playtime, your paragraphs show how flexible and available you can be as a future staff member. Good luck!!
  8. -1 The Hobos already have a Shoe that they can throw at players, I think that's more than enough.
  9. +1 Sorry but even if you’ve been staff before and such you should at least actually write the essay instead of using AI. I have had good interactions with you before tho. Edit: I'm switching my vote over to a +1 since you have edited your application to remove any of the "AI Detected text", solid application and good luck!!
  10. +1 Great Idea, that I think gives more life to the CP classes and helps to communicate with other players. I'm sure something can be implemented to prevent mic spam like needing approval from the mayor to use the radio or something else.
  11. +1 I've wondered as to why there isn't a way to categorize the jobs menu, along with being able to categorize it alphabetically, more categories can be added to organize it like level or amount of available slots. This looks like a simple quality of life suggestion that can be implemented easily and shouldn't have any problems.
  12. Schyzo

    mod aplication

    -1 If you genuinely want to get accepted, then please increase your playtime and preferably put more effort into your application, and also make sure to read the rules. For now, spend more time on the server, interact with the community, and familiarize yourself with how the server works.
  13. +1 Theres some things that can obviously be fixed and tweaked but overall I’m onboard with this idea.
  14. Schyzo

    tadtad31 v4?

    +1 Great application, I've seen you around here and there and you seem like a chill person and hope to interact with you more in the future. I agree with hosting events possibly, since we somewhat lack in events in the server. Good luck man!!
  15. -1 Didn't read staff rules, and the body paragraphs you edited in look very obviously AI Generated.
  16. -1 People can change a lot in the span of 1-2 years. However a clip that someone had sent a few hours ago showed you being immature and toxic towards them. If you have supposedly “changed” then it certainly doesn’t seem like it.
  17. -1 pretty low effort application with no thought put into it.
  18. +1 agreed cus I think this can prevent people from trying to “loophole” something that can be borderline minging at times
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